I have a theory on why Einstein was so smart. It is said he couldn't speak until later in life,the voice recordings reveal a very introverted observant guy,right handed,left his father's business on "health" issues, He wrote his ideas and had friends help write the math portions,the pictures reveal him as a goofball, then the documents at the time of his death reveal he had the brain of a 20 yr old man. Some of this is hereditary but what if he was in fact a Savant or spitting image/brain of his dad- an introverted nerd eating superfoods? eating superfoods? think about it, 20 yr old mind at the time of death is either a disability or he had to be eating superfoods excercising those areas of the brain. If these aren't the answers than one must conclude he's an alien mutant.
11:53 Mar 26 2014
Did you know his eyes are in a safe here in New York City?