This will mark the beginning of the rest of my life. I am officially enrolled in college, and cannot wait to start, infact I cannot wait until I am done and I can start living like a human being. Minimum wage does not pay half the bills when you have a family. It makes me wonder if the politicians have taken a look at what it costs for an apartment,o, utilities, food. $7.25 is the going rate of min wage, even for someone with a culinary background and over 20 yrs experience, atleast here in upstate NY, and no, I can't even afford to get the hell outt here. What is our country thinking????
Well so far 2010 is proving to be nothing but trouble. And the summer is flying by leaving me bored, sad, lonely and discouraged. My mom has been sick but she is starting to do better with her chemo I am back on VR, and some of it is the same, however some of it has changed. None the less its a good escape from life right now.
17:44 Aug 02 2010
Congrats, I started college a few months ago and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I wish I had gone back to school ages ago!!!