ldylioness's Journal

ldylioness's Journal


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Someone? Anyone? w/pics

23:15 Aug 19 2007
Times Read: 663

Please tell me what will happen next? I'm tired of things piling up on top of me and feeling like the walls are closing in the roof is crumbling down on top of us. *shakes head* I need to know what's next!!!

Here are some pics I wanted to share. I had started an entry earlier today and clicked to back it up and bloop ate it. I swear it did. So now I'm starting over...

Here is a pic of my man. I love this pic, the way he looks so proud even though he can see *sigh*

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Here is one of him with Shianne, even though I cut her nose off. My main purpose was him anyway. She just wanted attention as well... I clicked my tongue at him and he perked up his ears for me...

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Here is another one of him... In some of the pics you can see the blue in his right eye from the blindness...

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I took these pics because Katie needed some face shots. She is going to paint me a pic of him on slate. I'm so excited!!!

Here are some pics of Brianna enjoying the pool yesterday with her mom. Her dad was out there too, but he wasn't in the pool yet. She does real good with the floaties on her arms...

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With the way her hair looks, she almost looks like a little boy in that last pic o_O She'll probably be swimming by next summer. If not, she'll be close too it...

I'm getting better at making smaller portions of food for just me and Andy. Making beans and cornbread for dinner, with fried potatoes and cole slaw. Got the bread and tators cooking now.

I'm feeling sick to my stomach for some reason. It just hit me, and cooking isn't helping. Sure wish I had a sprite to drink. Might be the pain meds I took. My neck has been hurting me all week. I can't seem to get the pain to go away. Sometimes it's severe, and sometimes it's just a dull ache. But it's constant anymore. *sigh* I go to the dr tomorrow. We shall see what he has to say.

Things here lately have went to hell in a hand basket.

JBHunt won't rehire Andy back. Says he is high risk because of the accidents. *blank stare* Even though neither one was his fault, he is being held responsible. I just don't get it. And with those on his motor vehicle report, it might be hard for him to find one to hire him. And they will be on there for 3 yrs *sigh* He is going tomorrow to file for unemployment. I'm really angry at JB right now. It just isn't fair.

Since he has been off from work, his stress level has be extremely high. This is effecting his blood pressure. It's been high for several months now. Well, he went to the dr the other day. Dr put him on meds and then proceeded to tell him he wanted to check his kidneys and do more blood work. Apperently when he went to the er for the heat exhaustion, they did blood work and the blood cells were enlarged and abnormal. He hasn't heard back from the dr yet, but he did some checking on the internet, and most of what he found isn't good. So now we are running scared on this and his health. If it isn't one thing it's always another. I can't take anymore. And niether can he.

To top all this off, his best friend in KC has moved out from his wife. She is filling him with so much bullshit, he stays confused. She made the remark to him that she is now happy. WTF!!! Is she trying to rub it in to him and make him feel worse? I no longer like this woman, and it's bordering on hate. Yes I know that is a strong word, but she is playing with his emotions. And to me, that is wrong. No one has that right to mess with someone's emotions. Why would anyone want to intentionally hurt anyone? I know I'd like to hurt her right now. I know for a fact that was goes around comes around, and she will get hers. And I'll enjoy that day!!!

My baby girl wasn't feeling well today. I went and got her from her dads while her mom worked. She just laid in my arms and dozed. She was running a fever and flush. Her mom gave her some meds and I think she is feeling somewhat better.

Seems like the weekend just flew by and I didn't do much of anything. Which is fine with me. I've gotten so lazy here lately. Work is going ok, but some of the jobs I do hurt my neck. But I'm tolerating it, because I know I have too. Got laundry finished up today. I only had 4 small loads. How cool is that. I have to do small loads in my washer because the dasher thingymabob doesn't do well with full loads. One thing I'm glad about it just being me and Andy. Not much laundry to do. Although I work on Jessica's when she brings her's by. Oh she'd do it an all, but she has so much running to do, and I'm here, so I don't mind working on it. o_O so I guess I still have lots of laundry to do. Guess I'm contradicting myself there. *shrugs* Eh, don't matter. Socks!!! I hate matching em. That is the one thing I hate about doing laundry is matching socks.

Seems like I've done nothing but rattle on in this entry. Oh well, don't seem like I do much of anything else anyways...

Horses have plenty of water now. I left the water on in the trough all day. *slaps forehead* Not the first time I've done that, but I do try to avoid it. I hate wasting water.

somewhere over my rainbow, I'll find some gold!!!

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Oh I so love bubbles!!! I have 2 or 3 bubble machines. I love the colors and just everything about them. Me and Andy get married, we are going to have one of those there. Somewhere...

I guess I'll end this and get Andy in here to eat dinner. Then I'm going to call it a night. Done got our shower taking, so I'm going to relax, watch some boob tube and go to sleep. Four am comes mighty early...




Evaporation? I think not!!!

