I'm not witty in my answers, but I'm honest...
Without futher ado!!!
What did you do today?
Went to work, took Brians truck to his girlfriends, came home, fed horses, ate dinner, now I'm doing this, then I'll shower and go to bed...
What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?
20 some odd years with him!
Who do you miss the most?
my mother *cries*
What's your Grandma's name on your Dad's side? We always called her Grandma Higgman...no clue what her first name was...
Do you enjoy fishing? as long as I don't have to do the worm thingy...
Are you a vegetarian? Where's the beef? Pork, it's the other white meat...
What's a nickname of yours? Andy calls me sexy o_O
When was the last time you got in an argument? *thinking!* not real sure, how cool is that?
When was your last nightmare? had one when I was way young, and I was hanging in a hole in the ground and the devil was trying to pull me down...
What is the stinkiest thing you've ever smelled? Andy's farts *giggle*
Do you like to sneeze?
uh! NO! especially after those broken ribs. don't hurt as much now tho...
Are you on a diet right now? me? diet? ah hell no! should be tho...*sigh*
Can you lie with a straight face? I don't think so...
Are you a fast friend maker? eh, I'm nice enough, takes awhile to become friends with anyone...
Have you ever fallen in public? uh, duh! hasn't everyone at one time or another...
Have you ever almost drowned? yes, when I was younger, swam to the rope at the lake, and couldn't make it back...friend saved me. I was weak the rest of the day *sigh*
Look to your right- What do you see? bottom half of Andy's dart cabinet...
Look to your left- What do you see? Jessica's computer desk that is leaving when she moves out...
As a child, what was scarier: Closet, or under the bed? both, the boogey man lived in those places...
Any big plans this year? get thru it in one piece and still above ground...
Have you ever played dead to scare someone? nah, did it as a kid not sure why though...
What do you really hate? the bimbo at work that get's away with shit that no one should get away with...
Do you smack your lips when you chew? oh ya, do it all the time...NOT!
Do your pet peeves take over your life? eh, I don't think so, but maybe you should ask others I live with or work with *shrugs*
Do you get strange impulses? sometimes *blush*
When did you weigh yourself last? hell if I know...that scale runs from my fat arse...
Show you'd spend all Saturday watching reruns of: Charmed of course
Best show as a child: Hardy boys...man oh man I loved those boys...*giggle*
Do you--
Smoke? ah hell no!
Buy dirty magazines? please!!!
have kids? one brat that is 20
camp? used to, too lazy to pack now, but gonna take Michelle ifna she'll go with me *wink*
sky dive? why would I want to jump out of a perfectly good plane?
Go to church? I should *sigh*
Is there such a thing as love? yes there is!
Do you believe in love at first sight?: eh, not so sure about this one...
Do you practice abstinance?: ya right! I jump his bones every chance I get *giggle*
Dated anyone foreign?: nope...
What makes the perfect partner: Andy does...no need to go in depth about it, he has his quirks just like me...
Do you want to be married? am married, what I want is to be divorced...
Story of your first kiss: weekend church camp from a friend that knew I was going on 16 and never been kissed...it was just a peck on the lips...
How many aunts/uncles do you have? 4 uncles 4 aunts on my moms side, 1 uncle on my dads side...
How many cousins? a truck load...
Are any of them smart? eh, I'm sure some are...
dumb? I know some are...
Countries you've been to: none...
States you've been to: ah crap... let me think... Mo, Il, Ark, In, Ks, Ok, Tx, Az, NM, Ca, Co, Ut, Ma, Mi. Ms, La, Ga, NC, SC, NJ, NY, Al, Oh, Wi, WV, Va, Nv, Ky, Tn...I think that's all of them *shrugs*
Color of your suitcase: eh, got some bag I use when we go to his moms, black I think o_O
Place you want to visit: Germany
Best place for a honeymoon: Nigara Falls
How many oceans you've seen: uh, Pacific and Atlantic
Most memorable place: My mothers arms *sigh*
Best hotel to stay at: one with a comfy bed?
Dish you wish you knew how to make: oh, I'm sure I could make it with a recipe and add a pinch of this and a pinch of that and make it better *wink*
If you diet, what don't you eat: I don't diet, I like chocolate too much...
Best movie snack: well popcorn of course!
