I need to get busy and use the journal. I could write about my life*BORING*, my job *HOPELESS*, my book*BETTER-but I'll save that for the stories section*, or any number of other things. But what do I have in my journal? Didleysqat!! So, I am about to remedy that.
We, my son Willy, his soon-to-be-wife Chevy, and myself (with a little help from chevy's twin) are working on getting a business up and running. It will be a Bar, Restaurant, and Grill, called: Hale Billiards Bar and Grill.
I want you to know that this has been a huge undertaking for me. I have never done anything on such a grand scale as this before. The paperwork alone has given me three new grey hairs!
I have been in the restaurant business since the dawn of time. Willy has been a pool fanatic since he could see over the table. Chevy has been a waitress and a bartender forever. And we already have people falling all over themselves to work for us. This makes me feel great.
OOOOPPPPS, gotta go for now. I'll add more later.