22:50 Aug 13 2007
Times Read: 664

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Now I know who the culprits are *giggle* I thought this pic was so cute. Andy caught her getting a drink. I just hope the chlorine don't hurt them. I'm sure Lucy isin't the only one that drinks out of the pool...

Had to do wiring at work today. My neck is killing me now. I took pain meds this morning and they never did help. I took some more just a bit ago, we'll see if they help any better.

I got dinner over with. Made pork chops, wild rice, fried okra and I made a lazy dazy strawberry cobbler for dessert. A scoop of ice cream over it warm *licks lips* Can anyone say YUM???

Found out today, that the insurance paying for the pt has been wiped out. So now I have to be billed or bill my insurance and then give the bill to my lawyer. Sad thing is, anything on my insurace from this accident has to be repaid as well. I feel like the walls are crumbling down around me. Shut off notice on my house phone and electric. Got the house phone paid. Andy is paying the electric. I'll be so glad to start getting a full pay check. I'll just have to accept the pain and deal with it. No more taking off work. Except to finish pt and do my dr appt Monday. Hopefully that will be the last one and I can try to get on with my life.

Andy goes Monday for orientation to go back to work. He won't find out till then if he get's the pay he was making or back down to the bottom. They pretty much were terminating him. Hopefully he is getting reinstated instead of rehired. Can't take a pay cut. I'm not sure I'm ready for him to go to work, but I know he has too. God I'm going to miss him like crazy!!!

All my floats from last year have died on me. So now to lay out in the pool I need new ones, and even though they have them on clearence now, I just don't have the money. *sigh* Eh, life goes on...

I feel like total crap right now. Other then my neck hurting, my head is starting too and I feel sick to my stomach. ugh!!! I stopped on this entry and went to the barn, speaking of which, I have to go shut the water off soon. It was too hot to stand out there and wait on it...


Ok, I'm done outside. Thankfully, because it's wayyy hot out there. After I get done with this entry, I'm going to take a shower and then lay down on the couch with Andy. Maybe take a nap, or just sleep thru to 4 am. *shrugs* I just feel yucky!

Jessica and Brianna went to six flags with my sister. They are going to bake my baby. She was playing in a sprinkler when I last talked to Jess. My little frat brat is the sweetest lil brat I know. When she comes over, she loves playing with her cars. Andy got her started on those. She will take me by the finger and pull me into the floor to play cars with her. We'll sit there and "vroom vroom" for a while. She loves playing with Andy too. She will lead him to the play room to play. He now has his futon in there so he is able to sit on that and watch the tv.

Speaking of the play room. He has been working on the door, staining it and finishing it, then he will put it up. It is one of those folding doors. The door that was on it was just plain wore out. And he is building me a medcine cabinet for my bathroom with a mirror on it. So I can get rid of that broken one that is in there. And then hopefully he can get my new faucet put in in my kitchen. This faucet was bought a while back, so don't go thinking I just bought it with my unmoney. My cold water is pretty much a dribble and I hope it's in the faucet and not anywhere in the water lines under the trailer. I hate it dribbling. Takes me forever to make a pitcher of tea. I sometimes use the hot water side until it starts getting hot...

Ok, I'm going to call this entry quits, so I can get my shower taken and then get in some cuddle time with my cowboy!!!

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Back to the grind!

18:30 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 667

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Yuk! I have to go back to work Friday. Why on earth they are making go on a Friday I have no clue. And I have to leave early to boot. I still have another week of pt to do as well. So 3 days next week I have to leave early. Oh wait, Friday's it as 10 am, so doubtful I'll go in at all on that day. Not worth me driving an hour to work just to work 2 hours and leave. Not with gas prices they way they are. Granted gas is coming down some, but not enough. I'm going to have to find someone to share a ride with. I can't afford to drive that minivan to work, it's a gas hog. And my car is still broke *cries* I have no clue when I'll get 1000 to fix it. I have a whopping 1.95 in my checking account and maybe 33 in my savings and I need to get that above 50 or they'll charge me 5 a mo for that account *sigh* It's a no win situation. Eh, when you see those rug doctors in the stores, just think, I might of helped build it. OH JOY!!!

Andy goes back to both his knee and back dr Friday. Hopefully he'll get released to go back to work soon as well. He is getting is ltd, but it's only 1000 a mo. I'm struggling to get things paid.

I got a letter in the mail saying that the ceo of rug doctor is selling. Some say it won't effect us, but I'm just worried they may try to move it to where labor is cheaper. Of course, we do cheap labor now, I got a whole whopping 9 cent raise. God I'm going to be rich soon!!! *gags* I can't even afford to buy bread and milk that I now need. Ya I know, I'm just one of many going thru these daily struggles and I'm sure some have it even worse.

I'll stop whining and move onto something else...

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I'm sitting here with a bowl of cantelope munching on it as I write this entry. Yummy and sweet. I came across this pic, I guess this might be the new halloween look?

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I've found an online horse game called Howrse. I'm totally addicted to it. This is one of my horses. I can sit and play it all day long. I also have a stud and I named him Dandyman's Pride. He is the same color. And I'm going to bid on one. I even have my own center where I can board my horses. See, told ya I was addicted.

