My name is sam havik . One day i was doing what i always do get up and get ready to go to work i was about to walk out the house to go to work . but i looked down at my watch like i sometimes do . It was friday my day off but i dont know what happened my word when i went to bed it was only Wed.
so becasue i had today and tomarrow off i had decided to stay up to see what happened.
That night at 10pm i had a pot of coffee ready , and was going to stay up the whole night but i had to do it in bed and be there at same time .
well nothing happened .
the nexe day was sunddy so i just went to the park and that night was going to bed early becasue had to come up with some good reason why i missed a day of work .
well that night it happened again when i woke up as i was walking out the door to get into the car it was tuesday i was like what the hell i thought it was time to go to the hospital but i was going to wate one more night becasue if it did not happen again then they would put me in the nut word .
well i was wondering could it be i missed something naw. i didnt it just seems to happen . Just so this reads more like a journal then i clasic horror flick i will tell you my hight is 6.8 my eyes are blue and i have jet black hair.
Now let me see did i forget to menton i have a very bad memory so i right myself notes all the time . thats what i forgot the notes if i was not awak or was here and just dont recall i could read my morn notes.
lets see now were would i put mondays notes oh yes in the top of the bathroom closet were i keep it .
here it is lets see. wow here got up ate breafast got keys for car . and that was it nothing for the night note not even a glass of wrom milk wow.