ladyaurora's Journal


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2 entries this month


Dark Vengeance - Coming soon ...

20:59 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 625


"Darrriian...." The voice came with a brush of wind blowing in from a distance.

"Who are you." Darian searched the wooded area for the female voice that kept calling to him. The low lying fog made it almost impossible to see the ground, but he continued to walk further into the woods, following the mystical voice.

"I need your help Darian, you must find me." The voice was smooth and soft, and yet held a touch of fear.

Darian looked to the right and than to the left, nothing but tall trees outlined the area. The musty smell of the fresh fallen dew upon the mossy terrain and the crackling of twigs were the only sure things he could make out and hear. The fog seem to become thicker the further he walked into the dark forest.

"Where are you?" Darain called out.

A loud scream shot through the night air sending the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. "They are coming Darian, please, hurry, find me." The woman’s terrified voice begged.

Darian began to run, his bare feet hitting the cold wet ground that quickly became covered in mud. He knew the voice of the woman who was calling to him, he had seen her before. He felt a strange connection to her, and knew it was important to save this woman’s life.

His breath caught in his chest as he continued to race through the night, he jumped over fallen trees and ran through bushes. He tore open his skin as a wild briar reached out to grab a hold of his arm. A sharp sting raced along his bicep and he felt the warm liquid of his life’s source run down his arm.

"Over here." The voice said directing Darian off to the right.

Another scream caused him to push faster, his heart raced and his legs began to tire. He glanced up into the trees and watched as shadows seemed to move from tree to tree, as if he was being followed. Bushes rustled in front of him bringing his attention back to the direction he was running. Through the trees and thick fog he could see a cabin a short distance away.

Darian slowed his pace as he neared the cabin. He couldn’t sense any life around the area, but he was sure this was where the mysterious voice was coming from. The voice that he has become to know so well.

“Hello” he called out still trying to catch what little breath he had left. He walked closer to the rickety cabin, the windows were busted out and the door had been kicked in. The place appeared to be completely abandoned. "Are you here?" He asked as he walked up onto the rotten porch being careful of where he stepped so he wouldn’t fall through. He gazed in through the broken down doorway into the ransacked living room hoping to find evidence of life.

"Darian, your close, keep looking." The voice seemed closer this time coming from inside the cabin. Soothing and almost a sense of calm followed her tone.

Darian stepped over several books laying on the floor along with scattered clothes. Trash was spread out all over the kitchen and a rancid smell filled the air. He heard a noise coming from a closed door just past the empty small bedroom. He cautiously crept to open the door, unsure of what he might find.

Darian slowly pushed the door open and watched as several rats scattered across the room. The room was without light but he could clearly see a dark form that out-lined the wall. The figure’s hands were tied and bound to a chain that fell from the ceiling. He stopped and listened for any sound that might be coming from the body. No moaning, no breath. He walked towards the hanging body taking notice of the puddle of blood that covered the floor just below the tortured person. The person’s feet were tucked back and dragged the ground giving no support to the lifeless person.

Darian walked closer to the body, knowing already that this was the woman that had been calling to him. He had seen her many times before, in different surroundings, but always in his dreams.

“Hey, it’s ok, I’m going to get you out of here.” He said as he took a few more steps closer, ready to remove the ties that bound her hands.

A noise from behind him distracted his thoughts, he spun around to see many more rats creeping along side the wall back towards the mangled body.

"Get out of here!" He yelled towards them.

A cold gust of wind swooshed past him and a hissing noise fell into the dark shadows of the room. Darian’s heart began to race as he felt that he was no longer alone. That what ever was lurking just in the shadows was waiting for him to make the wrong move so it could attack.

He looked back over to the woman’s body and watched as blood drained from the cuts embedded deep within the flesh from where her tormentor had clearly enjoyed what they were doing and then lower along her feet where the rats had been feeding. Her clothes where tore and shredded exposing dirty bruised skin. The smell of the body, was of death.

Darian quickly went to work trying to free the person from the chains. How could someone leave a person to die like this? Especially her, why her? It would be only a matter of time before the wild wolves would rip her body into pieces and spread body parts throughout the entire forest leaving no remains to be found. Darian’s stomach turned at the thought of that. He has seen what wild wolves could do, he is after all one himself.

A moaning sound from the person still hanging from the chains made Darian look down and into the piercing dark golden eyes of the woman. Fangs shot out her mouth as she easily broke free from her binding chains and grabbed Darian sinking her teeth deep into his throat. Ice hot pain shot through his body as he tried to fight the demon standing before him. He pushed away trying to free himself of her grasp but she refused to let go.

