So I am taking this class on income taxes. Thought it would be fun to really learn all whys and why nots of different tax laws. I love boring shit like that. Anyways, I don't think I have ever been more annoyed in any class in my life! On the first day one woman actually had the gull to interrupt the instructor because she did not understand how to round decimals... I kid you not! All the instructor said was don't forget to round each document separately and then this 30 something thick skulled woman had a fit because she said the class was moving too fast and we had to stop... so the teach could explain what rounding meant and how to do it... 5 FUCKING TIMES until the woman said she "kind of understood it." I am paying for this course and this woman keeps on interrupting with dumb shit like this all the time! The class only meets 3 nights a week for 3 hours each time... Would it be horrible for me to ask her to please shut the fuck up and learn it on her own damn time?! Her constant interruptions account for at least a half hour or more of wasted time! Ugh... this is really bothering me.