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2 entries this month

Convorsations With A Mad Man II

16:46 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 732

well here we go another sesson with our favorite mad man. who this time insisted on messaging me first o.O and i though he didnt wana talk ...

again my replys are in red :D

"whats wrong gave up huh, I was to strong for you huh coward,"

cheeky little bastard aint he ....

"No i got tired of hearin the ratings of a mad man .. who believes he is in the military and a vampire when he is nether of those things and i have better things to do then waste my time on an inferior being ..."

~yawn~ im bored already ....

"You backed down LOL , I won you know it, nothing u can do now my friend, You gave up thats all thats to it to chicken to mention it, ha haha,"

notice the typin mistakes already ... :D aint done anything yet and hes already fearful ...

"no im not chicken i just dont play well with those that get on my nerves ... i havent even started playin with you .. but you are too dense to see this .."

admits hes "mad" hmmm .... and then hes onto that mystirious BF she doesnt have o.O

"I admitt you are good with words ,

You do get under my skin some times

but I manage to block u ou tand say what I have to to u, I should be more intelligant on this but I thought I could get some where on here or some help on the fact is I want her and want her with me, but people on here I guess like her andwont help me, oh well I will try something else, I do have something else in mind, Her boyfriend should be more carefull and watch more,

any way i have been sick so maybe my intelligance was there in the beginning,"

some times i even shock myself with my own words !!....

"intelligence you show that you are very lackin in that department .. you even referd to a court marshelle as a person .. only an idiot would do that .. you show that you have little brains when it comes to real life .. thought that is already evident with the way that you have no clue about what is goin on around you... why dont you find a woman that will want you ... or is it the fact that all the women you ask turn you down and are repulsed by you that you feel you must force and steal love apon an inocent woman and her kids ??"

hmm he sounds a little obesessed doesnt he ??....

"steal love apon an inocent woman and her kids ??

LOL inocent woman, Well Im not stealing love Its mine, she is beautifull and a real vamp with alot of power , test her power, she has great power she can make things happen, I want her as my vamp Queen You cant see you are blind, she can make me a real vampire afull vampire as she is, . Ill be her Master and her kids will love me they will have everything,"

dont ppl have better things to do then obsess about vampires o.O....

"if that is what you want .. she cannot make you a vampire .. any more then i can .. for those of us that are real vampires cannot make those that are not vampires vampires ... for you cannot be made what your were not borne as ... i have even more pity on you mortal .. you are truely chasing that which you cannot have .. and it is sad .. i laugh at the likes of you and always say the same thing to those that ask me ... crawl back to the shadows from weres you came for there will be no endin that you wish comin from your attempts..."

notice the spellin on beautiful .. ingenius.... but nows hes gone from cliamin to be a vampire to a witch .. o.O .. cant make up his mind ....

"I will have that beautifll vampire and she will turn me I am a mortal yes but a witch and I will put a spell on her to make her want to be with me and change me , It will work If she doesnt block my spell, her magick is far more powerfull"

i think im gona have to go change .. i just pissed my pants im laughin so hard .... but back to my favorite subject .. MIND GAMES

"you have nothin in the way of powers .. and no she wouldnt be able to change you even if she was under a "spell" there is no way for you to become a vampire mortal ... there is no way .. a vampire is by birth rite only and no other may have that privlage .. no matter what they try or who they try to force to make them one .. it will not happen mortal ..."

well in the memorable words of my roomie DANCING KIRBYS!! ^('-')> (>'-)> ^('-')^

"Oh she will make me a vampire and will be my vamp queen , You can be made a vampire , You dont have to be born with it, I was reading rituals, where u drain most of your blood and u have tohave 12 eldar vamps and vampires and others and a master vampire"

what book is he readin o.O id like to see what other lies it has ...

"those are false rituals .. and made by frantics just like your self .. my mortals will do anything to believe they can be made a vampire .. me and her have even talked about things like this and even she agrees with me .. you must be born a vampire and can never be made one yourself .. and anyone that agrees with you is just as deranged as you are ... rituals smituals .. they are false .. "

hmm hes turnd into a scholor now .... ~snort~

"I dont think so then u are no vampire, I will be made a full vampire and she will make me one as she is a full vampire, I will make sure of it, Mortal my ass watch the spell Iplace upon her tonight , U will see"


"LOL dont make me laugh harder for you have no understandin of the true flow of magic on this plane ... you cannot force ppl with spells or they will not work .. you cannot force a person at all with spells and vampire .. who are you to tell me what i am mortal .. you who is but a puny mortal with stupid mortal wish of bein what you cannot become ... you are truely mad if you think you can bend the magics of this plane to your will .. they will snap your mind like a twig .. or even more mad if you think usin the magicks of this plane to attack me will work .. no magicks on any plane may hurt me .. for i come from the source of the magicks for every plane .. even from the place you try to call your feeble magic from to attack me .. you cannot hurt me with what is part of me mortal ..."

back on the satanism kick again .... and his "powers"

"I will use my magicks, I have totally bent the truth in my profile you dont know about me do u, I am satanist, I practice devil worshiping, . I belong to a satanist practice she will do as I say and I can use my magicks that way , agains all GODDESS Sorry pal, you barked up the wrong tree now my magick is far mor powerfull , "


"lol you may be a satanist but no satanist is a witch they are all christian scum .. and Gods and Goddess are able to stop the mortal likes of you ... and bein from the All i have powers the like you know not mortal .. and what you call power is but a scratch of what i am capabile of .. those feeble fireballs and lightnin you send my way are nothin to me .. like i said i am part of all the magicks in the planes .. none of anything you can do can do a thing to me mortal!"

must we talk about religion... i get bored of his narrow views ...