Your stereotype (based on attire): huh?
How many pairs of shoes you own: not many shoes, but I sure do own a lot of house shoes, what can I say, I like em...
How important fashion is to you: not very!
Most uncomfortable article of clothing: thongs, which I don't wear very often, just to entice Andy...
What you're wearing now: t shirt and shorts...I's ready for bed...
Name any object on Earth: Kitty sitting on the desk beside me...
Least likely place you'd be found: uh, um, wish I could say work, but must go there :(
Last thing you touched: keyboard?
Coldest it's been where you live: I dunno, the teens, maybe the single digits...
Something you're excited about: tomorrow is Friday!!!
What you'd buy with a million dollars: freedom from bills!
Something that annoys you: Andy's farts?
Creepiest place on Earth: work for me *lol*
Worst thing about modern times: gas prices...
For or against using rats/mice as test subjects: do they really help determine what is good for us?
Worst dream you've ever had: I dunno!
How you feel now that this is the last question: Likes it's time to go to bed, my ankle hurts and I'm tired and 4 am comes mighty early in these parts...
The Heart
"Tomorrow morning," the surgeon began,
"I'll open up your heart..."
"You'll find Jesus there," the boy interrupted...
the surgeon looked up, annoyed "I'll cut your heart open," he continued, to see how much damage has been done... "
"but when you open up my heart, you'll find Jesus in there," said the boy...
The surgeon looked to the parents, who Sat quietly...
"When I see how much damage has been done, I'll sew your heart and chest back up, and I'll plan what to do next."
"But you'll find Jesus in my heart. The Bible says He lives there. The hymns all say He lives there. You'll find Him in my heart."
The surgeon had had enough. "I'll tell you what I'll find in your heart. I'll find damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. And I'll find out if I can make you well."
"You'll find Jesus there too. He lives there." The surgeon left...
The surgeon sat in his office, recording his notes from the surgery, "....damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration. No hope for transplant, no hope for cure. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest. Prognosis:, here he paused, "death within one year." He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said. "Why?" he asked aloud. "Why did You do this? You've put him here; You've put him in this pain; and You've cursed him to an early death. Why?"
The Lord answered and said, "The boy, my lamb, was not meant for your flock for long, for he is a part of My flock, and will forever be.
Here, in My flock, he will feel no pain, and will be comforted as you cannot imagine...
His parents will one day join him here, and they will know peace, and My flock will continue to grow."
The surgeon's tears were hot, but his anger was hotter. "You created that joy, and You created that heart. He'll be dead in months. Why?"
The Lord answered, "The boy, My lamb, shall return to My flock, for He has done his duty: I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve another lost lamb."
The surgeon wept..
The surgeon sat beside the boy's bed; the boy's parents sat across from him. The boy awoke and whispered, "Did you cut open my heart?"
"Yes," said the surgeon.
"What did you find?" asked the boy.
"I found Jesus there," said the surgeon..
Author Unknown - Celebrate Jesus in 20 07
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Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting. ~Author Unknown
What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change,
and they give me a million dollars' worth of pleasure. ~Gene Perret
Grandmothers are just "antique" little girls. ~Author Unknown
Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.
~Welsh Proverb
A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead
of the television. ~Author Unknown
Never have children, only grandchildren. ~Gore Vidal
Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just
a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. ~Pam Brown
Grandchildren don't stay young forever, which is good because
Grandfathers have only so many horsey rides in them. ~Gene Perret
When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.
~Ogden Nash
Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just
you all day and now the day was complete. ~ Marcy DeMaree
Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies. ~Author unknown
Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our
hearts forever. ~Author Unknown
If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren,
I'd have had them first. ~Lois Wyse
My grandkids believe I'm the oldest thing in the world. And after
two or three hours with them, I believe it, too. ~Gene Perret
If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice, I should
advise every one of you straight away to become one. There is
no fun for old people like it! ~Hannah Whithall Smith
It's such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother - that's why the
world calls her grandmother. ~Author Unknown
Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing
old. ~Mary H. Waldrip
You do not really understand something unless you can explain
it to your grandmother. ~Proverb
An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again.
