Below the human surface, a portal awaits-an Axiom that repeats itself w/ something greater-being Alive in perfect equilibrium.. The extroverted are blind, perplexed w/ disambiguation, pervert it w/ their "embrace" and semantics, or completely shun it........all in effort to understand or ignore this portal.
How to Save All Human/animal rights,alleviate poverty and protect Earth........with the following recipe.....
Hoc systems-individuals working on a frame to maintain , much like organs in a body all individual w/ their specialties to the highest degree on a skeletal frame/neurons to keep you alive& more...* aka individualism/group hybrid at it's best.=)
Oil:Invest in biofuels, biomass for fuel, outdated
bread/alcohol conversion to fuel, or a whole new way of travel. PLants are a fast renewable resource,
make profit, and markets actually do better w/ better access to freight.
Water:Fix all water problems- with reforms in technology (which is affordable on home scale), and definitely industry otherwise a desalination plant really will effect all life support systems on our ship.
building engineering- use permaculture/biophilic/ fungshui, disaster prevention principles as much as possible aka smarter not harder. Example: saving trees, locking out moisture& no bugs, plus adheres to paint really well- cement fiber siding and composite decking...combine w/ passive heating/cooling/lighting techniques appropriate for your area, eco technology like $300 tankless water heater.....
medicine: legalize pot on the medicinal side
and make cures, not just treatments when possible
education: free education for homeless/ low income people provided documentation, then smarter not harder, starting in the art of reading........
School lunches- grow or free lunches to low income/homeless provided proper documentation
* prevents enabling.
Mad people: correct help for behavioral/disabled children
Weaponry: Allow but monitor
Marriage: marry but not inherit another's debt & G/B if they can answer a biology question then should be allowed to marry.
minimum wage & equal opportunities to get a job- in pursuit of happiness/dreams& prevention of inflation. all other systems lack freedom.
a flag that represents all legalized residents