"christian LOL we worship the Devil, We are not christian, you know very little of Devil worshiping dont you now , Go learn my friend, More of us will be joining vampirerave and maybe take it over, I have my own coven of Devil satanist, We are not skum, The Devil will be at your door and inyour dreams "


"lol only christians belive in satan for a real pagan believs not anything the christians do ... and take over huh .. not have in all the years that scum like you have been around has anything like that happen nor will it ever .. come back to reality for that which i do not believe in cannot harm me fool ... such pity that mortals like you are still around .. if it wasn't for ones like you maybe us vampires would be better understood .. you satanist and yer bloody rituals ... somethings have far more power then rituals of blood spillin fool .. you know not what you mess with ..."

hmmmm we must look into givin this info to his local cops ... human sacrafice ... sounds like murder to me ... and kidnapin .. o.O

"mess with only the best blood is life , And when we mess with it it does a spell good especailly of a newborn being or when we sacrafice an animal or a human, U need to read up more on devil worshiping Witches dont believe in satan they believe in God read your pagan rites and what u practice dont think u know what it is u practice my friend"


"no i beliebve in many deities not one fool now you are lookin stupid and why would i read up on something i believe to be false?? hmm .. and sacrafices .. they are unnessary for a ritual fool .. just proves the more stupid you are mortal"

interestin you cant be a witch and a vampire but .. he wants to be made into a vampire o.O ... must rember this useless knowledge

"Witches sacrafice havent u read up on your self but how can u be awitch if u are a vampire, lol they are two different things"


"no they are not a vampire is what i am my religion i practice is celtic witchcraft fool .. shows how little you know .. and sacrafice is unnessary in this day and age fool donnot tell me what i do for you know not who or what i am as you have clearly made clear time and time agiain with your narrow minded view of the world"

were the fuk did this come from o.O???

"deities Are made from us satan, ......... Satan controls the world and people, He possesses the innocent nice isnt it which he will possess ~name protected~ for me so Ican beturnd into what she is, and yes she can do it"

a tad bit fearful he seems ... cant even type o.ODANCING KIRBY!

"she cannot and he is but a figment of yer imagination just like ~name removed~ deity is but a thing of her mind .. you are nothin but a frantic fool that dables in things beyond his comprehension .. poor poor mortal"

o.O son wow didnt know he liked me so .....

"Got to make my rounds son

Think u can win this round dont believe so , Remember the seed of satan is planted in your brain, "

Seed of satan ... sounds like a spice .....

"ha yes the seed of unbelief i dont believe in him he is nothing to me fool"

persistant as always ... hmmm ...

"he is real, you fool, and can over power any one, Satan will take over the world"


"lol dont make me piss my pants by laughin harder at you .. satan can do nothin to me fool and you are nothin but a mad mortal"

hmmm now hes saysin im not a mortal o.O .. cant seem to make up his mind now can he .....?

"LOL Satan is real, why do u think preists fear to bless house , and help a christian that is possesed that is real shit, your so stupid because u are not mortal and cant see what we mortals see"

now for a stab at his ego

"see you are talkin to the wrong person about satan i dont goto church and think priest are loopy fool .. sigh again proof that you are not in reality"

Must have hit a nerve with that one ....


doesnt goto church .. hmmm ... then how does he belong to one o.O ....

"church do you hear yourself .. church is a christian past time and to belive in satsn you must also beilieve in the christian god .. which i do not believe in ether .. your rantings are doin nothin for me but to see your for the poor mad mortal you really are .. what a pity ..."

i think hes been smokin to much of the BAD stuff ...

"Devil has nothing to do with God the Devil hates God and chritiantiy, look im late on making my rounds ill see about the rest of this tomorrow think about this my mortal friend, lol ~name protected~ will be mine very soon, Good luck, "

tomorrow hmm .. i think not .. he replys instantly ...

"LOL even the rest of vr can see you are nothin but a fake lol already you fear that you made a mistake on join this site i can feel it drippin off of you the fear that you are learnin the truth finally and donot want to see thing how they really are MORTAL!!!!"

and off topic he goes again ....

"~name removed~ Who is the being who messaged me and suspended me he can not do no such thing, the owner has to and who closed my threads , u can not either fear of what u hahahahahahahahaha got to go make my rounds"

he makes no sense .....

"now you are not even makin any sense poor mortal .. your madness is leakin into your writin .. hide now you must or your true self will come out .. the mad man who sees how things are in reality and not the fantasy in your head"

and again replys madly and instantly ....

