got a new nebulizer from A1 health care as my old one was deciding to work when it wanted to. I dont normally need it but usually for first thing in the morning. I was shocked to see how small they are now. And for those that dont know what one is, its basically a machine that delievers medicine directly into your lungs. most peeps thats had asthma or bronchitis has had a breathing treatment before. my old one was about fifteen years old. and at the time i really didnt need one but my grandmother had given me hers. its bulky and you definitly cant take it with you when you travel. this one is small enough i can put into a small purse. neat little thing it is.
had the sugery monday, been to pt three days already. the shoulder is doing much better. i can now raise it and lower it with just a little pain. better than it has been. its on the mend and so i am ready to move forward now.
I love sundays. Mickey curls up with me on the bed and we watch mythbusters on the discovery channel. did some writing today before i have surgery tomorrow. be sleeping all day i think.
Went book shopping a few days ago.. Got 12 books of the Anita Blake Vampire hunter series. Only two of them were hard cover so going to make a trip back to half price books once a month to see if i can get the paperbacks in hardcover, one at a time. Have surgery monday morning. Been working on chapter five for Angelus. My problem is I watch burn notice and want to do a little more action in the story. lol
Tomorrow is July 4th. Happy Independence Day...
Mom is doing the annual cookout at her house, Our family consisting of my two daughters, Amanda and Jennifer, Amanda's fiancee Billy and Jenny's new boyfriend Greg, Sister's Sandy and Ginger and Gin's husband Roger all will be there. I'm sure a few of the cousin's will show as well. My uncle Charlie, just had bypass surgery the day before yesterday is doing well. I'm so glad. My uncle is a character and I remember him so well from my childhood, can't help that as he and my aunt and their five children lived next door to us from the time I was three until we moved to the other side of town when I was twelve. I grew up with eleven cousins, motorcycles, go carts and mini bikes and a dog named Boss and hound dogs that he had.
Summer's were spent, talking uncle charlie into giving us rides on his zuzuki or his kawasaki motorcycles, going to lake cumberland to try to fish off the back of the party barge he had. I remember his blue studebaker, took forever to heat up in the winter to take us to school.
He worked in blacktopping. Which when he came home he smelled of tar and sweat. He always seemed dirty to me lol I dont think i remember a time when he was cleaned up. My aunts and uncles and the cousins were a big part of my growing up. Before my mother married my stepfather, We girls only knew of our mother's family and even now. looking back on it all. It was enough. As little as we had. We had enough. Family was enough. Didnt matter what else was going on in the world. Our world consisted of just our family doing our thing.
I wish sometimes we were all little again, and living in that house with the acre of land between our houses. Summers and the fourth of july seemed to last forever. They were magical in a way.
But thats the beauty of childhood.