ldylioness's Journal

ldylioness's Journal


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7 entries this month

It's Friday!!!

14:31 May 25 2007
Times Read: 674

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Not that is matters much to me. I seem to forget on somedays what day it even is *sigh*

Where can I buy some of this???

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And sometimes scrambled. That's me all the time here lately.

How are things you ask?

Well! Let's see!!!

Still out of work. Went yesterday and had an mri of my neck and shoulder. I'm up early this morning because I'm hurting. Guess I need to take a pain pill *sigh* I'm so tried of all of this pain.

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Andy has a bulging disk in his back and a torn cartilidge *sp?* in his right knee. I have a feeling it will be a while before he gets back to work.

I hope to find out the results of my mri today. If there is a problem they will refer me to an orthopedic speacilist. Keep your fingers crossed.

Some of my bills are paid. Not all of them. *cries* I did get my short term disablitiy going, but it's not enough for my bills and his. Hopefully we'll get his started soon. I'm sinking here and no life raft to save me. No where to turn.


Have pt today at 10 am. They have me doing new exercises with my right arm working my shoulder. And when I got up this morning, I couldn't hardly walk because the heal of my foot hurt so bad to put weight on it. *blank stare* Not sure what's up with that. I limped to the bathroom. But once I walk around for a bit, it feels ok. And I've been having problems with my calves as well hurting and making me limp. Not sure if this is the cause of the accident or not. My knees did hit the dash board and I had brusies on them, just not sure if that would cause what's been hurthing on them.

I'm 43 yrs old feeling like 103 and falling apart. I can't take this. I hate it. I'd rather be at work right now living life normal with Andy off because of the accident in Tx. *cries* Why me???


Horses are doing good. Onery as ever they are. Bo and Rj still bully Lea. Don't see that changing anytime soon. Dandy is doing ok as well. Still nickers for the other horses and my heart still breaks for him. I'm feeding them now. No problems there.


I just sneezed and omg! it hurts like crazy in my chest. Speaking of which, my cat scan didn't show the ribs being fractured o_O she said it could of been that they didn't catch them at the right angle or something. I ask her if it showed on the xrays from the hosptial. Ya know! Thinking maybe they weren't broken. But she said it did. I know it hurt like hell, that's for sure. Still does.

As for this little missy. :)

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She is bad to the bone and I love her with my whole heart. *proud smile* She got this pool from her mom and dad. And we filled it up. As the water was running in, she would say "bubbles" She's gonna be like memaw and love them bubbles.


She also says "Bo"

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Trying to get her to say Rj and Lea but they are all Bo right now *smile*


I've sneezed twice since starting this entry. Got little rainbow spots on my monitor *giggle* I try to hold my mouth and my chest. Not always easy to do.

Here's the little brat thinking she is going to cut the grass. No it isn't running, she was just sitting on it.

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Here she is with my younger sister and Austin. Damn I envy my sister her cleavage *cries* I don't seem to know how to pick out bra's I guess.

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Here she is with mom on Easter morning.

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With her easter basket. I just love that dress...

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On her new swing set me and her pawpaw got her. I think I still owe him for this too *shrugs*

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Another one in the pool...She was looking at the bubbles. Go figure huh!

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Me and her cutting grass. Don't pay any attention to my fat body *sigh* Just look at her *smile*

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Notice Andy's car in the background. All nice and not messed up like this...

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Makes me wanna cry every time I think about it...*sigh* Although he is pretty much over losing his car, it still bothers me.

BTW: My car is now broke down. When it rains it pours! It either needs a head gasket or it has a cracked head. So it runs hot all the time. My luck seems to be in the toliet and has been flushed down the drain. Sometimes I wish we was in mine, but he says we would of probably been hurt worse. I just know how much he loved his car. Hoping to get my truck licensed soon. Although I'll have to use his van when I get released to go back to work, he'll have the truck here for when he needs to go somewhere...

I still have a scar on my neck. I sure hope it fades away. I don't want a daily reminder of this.

Ok, what else?

Did anyone see the dog woods bloom? We didn't get any to bloom around here. That seems to me like a bad sign. *sigh*

Well folks, it's Friday...So kiss this!!!

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Heebie Jeebies!!!

00:10 May 13 2007
Times Read: 677

Sitting here at his moms. They are all outside. His mom is planting flowers, his dad is working in his shop and Andy is, somewhere *shrugs*

Nascar will be on soon. Ready to sit down and watch a good race, all though I could use a nap.

BTW his parents live in Ill so we are about 3 hours from home. They are doing a family get together at a Lodge for Mothers day. Since I lost my mother a few years ago, I figured he might as well get to be with his, since most time he don't get to because he is gone over the road working.

He found him a van Friday. He done a tune up on it and I cleaned the inside. Well, he got the front seats before we left to come over here. It's looking and smelling much better now. People who had it before were smokers and me and him don't smoke. So ya, it's smelling better.

