So I completed job corps and yesterday I found a job she hired me on the spot and I got an appartment but my hopes and dreams got shot down by job corps because they don't feel that it's safe and the place is being foreclosed in April but still why can't I work there in the mean time and find another job meanwhile?
So I off into the real world as most people call it and I am ready to go off on my own and everyone one but my family is they keep finding excuse after excuse to try to keep me in my home town after I leave job corps but I keep telling them that I'm not the little 5 year old girl who wanted to sleep in the same bed as mommy and daddy when she was afraid I 20 years old now I want to live on my own be independent and make mistakes and learn from them but if they don't let me like they have done in the past than I can't learn can I? I guess that they will have to learn to I'm not going to turn around every time they come up with another excuse for me not to live on my own.
Well most of you may not know this but some of you might I am a Culinary Student at a job corps center here in Maine I enrolled in July of 2007 because my culinary program through my high school was shut down after my first year so I waited till I Graduated and then joined well here I 1 year and 7 months later completed and getting ready to graduate and leave I found an apartment and am waiting on employers to call me and them I am out of here I did it!
Oh and Job Corps is kind of like college/high school mix they take 16-24 year old and train them in what ever the choose out of the list of vocations like in my Job Corps we have Culinary, Auto, CDL, Painting, Maisonary, Carpentry, CISCO, CNA, Medical Billing and Coding, Medical Transcription, PSS, Medical Assistance, they also offer you help to get your GED or High School Diploma with you don't Have one and other Certification Like for culinary your Serv Safe, and Auto ASE.