and fell the tears of angels from hevan to wash away such blood.
to cleanse this earth of sacrifice.
i watched as the light stained the skies and fell the tears more again.
as the seven angel held forth the bowl and poured it to the hevans,
and said, it is done.
thus grows void, unending dark.
it consumes me leaving nothing of past lives.
the pain rips through my body as lightning to sky.
the pair stare in awe. one filled with hate the other in compasion.
i wish comfort from both but find only one hand to guide me.
all i have left is pain, this familiar pain.
i wish to be home
torentia ast na cum la mesen zam och keint korin kasha
so shatters the hearts of man
or what was left
things there are words not to decribe i have done.
the black heart as my acomplise, written many times in secret i confess my sadness.
never before have i shared it with them.
done what has, unforgiveable maybe but greatly regretted.
thise black heart wept countless oceans and countless tears to set the wrong things right but of no use.
i am the thing i have feared most. the destroyer of souls and beings alike.
oh wht to give to take their place apon the table on which i steal their life.
their love.
their joy.
and replace with hate few have felt since the birth of our wretched kind.
must one die to set things right.
but answer come only with things that are predicted.
dead, as i am now.......
as na unde zach am toren ayun
for i am a coward and deserve to die as such.
forced to watch this blood, oh this pure precious blood run free of my veins to die in agony as repentance for my crimes.
crimes to those who once loved, once trusted, once believed.
i should welcom such death as proof.
i have seen blood splashed the walls as of canvas and brush.
these doings are not my will.
i stand by unchanged unwilled by events such past.
i watched in curiousity as she split said veins in the name of some willful quest of glory, i turned when she reached to my shoulder.
i etched emotion deep in my face and fled,
it is not my place i lead not but follow less and rise my place in my self contained prison my heaven as hell and reversed the desires of my heart to do the "honorable' thing.
is it wrong to do what you feel is wrong if it means to save some one from their own pity.
i can not live for the good of others for their interests do not meet my own.
though they may exists, my wish is to isolate them from my being to better my life.
is this so wrong, this life is survival, not of the strongest or healthiest, but at times to the cunning, the cruel and the wicked.
who live to fufill their purposes.
sometimes it is the only way to know where one belongs..
to live, to die, and live once more
cobrasas , covene, obirishe set na
If tears would bring exuberant joy, then joyless she never would be
If thy death would give lasting life, then death should com for me every hour
Should tears shed by eyes of the cruel and wicked bring back her smile, my sorrow shall fill the rivers, and oceans again
Should my voice strike her heart, then speachless i shall be
If my smile shall be a burden and bringer of tears then it shall fade
Should pain bring laughter then in pain shall i live
If my life is to cause such pain then lifeless i shall be
i love you to the deepths of my heart to a point i can not explain or show.
but know i love you always, and will wait till the day when we can be together.
in freedom and love.
to no longer have to hide behind a teen age facade of love.
but to show my love of you as an adult to the world
so all may see the one i love as i do.
beautiful and dark, loving and caring with hair of infused embers of the love that she so generously gives to me,
her lips from which such a heavanly kiss melts my being.
a shape that no other could imitate in all
the realms of existance.
i am yours now and forever.