today i have many thoughts on who i am and what and were am headed . some people say being a christian means that you are always thinking of the here after . but i find living the christian way means not easy , hard even but well worth it . i always say if life is to easy or things always going your way or the way you want them to then something is very wrong. today at church i gave great though to many a thing like the devil how much lies he does to make people believe what he says is true when the only turth can be he is lieing . we all live lies . we dont know how to tell the truth our self it is not in us. but God is the truth and the only way . He leads us into the light but and am not talking about just the here after . The light am talking about is that of truth and knowing plain right from wrong. we all know it but what we think is right can be and almost always is the wrong way to think . some times i wonder what the right way is . Thats when i just have to say to myself try not thinking so hard about it and more about what the wrong way is to find the right way you have to know what the wrong way is . that is the same way the laws and rules work if we dont have them is there a right or a wrong . so by putting rules and laws down we know what the wrong way is , now the hard part comes in doing the right thing. look at it like this your mom tells you please do this but instead you think wow she is old and i dont know it might be a illness talking should i do what she says the right way is yes no matter what if its wrong or right the right thing to do is do what ever she says. but do we do it no . why because people or others tell us that what she just told you to do was wrong. but if you do what she says and its wrong what happens . you might get hurt in some way or form but in the long run of things only pride and only other things get hurt and in doing what mom told you . you still might feel very good about it.