six more time flies somtimes, it feels like just yester day..... (ok well it feels longer than that but bare with me) when my best friend droped me off at college and i was sitting here bored with my friends and family far away.... yea it was difficult but hey i'm still here. but now theres only six more weeks untill its over for the year and i have the summer to party and relax away from anything closly school related....... wait a second .... damn i forgot my summer job is what i'm going to school for UGG *head hits desk* well its all good at least i wont have any tests.
i cant wait only three more days of this hell hole i'm stuck in, and then a week of shangri-la i cant fucking wait! i'll get to sit and relax with a good book and a tall glass of Faygo.
we all make choises now and then but some of them can determine whats gonna happen to certain people. once and a while you have to ask yourself if i do this will i hurt somone and if i do will i care. for me a recent choice that i've made did affect the life of some people around me ....... directly. but i asked my self if i cared and i said to my self "no i really dont care at all" and now that i assume i have no little fucking cricket on my shoulder telling me to care for these poeple and i dont feel bad at all! its amazing to have hurt somone and then have a sertain detachment to not feel pain, sorrow, hate, or anger.
we all have to ask our selves one question in life. Are we Evil? and for some of us the answer is yes and for some of us the answer is HELL YES! but there will always be that reflective period when we sit and actually woder about it. i believe that every one is evil no matter how much evil they have inside of them there still evil it just shows more in most.
i have no idea why some things can be so damn difficult i mean one day your great and walking around and having fun and then all of a sudden your getting pissed off by dumb people that really all they need is a boot to the face. i thought college was gonna be easy and i was right for the most part, but the drama is worse than high school. i mean i could be smart and stay out of it......but what fun would that be?