littleflames's Journal

littleflames's Journal


Honor: 13    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month

the next day is going to be important

05:02 Apr 28 2016
Times Read: 418

i go to the doc in less then 10 hours. hope if i get tests done they are good and am not sick .

today had a off day we are doing ok at work but in our slow time so i only got 3 days of work this week.




today was a ok day

05:00 Apr 27 2016
Times Read: 420

was on the seating for the show ... witch is dalphans , whales, penguins, a dog , and sea lion . was out by 315 . went to libary for wifes books . went to store for pop and snack . came home to play on andriod on pc . its a simulator that lets me play all my android games on the computer . and now on vr .




today was a short day of work

05:38 Apr 26 2016
Times Read: 425

i was a greeter at the door so i got to say hi to about 400 people witch is not much most of the time we get about 4000 to 10000 in one day .




had fun today

05:58 Apr 25 2016
Times Read: 429

i got a program for my pc so i can play all my android games on my computer




weeks shopping for food

05:25 Apr 23 2016
Times Read: 436

we got most of the weeks shopping for food done at kmart and jewel food store.




today was a off day

06:39 Apr 22 2016
Times Read: 438

today i was off work and it was also a off day for me slept late again and i do not do it that offten and i know why it makes me sick . i have a hard time getting up and also makes my sugars off the charts .




another work day

05:49 Apr 20 2016
Times Read: 449

the other day monday was so nice out and got to work outside today i was at the wild reef with the sharks . and tomarrow who knows were i will be but thats all part of the fun with my jobs .




today went to doc

02:08 Apr 16 2016
Times Read: 459

my a1c was 9.5 down from a 10.4 so i guess thats good but have had way to many high low cases . and on the 5th next month am going to a endroconalgist.




not a good day at all

04:37 Apr 15 2016
Times Read: 466

slept most of the day till 3pm wow never did i do this before and now have to go to doc in morn and am not tired




well i have big hopes for the next week

07:59 Apr 10 2016
Times Read: 468

i am getting a new andriod pad tomarrow maybe but at the very least it will come this week . also have to still pay rent becasue of mix up at bank . am going to do that tuesday. and then i am going shopping on thr and fri have a doc and hope he or she has good news for me .. will see...




went shoping with wife

04:44 Apr 08 2016
Times Read: 477

we went to walmart for the weeks food i guess not bad only 101 . and i did get tums and bags and a already cooked checken . so not bad . tommarow we are going on a date so hopeful it will go well lol .




bad sugar day

00:10 Apr 07 2016
Times Read: 482

the other day was a sick day for me . my sugar level was close to 500 the whole day i was so sick did not eat but a sandwitch. and then not much after that but at night did get it down and went to work today only to get sent home for sugar was high again . am not ok with this at all , and am trying to get an apointment with my doc but no luck as of yet but maybe tomarrow .



15:26 Apr 16 2016

My husband was diagnosed with insulin dependent Diabetes 9 years ago.

We struggled a lot with learning about how to eat, what to eat. They started him out on a 75 carb per day limit which felt really atrocious. His red flag blood test had a blood glucose level of 800 which really scared the shit out of the VA because he was walking and talking and other than the psych eval we came in for seemed healthy.

Within 30 days of struggling, fighting, tantrums and other various emotional breakdowns I got him from a daily average of 650 to 150. I was a friggin' Nazi I tell you! I read all the labels, used measuring cups...it was upsetting.

Initially his specialist had told him that he did not need to keep a meal schedule. If he only wanted to eat once a day, then fine. He also told us that once my husband was to a normal A1C again he shouldn't actually feel hungry. It was a load of crap. The dude is like a bear prepping for hibernation.

Eating only once a day or not at all is nearly as bad as eating too much. Your body stores fat in cells to be released when it needs fuel(even if you are thin as a rail)because you cannot produce enough insulin on your own it results in a super high glucose level. If you eat the level will likely drop. We learned that when our Granny was diagnosed with Type 2 and we were going to her house to do yardwork and stuff. One day we had no time for breakfast and his glucose shot up to 350. Granny sent me to the store to buy him a salad(what he wanted)and after he ate(even without a shot. At the time we couldn't get insulin. Longer story)his glucose went back down to 150.

I read that your A1C has gone down, fantastic! Awesome!

Don't make yourself hungry. Keep some snacks on hand if you don't feel like breakfast in the morning. Snack crackers, peanuts, sausage biscuit; something. Your glucose will go up even if you do not eat.

If your wife needs someone to talk to or recipe swaps let me know. I will be happy to help any way I can.


what went down in a chicago public aid building

22:03 Apr 01 2016
Times Read: 499

wow was there just to hand in some paper work when after about 45 mins a fight broke out with a officer and 5 people in line. and of cores the cops were called in to take off all 5 of them . i am so glad i kept my cool and did not say , yes they cut the line . when in a line i have learned to keep my mouth closed or it only cause you more trouble then you can take .



22:43 Apr 06 2016

Sometimes silent is golden.

I like being quiet myself.

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