for some bloody reason none of my friends are talking to me and i don't know why i mean i have done no wrong to them as far as i know but for some odd bloody reason they just stop talking to me one by one and i cant take it .if the would give me some reason to why they are not talking to me then i would be lest up set this is really beginning to be to much for me to handle i mean what kind of friend would stop talking to you without telling you why and to make matters worst they just had to stop talking to me when i need to talk to them the most
{july 22.08}
ello all who read this i do say that life has been an uprour if you ask me well for me anyways. it been a week since larie lost her laptop and it is all thanks to my bestfriend he was very drunk. why would i let a drunk person get hold of my laptop you say well she didnt. larie was down stairs makeing a cup of tea for her and a pot of coffee for him. i do say he took it upond himself to try and bring it down stairs but failed as we all know.and to make matters a little more stress full larie must find what school she is going to for it starts up in to month. maybe ill look in new york but not oh to sure on that one. but ill will find some where .now for more lighter news larie's step da has bought back her camar so now she can take more fotos,and last but not lest my brithday is next month and i wonder what people are going to get me.oh i almost forgot i did my hair in pink,black,white and purple yarn i will take some fotos today and post them asap do have a lovly day from me ,her and larie
{july 23,08}
ok larie is having a bad day today you see her anut is a stupit bitch she left to go see her boyfriend {no this dose not make larie's aunt stupit but this dose} knowing that she has to move her shit out of her house because the landlord is putting her out well now she has nowhere to put her shit and guess what she told them to send it to larie''s mum's house oh they send it and now our bloody house looks like a junk yard why well because they just bumped it in our drive way how lovely is that now laire dose not live in the hood no no no! not a place for her so guess how people are looking at the house you know it and i do not like that i know i larie is a wreid person but i dont like mess so im pissed and that bring me back to wtf wrong with my aund she 's to old for this shit she not a bum bitch so why is she actting like one but now i must spend the rest of my day cleaning this shit out of the drive way how fun not. from me ,her and larie
part ll
ok it is 9:19 pm and it fucking raining we just got most of that shit out of our drive way oh and by the way all that shit was trash and not like oh i dont want this anymore trash but but fuck giving this to the dog throw it in the trash trash i am so beyound piss my mum was crying to day because people where looking at our house and all the shit all over the drive way and being black it did not look good on us i mean our house is very nice but it did not look so nice with at shit all over the place i have pic of how bad it was and when i say trash that what it was i am so a shame to have famliy that fucks me mum over all the time and the bad part her nor her son can be found to help to get this shit out of our drive way i have ocd and so dose my mum so messes drive us crazy so for all the people who have ocd like us know how we were feeling and for those who dont you can still see how pissed we all were..
we call this iris"s dump......this is not pretty well photobucket is really actting slow so ill get them up asap
I'm pleased to inform you that i am not new to vampire rave in fact some of you might even know me as i went by the user name deathlarie but i now go by the name lariedeathasylum but you may call me larie if you like. no i was not terminated for being inactive i deleted myself my reasons for leaving are as follows:important documents were stolen and it prohibit me not to work. indeed it sucks but i have it all back and i am going well. well not really because my best friend dropped my laptop on her head and now its unfix able if that is even a word ...well it is now my word bitches! anyways i do say i am getting side track know where was i oh yes my laptop. so now i must save up for a new one and all the stuff that i had uploaded on there is all gone but i keep you updated laters