Anything longer than that, and you start to age quickly. ~Gene Perret
The best baby-sitters, of course, are the baby's grandparents. You
feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long
periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida. ~Dave Barry
I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have - if only for
self-defense. ~Gene Perret
Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas
are short on criticism and long on love. ~Author Unknown
Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.
Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of
little children. ~Alex Haley
Grandmother - a wonderful mother with lots of
practice. ~Author Unknown
A grandparent is old on the outside but young on
the inside. ~Author Unknown
One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new
grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather. ~Joy Hargrove
It's amazing how grandparents seem so young once you
become one ~Author Unknown
If your baby is "beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses,
sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the
time," you're the grandma. ~Teresa Bloomingdale
Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have
around and easily wrapped around the fingers of their
grandchildren. ~Author Unknown
What is it about grandparents that is so lovely? I'd like to say
that grandparents are God's gifts to children. And if they can
but see, hear and feel what these people have to give, they
can mature at a fast rate. ~Bill Cosby
Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge
that he's married to a grandmother. ~G. Norman Collie
Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.
BUT - Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles
are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her.
When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by
yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering
you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf,
and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.
Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you, or
come in and carry you out.
Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters,
sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins and
extended family all bless our life.
When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the
incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead, nor did we know how much we
would need each other.
Every day, we need each other still.
Pass this on to all the women who help make your life meaningful. I just did.
There are more than 20 angels in this world; 10 are peacefully sleeping
on clouds, nine are playing, and one is reading her email at this moment!
Ya, I'm back to work. So needless to say, I'm spending this weekend, doing laundry as usual, cleaning house as best I can with a 19 mo old running around, and I worked on fence this morning, got hay coming this afternoon, so I'll have to work on a fence around the hay, and on and on and on and on...
Am I tired you ask? Hell ya!
Do I hurt you ask? Double hell ya!!!
I'm trying to write this, babysit and feed her mm's at the same time. That is hard let me tell ya... Her mom is at work. Andy is napping. Ya I know, must be nice...
I turned the ac off, it's kinda cool outside and I'm tryin to save on the electric bill. I got a shut off notice, so now I have to come up with the money by the 20th or they'll shut me off *sigh* Hopefully by then, Andy will have money coming in.
I'm still on interminten leave, and what that means is when I have to leave for a dr appt or phyiscal therpy it won't count against me at work. That was my main concern about going back. I'm also on light duty. So I'm doing decals on the handles. I still have to use my right hand and shoulder to put some pressure on them, but not as bad as any of the other jobs. And it beats doing sub on the screws. That is totally boring and makes the day go by wayyyy slow. I'm glad to be back. It gets me out of the house and I get to interact with people again. I've missed my friends there. It's the 4 am wake up that I'm not so crazy about.
Eh, such is life...
Now Brianna is sitting in my lap playing with an ink pen that is broken. As long as she isn't trying to bang on the keyboard I'll be ok.
My brat is growing so fast. Hard to believe she'll be 2 in a few months. *sigh* God I'm getting old...
Got some new additions to the family...
My cousing gave me a lil mare and she is doing wonderful with Dandy. She's very pretty and small. They are eating in the barn together and just doing good. I'm really glad. My nephew took Lea to work with her and ride her. He is going to breed her and get him a colt out of her. So she'll be gone for a while. I miss her, but she needs to be rode. Hell they all do... My heart just isn't in it right now. I'm going to try and make Shiann (I think that is how you spell it) into a good lil horse for Brianna. We shall see.
Also got 4 kittens here right now. I'd like to just keep one and send the rest to a friend that will find them homes. But between Jessica and Andy, I think I'm out numbered. They are lil cuties. They were down there at Brians dads old place.
Ok!!! So I thought the ink pen was broke. That lil brat has wrote all over her as well as me...GRRRR!!!! God I love her! Had to go clean us up while the ink was still fresh. She got more on me then her o_O
Ok, where was I?
Oh ya, the kittens... I guess I'll put 3 up at the barn and keep one in the house. I don't think I can handle 5 cats in here. To crowded as it is... But they sure are cuties. I'll get pics soon and show y'all. This fall when they have there spay/nueter special they'll get fixed if I keep them all. Not gonna do anymore. Hell! That will make 11 that I have if I keep them all. I'd rather find homes for 3 of them...
Guess I better end this and get busy doing something, even if it's wrong...
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