i hate people who are fake! so i will tell everyone exsactly who i am, because i have been fake to some people. i am sorry.
my name is jennie. i am 20. i live in georgia, i have a three year old who i do not have anymore, i live with my grandparents, i have no job right now, but i am looking. i love dogs. i am not a vampire, or a slayer. i am just a goth who is bored and was looking for a world i could escape to every now and then. i love sculpting, and photography. i use to model but have not for almost two years now cause i got a little fat. but i am working out again so i feel better about myself. i told people on here that i was 40 just for kicks. so i am sorry to the people i lied to, but now you know who i am. i will not be back on here. so this is my final good bye. i wish everyone well.
you meet someone new every day. but do you remember them all? studie shows that the brain keeps the information in our temperal loabe. only when a half sleep state are we able to triger the memorie. i found this interesting so i thought i would share it.
opinions are like assholes. everyones got one. but, its the ability to keep that opinion to ourself. we all carry the power to, we just don' t ignore it. so i have a challange for everyone.
" If you don' t like something, change it. If you can not change it, then change the way you think about it."