what i didn't realize before... let me go back FIRST to the message I didn't think about as I posted the first....
April 3, 2011
[3:16:36 PM] Blocked: hey u awake
let us see here...... 3:16...........i think that is ONE TEENSY BIT more then 1 hour.
I got this message however in my inbox after posting the 1st:
turns out you were right, its been about 6 hours, and im not in the icu, thankyou for correcting me."
So, yeah, either way, you're a shit bit out of luck.
You broke your left arm?
and a few ribs?
even then?
even WITH those 6 hours?
you aren't typing at 3:16.
No, you're stabalyzed since you've been out of it so long.
DON'T make shit up. Get facts STRAIGHT and not try to cover your ass up with more lies after one, going back on your story makes it harder to believe.
and I must say...of
the people to lie about the hospital to?
you picked the WRONG effing one.
I have NO tolerance for liars and idiots, and when trying to lie? To all you idiots out there who refuse to NOT lie, let's give you a hint:
The below is a chat log from my skype I copied, however, "Blocked" is NOT the persons name, that is the ONLY way that the following chat has been altered. I have removed the identity due to the fact that the skype conversation was with another VR user.
Idiot of the day:
April 3, 2011
[7:46:28 PM] Blocked: hey sweety
[7:49:53 PM] Emma: hey
[7:49:56 PM] Emma: i'm here -.-
[7:50:01 PM] Blocked: hi
[7:50:02 PM] Emma: just tired as fuck
[7:50:06 PM] Blocked: im in hospital
[7:50:10 PM] Emma: o-o
[7:50:12 PM] Emma: WOAH WHY
[7:50:36 PM] Blocked: i got hit by a car
[7:50:43 PM] Emma: o-o
[7:50:46 PM] Emma: omgomgomgomgomg
[7:50:49 PM] Emma: WHAT HAPPENED
[7:50:52 PM] Emma: AND WHATS WRONG
[7:50:56 PM] Emma: AND ARE YOU ALRIGHT
[7:51:03 PM] Emma: well, no you aren't you'r ein the hospital
[7:51:06 PM] Emma: what happened?!?!?!
[7:52:20 PM] Blocked: i got hit by a car
[7:52:26 PM] Blocked: i was crossinbg the street
[7:52:34 PM] Blocked: i was in a coma till bout an hour ago
[7:53:17 PM] Emma: 0-0
[7:53:45 PM] Blocked: lappy
[7:53:56 PM] Blocked: i ahve pull
[7:53:59 PM] Blocked: gimme a sec
[7:54:21 PM] Emma: o-o
[8:03:25 PM] Blocked: ok back
[8:04:12 PM] Emma: okay.
[8:04:14 PM] Emma: how
[8:04:14 PM] Blocked: i needed morphine
[8:04:20 PM] Emma: are you on your lap top
[8:04:23 PM] Blocked: yes
[8:04:25 PM] Emma: and able to function
[8:04:26 PM] Emma: on morphine
[8:05:49 PM] Blocked: haha
[8:05:53 PM] Blocked: who says i am functioning
[8:06:45 PM] Blocked: im def not well
[8:06:45 PM] Emma: .......
[8:06:53 PM] Blocked: i shouldnt be on here
[8:06:56 PM] Blocked: maybe i should rest
[8:07:00 PM] Emma: how do you have your lappy
[8:07:10 PM] Blocked: my assistant brought it for me
[8:07:43 PM] Emma: ..............................in an hour?
[8:07:48 PM] Blocked: no
[8:07:48 PM] Emma: you called and asked fro your lap top
[8:07:51 PM] Emma: and it was brought to you
[8:07:56 PM] Emma: well then it doesnt make since.
[8:07:59 PM] Blocked: ive been in hospital for 2 days
[8:08:05 PM] Emma: you've been in a coma until like an hour ago.
[8:08:09 PM] Blocked: yes
[8:08:17 PM] Blocked: my assistant uses my lappy
[8:08:17 PM] Emma: then you couldn't have asked for it.
[8:08:20 PM] Blocked: i didnt ask for it
[8:08:29 PM] Blocked: shes been next to me since it happened
[8:09:09 PM] Emma: i'm finding this hard to believe, i know sure as fuck when i'm in the hospital i wouldn't be at it and on the computer while on morphine
[8:09:21 PM] Blocked: well ur not m
[8:09:22 PM] Blocked: me
[8:09:38 PM] Blocked: i can use my right arm
[8:09:41 PM] Blocked: so im on here
[8:09:57 PM] Emma: no but i am in the ER quiite a bit
[8:10:01 PM] Blocked: yes u r
[8:10:16 PM] Blocked: im not
[8:10:20 PM] Blocked: but i know where i am
[8:10:30 PM] Blocked: and what state im in
[8:10:50 PM] Blocked: also i can function well on morphine
[8:11:15 PM] Blocked: some cant i can
[8:11:29 PM] Blocked: still ur oppinion
[8:11:43 PM] Emma: not just mine, also my EMT friend.
[8:12:02 PM] Blocked: well ur call
[8:12:06 PM] Blocked: i wont be called a liar
[8:12:06 PM] Blocked: still
[8:12:14 PM] Blocked: shouldnt be here ne ways
[8:12:28 PM] Emma: nope, you shouldn't if you just got out of a coma
[8:12:37 PM] Emma: and are in the ER on morphine
[8:12:48 PM] Blocked: then ill take ur advice
[8:12:53 PM] Blocked: and get off here
[8:12:58 PM] Emma: good plan
[8:13:07 PM] Blocked: bye
[8:28:34 PM] Emma: here is the issue i have with your little story blocked.
[8:28:42 PM] Emma: because here are 2 facts i do know.
[8:28:44 PM] Emma: KNOW
[8:28:47 PM] Emma: not just think.
[8:29:02 PM] Emma: Comas and trauma patients? go to ICU
[8:29:20 PM] Emma: and ICU? They don't even have TELIVISIONS no way in FUCK would you have your lap top
[8:30:44 PM] Emma: So nice try Blocked. But i won't take your lies to me.
[8:31:01 PM] Emma: Because no matter what, even if you WERE hit by a car, or anything to that nature?
[8:31:12 PM] Emma: You lied within your fairy tale
[8:31:15 PM] Emma: Goodbye.
other things that were "known but not 100% factual"
-Only people who work well on morphine are morphine addicts who have it in their system and have built an immunity
that's all i have for now, i'm through
i'm sick of you saying i have a rep and that i'm just another little pawn in the game of life who likes to "play games" and mess with peoples hearts.