Self destruction is unavoidable. It is the Human nature, unwillingly, but yet so conceivable. So we seek our own demise. Born into death, so ready to die. Dark moments in ones own mind. Lonely plus solitude great combination. Two compaions on their quest for desolution
Starting off a new week. Lets hope things are not so crazy. Work has been so hectic. We have Big wigs comeing to the store and they all start to panic. I just wish they wouldnt anounce when they come. Just come check it out, critisize, reprimand, then get the fuck out.
I am really emotional right now. My first emotion is anger, plain and simple. Second, is sadness for a little girl, who deserved a better mother than the one she got stuck with. This little girl did'nt get ask to be brought into the world. All she needed in life was love. What she got was murder, by the hands of the way that gave her life. So here we are.. Justice not served. A little girl dead, But shes one in millions upon millions. I have a little girl. She is now 15. When I first got pregnate. I couldnt wait to feel him or her move in my tummy. When I felt her move inside me for the first time. it was the most wonderful feeling ever. When I gave Birth to her in my blood and pain. I looked at my baby and fell in love..... I cant understand a woman who can kill her own child...
Broken chains, they no longer bind me. Free now.. You were more pain then you were pleasure.
13:53 Aug 04 2011
That should be in your poetry thread... dark observations but very true.
22:41 Aug 23 2011
Are talking about you??? just the cat!!