lenoresprettycorpse's Journal

lenoresprettycorpse's Journal


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13 entries this month

back from eau claire

22:30 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 650

man im beat, everyone is tired. We got back alittle over an hour ago from eau claire. Yesterday we got to eau claire in the early after noon and didnt get done with things until 7pm that day. Did alot of shoping. my mom and so to be sister in law found shoes for the wedding my mom also found what she was going to wear to the wedding. I still have to get shoes for the wedding. but i did get new everyday shoes which is good since i really needed them alot!. bought some paint and canvas since i lost my paint and want to paint lately. yeah i got alot of nice things just ran out of money lol So before we headed over to davids bridel i got ahold of sara, she came along to help with brides maid dresses, I tried alot of dresses on, and i dont know what happend somehow i put a dress on backwards lmao!! everyone loved that haha! I did find the dress i wanted but it was in black so they have to have it ordered in red, So this means another eau claire trip!!!!!!!!! so happy about that.later sara and i caught up with andrea hung out for a little and signed her cast. then it was off to the motel for me i was very tired yesterday we all were, did the rest of the shoping today and headed home. To much things to do in eau claire so little time and money thats was we all agreed on. all in all everyone had a good time. man that is alot to do when im sick. pics will be posted in the next few days.




my beloved eau claire here i come.

20:30 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 654

Tomorrow I get to go to my hometown! so happy about, Me, my mom my sister and my soon to be sister in law are staying the night tomorrow in eau claire. The main reason for the trip is to get brides maid dresses for my sisters wedding in march. Not really looking forward to trying on dressses need to lose 40 pounds 1st then i will be lol. I get to hang out with my best friends in the whole wide world too! that will be great miss them both dearly. besides all that shopping!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait cuz the only place i ever shop at is walmart in hayward and thats 30 miles from where i live. Eau claire has every where i want to shop at. I just hope i have enought money and also dont spend alot of money either since im saving for a car and to move out, well im off must pack alittle more.




bush is a monkey

03:27 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 660

blah blah blah, thats all i hear comming out of bushs mouth lol i look at him and just think about how much he looks like a chimpanize lol



03:33 Jan 29 2008

I agree with you. But the problem none of them look any better to me. God who do I vote for.

20:55 Jan 29 2008

the candidates this year suck, but at least barack osama bin laden banana ain't gettin' my vote, period.


I should have knowen...

00:54 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 663

So, yeah i just found out that one of my ex's was cheating on me when we were together, we havent been together in years but I am pretty pisssed about this. Not going to let it bother me much, Im pretty much over him just been trying to be friends thats it. I want to find a nice guy someday. the guy that i have been seeing hasnt called me in over a week, ive tried to call no answer ever so i give up on that one. i just wish he could have said something like its not going to work out, but he seemed really interested in me so i dont get it. damn guys! errr





04:18 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 664

man im tired been working all day since 9am, worked 2 jobs today, have to work 2 jobs tomorrow too. So yeah i started my diet today will i guess yesterday i started it. just trying to watch what i eat and how much i eat and eat healthier, its going ok right now. Started working out tonight, i used my ab roller for 5 mins tonight let me tell you WOW!! im out of shape! that was really hard i wanted to stop after the 1st minute. but i didnt so thats good im going to try at use it 5 minutes a night every night. I gotta make sure that i dont give up on it i always do thats why i feel like a fat cow. i wanna be able to wear clothes that i want to wear, but i dont feel good wearing them right now. hmmmm bed time.




im a fuckin cow.... MOO!!!!

19:52 Jan 21 2008
Times Read: 667

the doctor told me i just have a sore throat nothing more which is good. but i wasted $86 oh well. found out how much i weigh, not happy with it i need to lose 40 pounds. so now its time to watch what i eat and try to work out. so no more little debbies and pop and alot more i really need to start working on it. started smoking again i know its bad but i'd rather smoke then eat. the 2 days i didnt smoke i noticed i was eating more so id rather smoke then eat more.





02:44 Jan 20 2008
Times Read: 670

i need a cig! havent smoked since friday. not smokeing cuz oh my throat its really messed up. im getting really pissy and cranky.




cant wait.

16:46 Jan 19 2008
Times Read: 671

i need to go to the doctors now! not monday but i have to wait tell then. wow i really feel shitty.




what the fuck

22:57 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 673

someone please tell me why i have an ucler in my throat! woke up today with a sore throat, looked in the mirror to see how red my throat is and then i seee this ucler thing. so i guess now i have to go to the docters.





23:27 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 679

my date went good. i really like this guy alot. thats all i really have to say right now. besides that i still feel hung over.



01:39 Jan 14 2008

lol, take your time.


and then there was one.

19:30 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 681

damn it i lost one of my snowflake obsidain plugs for my ears last night. havent found it yet. i really hope i find it. tell i find it i have to wear my shitty metal tunnels that my ears dont like and the threads are messed up. I did order new plugs im getting lepoard skin stone plugs should be here really soon i paid extra lol i need something other then metal.




a date

03:02 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 683

yeah thats right im going on a date!!!! its on friday, with Derek the guy from the bar the other night. I guess we are going somewhere with his sister and her guy. which is cool. man i just feel really good about everything. i feel all giddy lol well its good for me, i dont know bye




evergreen bar

08:03 Jan 06 2008
Times Read: 686

its was the 5th aniversery of the evergreen bar went out drinking with my boss had a good time. drank alot. and got asked out on a date!!!!!!!! im amazed that never happens so i guess i well go out on a date sometime and see how it goes or sometning i guess wow im drunkk.im eating nachos right now tgoing to got pass out soon and smoke a bowel yup bye its been a good night



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