loveisfalse's Journal

loveisfalse's Journal


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My book (has no title yet) Chapter1

13:33 Apr 04 2011
Times Read: 475

a woman stands in the middle of a village, the buildings around her on fire. her body is covered in blood and her clothes ripped, she wears a smile on her face, showing teeth like a predator's. all around her bodies lie, torn and ripped to shreds. her fingers spreads out, talons easily seen even in the darkness of the night, black and stained with blood. her eyes, crimson in color, searches for any survivor from the slaughter. finding a boy around the age of sixteen, holding tightly to a girl who seemed to be his sister, the grin on the ageless firey headed woman seemed to grow even wider, if possible. grabbing the boy from the dead girl, she spoke to the child, her voice dark and feral, "do you hate me boy? do you feel anger towards me slaughtering your village? do you want me to die?" she asked the boy. scared, and tears staining his face, the boy nodded his head, as the expression on his face changing from one being scared to one of hatred. the woman let out a laugh and picked the boy up off the ground, holding him by his hand. with his free hand, the boy tried to punch the stranger, screaming at the inhuman woman, "just die you demon!" but the blow never landed. twisting around in such a way a human never could, the woman dodged the blow, grabbing the boy's other hand and leaning in close to the boy, close enough for the child to smell the death on the her.with that same smile on her face, she said to the boy "then i offer you a choice. you can die here, tonight, never able to get your revenge, or you can come with me, and become my apprentice." the boy looked at the woman, a horrified expression on his face, unable to answer the her. "i'll take that as you will join me" the woman said before the child fell into a deep sleep, brought on by the woman somehow. she picked up the boy, threw him over her shoulder, and began to walk away from the village, it's blaze burning behind her as she left with the boy in tow.

Current day, Louisiana, U.S.

Damon woke up from his slumber, shaking the nightmare from his mind before looking at the clock beside his bed. five thirty in the morning. damn, he thought to himself as he pulled himself out of the bed, heading to the kitchen to get something to drink. fixing himself a glass of milk, he drank it all down, the went for a shower, trying to get the nightmare out of his mind but unable to. letting the water run over him, hot enough to turn to steam almost as soon as it came out, he tried to lose himself in the feeling. twenty minutes later, he came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around him as he made his way back to his room. he wasn't alone in the house, however, he lived with his mother and sister, both of whom were alseep still. though he loved them dearly, he couldn't help but always feel that he did not belong there with them. his father had left when he was young, and though he was always told that nicole, his sister, was his blood sister, they looked nothing alike, nor, for that matter, did he and his mother. while both of them were blonde haired and tan, he had black-brown hair with stark white skin, and though neither his mother nor sister had any eye problems, he did, photophobia, a genetic disease that causes his eyes to be extremely sensitive to light. during the day, he almost always had to wear a pair of specially tinted sunglasses, darker than was even allowed on a car, that blocked out enough light for him to see. at night, however, he had better vision than most people had during the day, and this was usually the time he was up. making his way back to his room, Damon put on some clothes, a red shirt with black long sleeves and black bluejeans, and brushed his hair. hearing someone else stirr, he quickly grabbed his glasses and went to the kitchen, grabbing something to eat for breakfast before heading out to school. Damon lived in pollock, louisiana, a small town where every guy was the redneck jock type and every girl was the preppy cheerleader, save for a very minute few.getting in his beat up old izuzu, Damon cranked the old truck up, the engine roaring to life, and left on his way to school. but first, he had to make a quick pitt stop.

Damon pulled into the driveway of the old trailer-turned-home house of his closest, if sometimes immature, friend Rok. honking the horn twice, Damon waited for Rok to come out. five minutes later, Rok, a kid who looked like he could take on an entire defense football team, came out, holding a backpack and dressed in his usual skull t-shirt and baggy jeans. climbing into the passenger side of the truck, Rok looked like he just woke up, his hair still messy and his face unshaved. looking at the two of them, you wouldn't think they would be friends. Rok was a bit tall and heavily built while Damon was average height and slim. as Rok looked at Damon he asked, "you're here early. you had that dream again?"

"yeah, exactly the same, just like all the other ones" Damon replied. Rok was the only one he told about the dreams. he was scared that if he told anyone else they would think he was even more weird than he already was.

"have you told your mom about it? i know you don't get along, but she should know" Rok told him, and, of course, he was right, his mother should know, but Damon just didn't know how to tell her.

"i know i know, i will. i just haven't gotten around to it yet" Damon said as he began to pull out of the driveway. "let's just get to school okay? Mr. Borland will kill me if i'm late again." he said as he began on the road to town and to the school.

"alright. hey, you think Carol"s grandfather will give us a baggie?" he asked. Carol's grandfather, Mr. Tuliah, was an old native american man, who smoked marijuana in a peace pipe. for him it was legal though, because he had a green card for it since in his heritage it was considered spiritual to smoke it.

"no, i don't, you know he'll make Carol stop talking to us again if we ask" i said to him.

"true" Rok replied, and was silent for a while.after about thirty minutes, Rok spoke up to Damon and said to him, "what do you think the dream might mean?" he asked.

