when i got on to the vampire from space , that is what i called him after what he told me.
They and now i am a race of long they dont just eat or drink the blood of ther victim they take on the form and stay that way for the rest of their life witch acording to my new friend is 5000 years. Ya i know the first time i was like what does this mean for me becuse when i got on to the space ship i became what he was a green gue . Not only that we merged and he and i shared things that i can not say now but i had to kill him i knew what he and they were and he would have turned me into the king and had me put into there planet forever and that would be like jail to me now for i found out i would live forever like a vamp but unlike a vamp that sired me i could not be killed. And had so much power i just went nuts and killed him for now i had a job to do for all of the universe i had to kill the king and take his place and to make a new race or at least stop all the killing all over the universe.
You know that they kill there own mothers just so knowlage of who or what they have become would not be knowen by anyone or thing.
Oh and that is a true vampire not just to drink the blood but to stalk and kill anything that has more power then ones self .
And now i had become like a god to the ones i left behind on the planet i once called home.
For now i had no home but would reside on the planet Mortos Morogosous .