I think I'm finally getting my house in order. I think! Still need to get Bri's high chair down there and Jess' computer desk as well.


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My yard is starting to look like a desert! I hate it when it's this hot. Speaking of hot, my window ac unit died on me Monday night. *cries* And my central don't work. Sunday Andy spent what little money he had left and bought a small one for the bedroom, because the one in the kitchen had a hard time keeping the bedroom cool even though I have hordes of fans going. Thankfully we had that one. So Tuesday I had to use my credit card to go buy a big one for the kitchen. We pretty much spent yesterday confined to the bedroom. I felt like a little kid in trouble. And I was on the verge of tears all day. It was too hot to work on getting the new ac in until late afternoon, then we had to take breaks to go cool off. Andy doesn't do well with the heat after he had that heat stroke. But we finally managed to get it in. It looks better then the old one I had and it has more btu's. 24000 to be precise. And it is energy effcient. So hopefully that will help with the elec bill as well.

This past weekend we went to his parents, so he could get the rest of his stuff that was in storage. He now has his futon up in the play room. That is what we call the spare bedroom. Brianna will take one of us by the hand and lead us in there to play, because that is where I have her toys. So, hence the name. So he pretty much has all his belongings over here, except his big screen tv. And of course he don't have this as his permanent address yet. He'd have to take a pay cut with JBHunt if he changed it. And he's have to get Mo lic on his van. *shrugs* But if we get married he'll have to get all that changed. You'd think it wouldn't be a big deal, but I guess in some small way it bothers me. Not sure why Mo drivers get paid less then Ill drivers. It don't make no sense to me...

Had to stop for a bit and take my hair down out of the towel. I have a bonafide question and I'm looking to hear what y'all have to say. When you take a shower, you clean your body and when you get out, you're wet, but clean. So you grab a towel and dry off. Then, your towel is wet. Do you hang it over the shower rod and let it dry and use it again next time? Or do you put it in the dirty clothes hamper?

Horses are doing good. Eating me out of house and home though. I need to get feed bought. Get more hay stored up for winter. I can't seem to get ahead. I need to get a door on my barn so I can lock Dandy and Shianne up, because they are getting hay bellies being in the hay 24/7. And I can't afford that. Now to just get me some money to get this done. *sigh*

Pool is still looking good. Although the water is usually warm because of the extreme heat. I haven't been in it as much as I'd like. Seems like something always comes up. And that water is rough on my hair.

Sorry, had to go play on howrse for a bit *evil grin*

My Brianna girl is growing like a weed gone wild. I love watching and listening to her. And those blue eyes, I see my mom everytime I look into them. I feel so blessed to have her in my life. Jessica is doing a wonderful job with her. She has found a daycare to put her in for the times I can't babysit. It's mainly during the day on Friday's that she needs the daycare. But she is getting ready to go back to school and needs to have a back up for her. And she can leave Brianna there on days she needs to study and do work. It will be wonderful for Brianna to interact with other children and they will start working with her on learning things such as her abc's and her numbers. She is getting help from the state on paying. I think her out of pocket cost will be like 20 a week. I think she needs to take Brianna in there 3 to 4 days because they charge her whether she is there or not and it will do wonders for her to be around other children her age. And I'm going to fill out a form to get a background check and the state will pay me to babysit my girl. Ya, they have to do a check for me to babysit my own grandbaby o_O What's this world coming too? Not that I have to get paid, but hey, if they are doing the paying, I'll be doing the taking... I could sure use the money...

While we was at his parents, I went shopping with his mom. Not that I bought much mind you. But we went to this international store. His mom is german and she introduced me to the marzipan candy. *drools* OMG!!! That stuff is like sooooo very good!!!! I could just sit and eat it all day long and look like a beached whale by the end of the day...that's how good it is.

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they even make these things out of the almond paste... now eating one of these wouldn't be done by me o_O It's cute though...

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We went to KC a couple weekends ago, his best friend is already have martial problems. And it hasn't even been a year yet. Well, he decided to try to commit suicide with a gun. So he ended up in the hospital. That bitch has pretty much drove him over the edge. And while he was in there, she came to visit and decided to try again. *glares* I told Andy I want nothing more to do with her. And, I told him even though they are trying again, it won't work. Because she don't really want it too. And she is petty, selfish and self centered. It's always about her. He deserves better. I no longer talk to her. Well, needless to say, he called Dave last night and they are splitting again! Where he'll go I don't know. We've offered to let him come here to get away for a few days. All we can pretty much do. But I knew she'd do this. Dave is in his middle 40's and she is in her lower 20's acting like she's 10. She's stupid I tell ya. And I really really don't like her for what she has put him thru. Hate is a strong word, and I'm getting close to it with her. I just wish I could take his pain away...*sigh*

Seems like I have a whole lot more to say, but eh, it eludes me right now *sigh* It's after 12 and I have to get dressed and get Andy moving as well. He fell asleep on his futon in the play room.



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