I miss my Brianna girl. I love hearing her say ByeBye and wave at you. And giving all those kisses. Yes she is still a major brat, but she is a sweet and cute lil brat. I need to get her a shirt that says "I may be a brat, but at least I'm a cute brat!" *giggle*

Still having some neck and shoulder pain. That muscle in that goes from my neck to my shoulder will give me fits. It'll be fine one minute and the next I have pain shooting thru it. *cries* Pain meds don't really work on that either. Collar bone is still sore as hell too. Brusies are finally fading and turning yellow. But the deep bruising is working it's way up and it hurts now. I'm so ready for all this pain to go away...

Guess I better go see what mischief he is into...

Later gators!!!




*Insert witty title here*

02:29 May 09 2007
Times Read: 679

Found out my ribs are broken on the right side, it's either 4,5 and 6 or 5,6 and 7. My memory is not what it used to be. And I'll get x rays done again in about a week. I start physical therpy tomorrow. And hopefully they'll call in some stronger pain meds. What I have isn't cutting it anymore.

Spent sometime outside, me, Andy and Brianna. Played with her on the swing and slide. Then we wandered over and fed the horses some grass.

Dinner consisted of soup and sandwiches. I just didn't feel up to cooking.

I'm off to find a yahtzee partner and then I'm calling it a night...




Be Plopping Along...

03:56 May 08 2007
Times Read: 680

Glitter My Words
Glitter My Words

Can't really say I'm be bopping along, because I'm not. I move like a very very old woman right now. My body feels like it's been used, abused and discarded. I sometimes wish I could trade it in on a new, younger, better model. I figured after I die, it will be natural to go in and trade it off just like your car.

Just got done with dinner. Andy grilled some steaks and we had corn on the cob and baked tators. I'm now waiting for the pain meds to kick in so I can go do the dishes. I don't want to have to deal with them in the morning.

I have pain going thru my shoulder blades at the moment. Earlier my chest and neck was hurting. I took a long hot shower and that helped some.

Go to the doctor tomorrow. I'm going to let them know that the pain meds aren't doing anything but dull the pain and I'm taking 2 at a time.


I was sitting in the recliner a little earlier holding Brianna. She didn't get an afternoon nap and she was tired from playing outside so much. She layed there and went to sleep in my arms. *smile* I can't believe how much she has grown. And how well she is talking. And how smart she is. I gave her a bath since she was dirty and sweaty. I was watching her earlier play outside and I can't believe that it it's been 20 yrs since it was her mother I was watching *sigh*

Guess I need to get a plopping so I can get something done around here. Laundry is going, dishes need doing and a gazillion other things...





Rainbow of colors...

00:48 May 07 2007
Times Read: 681

My upper body is black, blue, yellow, purple, I'm sure if I look close enough I'll find some red...

My lower stomach has a knot in it from one side to the other and it hurts like hell...

Hell, everything hurts...my breast bone, collar bone, my stomach, my neck, my shoulder blades...I wake up hurting, and I go to sleep hurting. I'm taking 2 pain pills at a time now and they only dull it. I'm like so ready for the pain to be gone.

Haven't went any where this weekend. And that's the way I wanted it. Seems like all we did was run last week, between dr's appt and lawyer appts, I was exhausted as well as hurting...

Go back to the dr Tuesday...

Guess I better check on my brat child...





20:42 May 05 2007
Times Read: 682

Spend more time in pain here lately. Pain pills only dull, don't completely take it away. It hurts in my collar bone more then anything, then it goes across my chest. My lower belly is black, blue and yellow now. I'm ready for those to go away.

Ready for it all to just go away...




Car wreck...

04:01 May 03 2007
Times Read: 683

I've never been in one until Saturday night and I hope I'm never in another one. My body still hurts in places unknown to me...

My lower stomach is black and blue, across my chest, my boob. Some is starting to turn yellow now.

God I feel ugly...

I have 3 broken ribs and my chest bone hurts from one side to the other. I have a cut and burn on my neck from the seat belt. Dr said if I hadn't had it on, I'd be dead right now. Thank god for small favors...

My granddaughter was with us. At least she made out with just some minor burns and such. I'm so very thankful for that. She was my one and only concern at the time.

I'll be off work for a bit, just not sure how long. Money is going to be oh so very tight because of this. Not like it wasn't tight before mind you... but it will be worse for a bit...

Right now, I'm popping pain meds like candy. Mainly at night time... It doesn't take the pain away, but it does dull it enough to be bareable. If that makes any sense...

I have a neighbor taking care of my horses. I think I can handle it starting this weekend. I don't want to make her do it any longer then possible.

My grass needs cut, and things need done in my house, but right now, I just don't have the energy to do much of anything. I barely cook.

Andy has been wonderful in taking care of me. Helping me up and down, and in and out of the car as needed. I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Pain meds are kicking in, I'm outtie and off to bed. I know I'll be stiff and sore come morning, because I don't move much now. Hurts too much...



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