Today, I was inspired to write three lyrical, rhymeing Poems for total strangers... people I hadn't even seen before, today... and, I even gave the poems away... one, slightly unfinished... but, the lady will return tomorrow so I can add whatever last words need adding....
I haven't done anything like that... and not 3 Poems whithin a span of 20-30 minutes, ever... but, have done something spontaneous, like that, a 40-long years ago...
Finding a new... and starting a new job is always an adventure for me.... I tend to be a bit of an "overachiever".... at times, "oversell" myself. ARRRGGGHHH! (Pause)
Here I go again on another job search.... After working as a Private Security Guard at a new Kaiser Permanente medical site (2 Medical Office Buildings and a 5-story Hospital) for 5 months, I was "at will" terminated Friday the 8th day of the 8th month of the year ('08) 2008. Currently, a 50% RIF (Reduction-in-Force) is being conducted. In addition to this, the current Security Contractor has been told that their two year contract is being canceled after one year for non-compliance of the full terms of the contract. Two of the principle terms not being complied with: (1) Automatic Employee enrollment with Kaiser Medical Insurance after 90 days, (2) Automatic step raises after 90 days.
I got insurance AFTER 138 days (Not 90 days.) As for my automatic step raise... don't make me laugh... it hurts TOO MUCH.
I can totally relate to what has happened.
I lost my "promotion" due to budget cuts.
I still have a job, I guess I should feel lucky...but I don't.