"i don't know, but it must mean something." Damon replied. "let's wait till after school, and we can talk about it again then." about that time they were coming into view of the school.

As they drove into the parking lot of Grant Parish High School, Damon and Rok looked around. It was only about 6:40 a.m., and most of the teachers were still arriving, let alone students. the school itself wasn't very large. it was two story, with the library on top by bay windows, and the gym on the bottom, along with an office. both stories had restrooms for both boys and girls, along with assorted classrooms. on one side of the building was a second set of small office trailers, the area where the in school suspension and g.e.d. classes were held. behind the school were two large garage-like buildings. one was woodshop, the other a wielding shop. both were taught by Mr. Borland, an old man who was extremely prejudice against students who were intelligent and was only taking the class because they had no choice. since that was very few people who went to the school, he mostly took it out on Damon, which Damon did not take well, and this resulted in several confrontations with both Mr. Borland and the Principal, Mr. Crawford. Mr. Crawford was a man whose size was a major problem. he was short, fat, and had a bad temper. everyone laughed at him because he could barely manage to get through the school doors, let alone sit at his own desk, and he made sure to exact revenge on them for it. Damon and Rok headed towards the patio area inbetween the two buildings, where all the students gathered before school, and found their usual corner to sit at and wait. though it was September, the weather was dark and clouded heavilly, which let Damon take off his glasses and show his eyes, which were a dark blue with a green ring around the iris. sitting down at the dark corner, Rok and Damon began to listen to music while they waited for everyone to arrive, knowing it might be a while because they were so early to get here.

The first to arrive after them was a girl named Carol. About 5'4 with burgandy short hair and an even shorter temper, she was slim and light-skinned which went well with her usual dressing of black and red. Damon thought she looked cute, and said so once, only to have her hand hit his face a second later as she told him, with a smile on her face, "don't call me cute, kay?" Damon had just looked at her, staring in disbelief as she turned and left. seeing her now, he still thought she was cute, but he had learned his lesson about saying so. "hey guys, what's up?" she said to the both of them as she sat inbetween them, snuggling in to the extremely small space between both Rok and Damon since they were listening to the same mp3. "listening to some Avenged sevenfold, care to join?" Rok said in response. giving up his earphone, Damon began to write in his notebook about his dream last night. it was exactly the same as it had been for the past month, and Damon was starting to get worried about it. what could it mean? he thought to himself. Am i going crazy? am i going to be put in a nuthouse? questions like these kept roaming through his mind as he waited for the rest of their party to join them.

Next to join the trio was Caitlin, also known as Ren. about 5' 8, stocky, pale, blonde haired and even more dangerous to be around than Carol was, Ren fit nicely into the group as the cold killer type. as she walked up, Damon looked up from his book, quickly hiding it from view. "hey Ren, how's it going?" he asked her, trying to distract her from his notebook as he put it away.

" I'm good, and you" she said as she noticed the book. "what's that?" she asked him.

"oh, just some last minute homework." Damon said to her, looking away from her as he spoke. he knew she would see he was lying, Caitlin always did, but hopefully she wouldn't push the subject.

"Damon? doing homework? who are you and what have you done with our friend" Carol chimed in and a minute later Rok's booming laugh could be heard.

the only other male in the group, a friend they called Jailbait, because he was sixteen and dating a 21 year old, was the one who arrived next. built similar to Damon, jailbait was skinny. but rather than an athletic skinny, he was more lanky than anything else, but no one dared try to pick on him anymore. he may seem like a pipsqueak, but somehow that body hid a lot of power inside, and in a fight it surely showed. as he made his way to the other four, he said nothing, instead perching on the railing beside them like a bird and plugging in his mp3. obviously he was in one of his moods, and it was best not to mess with him when he was like that, so everyone just left him alone until he felt like talking. he would let them know when he was ready in his own way.

the last person in their group, Rachael, was running late, as she always did. Rachael was an artist, and a good one at that, one of the best any of them had seen. but she had a way of being spur of the moment on everything she drew, so she usually was late for everything. short, like Carol, with dirty blonde hair and storm grey eyes, Rachael was unique all her own by bringing a positive to any negative she saw, and she was excellent when you needed a cheering up too.

just as the bell was ringing for class to begin, Rachael ran up to them. "hey guys, sorry for being so late, but i had a drawing come into my mind that i simply had to draw her" she said to everyone.

"her?" Carol asked. Carol was bisexual, but only a few people knew about that, and the ones who did know she threatened them if they so much as thought about telling anyone without her knowing, so of course she would be interested in Rachael's female drawing. Carol seems to think every woman in art is naked.

