Hello all, the last few days have not been fun. I did go see Amanda's headstone. My mother told me she screwed it up. I didnt know how bad til i saw it.
the words said. loved and cherished by mama, cindy,sandy, ginger and billy.
my mother didnt put the w at the end of mama. which leads people to think she is her mother. NO cindy is her mother.. ME ME ME.. mom said everyone knows you are her mother.. not by that headstone they dont. but what was i gonna do? she had called me a few weeks ago. she sounded kind of strange. i asked her if she was ok. she said fine and hung up
she called ten minutes later and told me that she screwed up the headstone. she didnt say what . but i told her ( being the bigger person) said mom its just a headstone, nothing i can do about it anyway. but it hurts. she may have helped raise her. But as the song says. " I loved her First" I will always be her mother, mom cannot take that away from me no matter what the headstone says. it upset me when i saw what she did. and she did it on purpose. she can act all upset like she did. but i know my mom too well.
but other than that. I am doing good. I have decided to put this line on my headstone, what a long strange trip its been. lol