Is it wrong to want to follow your heart? I have a girlfriend and i don't know why anymore. I used to love her but times change as everyone knows. I feel almost as if i have to stay with her. She always puts me on a guilt trip when I talk to another girl. I hate it with all of my black soul. I'm sory if i sound like an ass now but i can't dump her. We have been through everything together and i know if i dump her that she will cry for a week and i CNT handle it anymore. i don't know how to deal with this. It is the worst dilema I have ever been in. If anyone reads this and has suggestions please help me. I guess if you knew more then it would be easier to know what i am going through but I'm not much of a detail person so i guess if you have to know more you can ask. I have no idea why we are meant to love. all it does is cause pain and hate. It is the total opposite of the "connection" it implies. I need lots of help and most people know that but this is one small problem that needs most of the attention now so there you have it......