"yea, take a look at her" Rachael said to us. we all looked eagerly at the drawing, anxious to see who it might be. as Damon looked at the picture, his face turned pale, his voice dried up, and his vision disappeared except for around the drawing. it was the woman from his dreams, the exact same woman, even the pose was the same, and there was no way Rachael could have drawn it from a description, because he had never described the woman in his notebook, and never told Rok what she looked like.as he wondered how this was possible, he realized that somehow he had ended up on the floor, and everyone was around him, asking if he was okay and telling him to wake up. "i can't wake up if i'm already awake" he said as he tried to get up, and immediately fell back down, too dizzy to stand up. "now would someone tell me what happened?" he said to them. Rok was the first to answer, saying to him,

"we don't know. one minute we were all looking at the picture Rachael drew, the next, you hit the ground like a ton of bricks. are you alright man?" he asked Damon. Damon noticed everyone but Jailbait was around him, so he couldn't tell Rok what really happened yet. "yea, i'm okay, just got really dizzy all of a sudden" he said, then added" really, i'm fine" when he got up and the others tried to stop him. "look guys, i'm okay, i just need to get to class before Borland tries to have me expelled again" he said to them as he left quickly before they could stop him or smother him with questions.

for the next four hours, Damon sat through his classes, not paying attention to anything that was said because he was thinking about the dream and the picture Rachael had drawn. how could she have drawn the exact same woman that had appeared in his dreams, the exact way she appeared in them? and what could these dreams even mean? though people were talking around him, their words fell on deaf ears as Damon became obsessively lost in his own bubble of thought, he didn't even eat lunch. as soon as the bell for school to end rang, Damon made his way to his truck, forgetting that Rok was riding with him home. when he got to the truck and saw him there, Damon wished that he would have the ride home to himself, but got in the truck anyways. it was raining heavilly, and he was soaked through from the rain, so he cranked up the heater inside as he looked at Rok before saying to him, "the woman Raechal drew was the same one from my dreams." he said it like a simple statement, but Rok could tell it was more than that to Damon.

"how could it be her? did you tell Rachael?" he asked Damon, puzzled by the statement Damon said.

"no i didn't, i don't know how she could have drawn her exactly how she appeared in my dreams" he said as he cranked the truck up, pulling out of the parking lot and getting on the road home. Rok didn't say anything else about it, and they headed home the rest of the way in silence.

Damon dropped Rok off at his house, then began to head home, wishing nothing more than to get home and lay in his bed. as he drove, the rain began to get worse, and lightning stuck several times. unable to shake a queasy feeling, Damon began to speed, rushing to get home and out of this storm. then, just ahead on the road, he saw something. it looked like a woman, And Damon had to swerve to avoid hitting her, almost running his truck into the ditch. stopping the truck and getting out, Damon searched for the woman he had seen, but she was nowhere to be found. shrugging his shoulders, Damon moved back into his truck and went to shut the door. when he turned around, a woman was sitting in his passenger seat. not just a woman, but her, the woman who haunted his dreams at night. the woman who was more than human, her. almost jumping out of the seat, Damon went to try to get out until she turned her head to face him, and he stared into her eyes. those eyes, they were like crimson orbs, taking in every detail that they passed over, not missing a single movement or anything. they terrified Damon, and yet he felt drawn to them, like a pup to chocolate. he knew he shouldn't look at them, but he couldn't help himself, they drew him into their gaze, and he was unable to break free.

"hello Damon, it's good to meet you again." her voice was soft and feminine, but there was a hint of the feral monster that lurked beneath her skin, and this made her seem even more exotic. her skin was white as snow, and unblemished. her hair a stunning red, a stark contrast to her body. it framed a small, pixie like head, where those beautifully dangerous eyes rested at. her lips looked soft and supple, her nose small and sharp. though she did not show her teeth, Damon knew if she did he would find two long canines hidden away behind those beautiful lips. the woman was wearing modern clothes, a small paramore t-shirt that ended right above her belly button, and a pair of extremely tight fitting jeans, black in color. she was wearing a pair of small high-heeled shoes, open toed, and on her right hand was a open fingered glove with a strange symbol on the back of it.

"well, aren't you going to try to run?" she asked him. Damon moved his hands away from the door, knowing that running would be useless against her, and shook his head no to her. he had no idea what was going on, how this was possible or what was going to happen, all he knew was that nothing was ever going to be the same again.

"what a wonderful little boy you are, you aren't even going to try to run away. i was right about you then, you are going to be fun to play with" she said to him, her expression seeming to be one of enjoyment at his refusal to run. Damon was starting to lose the edgy feeling the adrenaline was giving him, but his fear was still there. curious as to what she meant, and hoping to learn what was going to happen to him, he asked her, "what do you mean play with?" his voice was hoarse as if he had yelled his lungs out,it being barely a whisper. but she heard him well enough, and she responded with a small laugh. a rich, full laugh that showed many hints of what she meant, but nothing solid for him to stand on. "my dear, if i told you that, it wouldn't be fun, would it? no, i am simply here to tell you, your time in this life as a human is almost over, you will decide what will happen to your own fate. soon, you will die, as will you current life. whether you rise from it's ashes is you choice. goodbye for now, my dear" she said to him, confirming his fears. she was here to kill him, or take him away from his family, to ruin his life. this, a woman who hardly seemed to be seventeen, was his own, personal, harbinger of death. and there was nothing he could do to stop her. as she finished her last words, she began to move towards the paralyzed Damon, leving a kiss on his right cheek. at the touch of her lips, Damon felt a deep sleep coming on, and he gratefully entered his first, nightmare void slumber, and had a moment of bliss in the wake of such destruction.



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