"~name removed~ Tell him to back off and leave me alone for ill tell cancer he is threatning me, ~name removed~ he is nothing but a mortal and should not have that name, I fear nothing my friend got to go , HE blocked me from messing him back so make sure he gets that message, tell him to stay out of it and away from ~name protected~ also"

well actin childish now he is ... tell cancer lol i laugh everytime .... yet again such a crafty reply lost in cyber space ... for he refused again to reply .... ~sigh~ .... thought the funny thing is that he is suspened right now LOLOL

tune in next week for the next instalment of Interview With A Mad Man




Convorsations With A Mad Man

02:04 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 717

There is a rantin mad satsnist within our midst here on VR and here is a tid bit of my conversations with this mad man.

just to make this make more sense he is also a stalker both real life and here on VR

i have made my replys in red to show the difference between us two..

oh how are you sick and demented one ... very mad you cant get to your "prize" anymore i bet"

this man is so dilussion al he must come up with things to rant about. as this woman has no boyfriend at this time ....

"Geee her boyfriend will not protect her , and hasnt yet, lol she has no protection, funny , im watching her now ~name removed~ he wont protect her, gee"

I still laugh when i read these past messages ...

"LOL dont make me laugh harder at your lies ... i know you are not so dont even try to tell me you are !"

and he is still insistant ... sad man

"Wow her boyfriend should protect her shouldnt he, or not am i lieing now"

see what i mean ??

"boy friend .. i dont know why you insisty on callin ppl her BF .... yet another lie you weave and only convince yerself is true"

LOL stoped him in his tracks with that last one i did...

"yeah well"

i sat and waited after i wrote this last one to see what madness comes from him now...

"lol not much to say to that now .. hmm"

and again he proves he has no grip on reality

"that wolf guy shows he is her boyfriend iknow he is"

stalker boy is still insistant on a BF o.O

"it shows how little you really know about what is going on LOLOLOLOLOL"

and now we start witht the empty threats again ...

"well just so u know any one involved or in the way will get hurt, i must get going late on making my rounds tonight"

and so the games start anew...

"no one involved except for yer self will get harmd in any way"

O.o lightning now .. really ....

"Dont think so lightening will come down on any one in the way of us or my plans


I love Mind Games :D

"i feel you are mistake there my twisted demented friend .. no such thing can happen to those of us that stand before you..."

And he falls for it every time :D

"I am not twisted or demented in any way , fo r i am most powerful u can not stop me so i send lightening your way u need to fear this"

and on we go..

"i fear nothin from you cause you have no power over a deity none have power over us .. your wasted energy directed towards me will gladly be used for a better purpose .. feel free to sennd any lightning my way .. further lightning is the pure energy form of my natural element fire .. no fire can harm me!"

man is he persistant o.O

"I knew you would fear me, and you are now, fire humm im not afraid of fire fire is my friend ill send that to u also"

and more MGs .....

"FEAR YOU?!?!?! i have no fear for you i pity you .. send all you want for it will not hurt me a bit lol you feeble mortals dont understand true power when you see it and for that i pity you all ... no fire or any other element may hurt the likes of which i am"

he has a thing about fireballs and lighting ....

"I shall send u lightening and fire a ball of fire, a bolt of lightening and it will hurt u my friend,,,,,,,,, ha ha ha no god or goddess could save u , I must call upon my freinds satan worshipers , "


"lol you try and you will see what the power of a true and great old deiety can do for nothin you can do will hurt me !!!!!"


"Are you sure my friend that nothing can hurt you"

do you see what i mean this makes me laugh every time i reread this LOL??

"yes i am still here infact i feel better then ever :D .. like i said no harm can come unto me .."

Hes really startin to get anyin aint he??

"I am willing to give you all my power littleboy, I see she went away last night wasnt home, Her brother was there, I left my glasses at her house the cops were sworming there did she tell you that, Also left her amessage at her door Iknow she got it this morning when she returned"


"you are the little boy ... tormentin that which you cant have is bein a little boy... your days are numbered .. would best to remeber that ... you will fall and fall hard you will .... and power .. you call what you have sent power HA thats not even a fraction of what i could use .. if i wanted ... but i will not stoop to your lvl and brag about the things i have ... just bring it..."

wow can we say moron .. set his court marshell on me .. hmmm o.O

"Illbring it for sure, Keep harrassing me and Ill have my court marshell after your ass and sue u for slander, "

yet another knife wound to his ego...

"court marshell wtf O.o thats the trial where they throw you out of the military stupid .. now i know for sure your not in the military and are stupid ..."

see how he changes the subject ... LOL and fire and what not again .... sad ...

"LoL your funny your self, just thought Id jump on for a few been very busy here, Court Marshell, is what i said you have a problem with it,? How come your not protecting her, . I followed her some last night but not all the way, She was by her self, all most hit a deer on her way to her freinds, Night have to make my rounds soon anyways, So Im sending off some more lightening and fire towards your way, "

sadly he didnt reply to my reply so i cannot leave it for you. it was so crafty and witty he refused to reply to it lol

but do return again for i will have more rantins from this mad man soon ....



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