His head began to spin as he felt his life drain out of him into the creature standing before him. He was so confused, didn’t she call him here to save her, why would she kill him? He fought for his life, struggling harder to get away. Pain shot up his neck as she ripped into his flesh deeper with every move he made. He could feel her teeth sinking deeper cutting into muscle and holding him paralyzed. The pain was blinding him but he could clearly see another figure step out from shadows and walk towards him. He knew who it was, he had faced that demon before. Terror raced through his vain’s pumping more of his life’s blood onto the ground and into the creature that was now holding him hostage as the dark entity continued to walk towards him.

"No!" He screamed out.

Darain’s headed was beaded with sweat and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.

"Dammit!" He cursed as he threw the covers off of him and sat along side the bed. For several nights these nightmares haunted him. Just one night he wanted a good night sleep. Wanted? Hell he needed it.

He stood up with trembling legs and forced himself to walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He allowed the water to run freely and stood there next to the sink still trying to catch his breath. He filled his glass up with the cold water then reached down to splash the cool liquid on his face. He knew better then to try to go back to sleep, the dream would just take him again, so he used the cold water to wake him and possibly calm his nerves.

He reached over and grabbed a clean towel from out of the kitchen drawer and patted his face dry then decided that aspirin would be the cure for his aching headache.

Darian pushed open the bathroom door and felt a strange cool breeze rush out to hit his face. He stopped and looked around him to make sure he was alone, an eerie feeling of being watched sent chills down the back of his neck as images of his recent dream come rushing back into his mind. He looked over at the bathroom window to make sure it was closed and found that was where the breeze must be coming from. He walked over to shut it and looked out into the darkness. The sky was lit with several stars and the moon was half full. The lights that reflected off the city gave a rainbow of many different colors. He pulled the window shut then walked back to the medicine cabinet and got the medicine out and looked at himself in the mirror.

"You have seen better days old friend." he said to himself then gave a slight little laugh, "I’m starting to sound like Marco." His wavy brown hair scattered in all directions was sure evidence of a rough night sleep, either that or a night of fun and he sure as hell haven’t seen any of those nights for a while. Then he put the medicine back in the cabinet after getting out what he needed and shut cabinet door. He glanced up at the mirror and jumped as he saw a image standing behind him. The image of the woman he had been dreaming about. Her piercing eyes the color of gold and her long blond hair that was streaked with black. He quickly spun around and searched the room, but nothing was there. "Damn Darian this stuff is really getting to you." He said out loud then once more turned to face the mirror.

He then noticed a deep cut that ran across the top part of his arm. Darian ran his finger over the top of the gash and smeared the fresh blood. "What the hell?" He said out loud.

A wicked laugh then filled the air,, "Darian, come find me,,,,, I dare you."

Virus pulled her spirit back into her body. Astral projection, better known as the out of body experience, was something that she mastered years ago. She found it came in handy when preparing to battle the enemy, and she had many of them.

Virus had been watching Darian Wolf for a few weeks now, taking notice of the way he handled certain situations and purposely haunting his dreams, just to throw him off guard. Virus uncrossed her legs and stood up from the meditation position. She gave a full body stretch then adjusted her hair tie that held her long blond hair in place. It was time to get to work.

She changed out of her loose fitted clothes into a pair of low cut camo pants. Then she pulled down her tight black turtle neck sweater that defined her slender figure and once again adjusted the hair tie to hold her pony tail in place. She gave herself a once over then lifted her head up to catch her reflection in the mirror.

She gazed at herself for just a moment. The image that stood before her shown her more then her shapely figure, it shown her the deep yellow eyes. The eyes that made her stand out, the eyes that were so different, the eyes of the wolf. And the wolf was the one thing she hated most about herself.

Virus picked up the fully automatic rifle and jabbed the butt end of it into the mirror sending pieces shattering onto the floor. Her deepest hate was towards the wolf and she vowed to kill everyone of them. And next on her list was Darian Wolf.




Out of Vengeance Comes ...

21:31 Oct 12 2007
Times Read: 636

Darian looked around the rocky terrain then over to Marco who was concentrating on something that Darian couldn’t see. “So where did you poofy thing us to?” He asked.

Marco looked over at Darian who seemed to still be a little dizzy from teleporting. “The dizziness will soon go away, you will get use to it after a while.”

“Are you kidding? If I never do that again I will be happy.” Darian said. “So where are we?” Darian asked again.

“Safe.” Marco said as he walked over to Darian then ripped the sleeve of his shirt open to reveal the bullet wound in Darian’s arm. Marco quickly went to work repairing the damage from the inside out, mending muscle and tissue together which instantly stopped the bleeding.

“You are a man of very little words, I would think that after all these years of being in this world you would be able to say something more then safe.” Darian said.

Marco glanced up at him then turned and walked back over to the huge rock bolder he was standing in front of moments ago.

“Ok, I guess not.” Darian said.

Marco ignored Darian’s sarcasm and continued staring at the pattern on the rock. Many years ago he had welded this pattern but throughout the years the pattern had changed, just as it was meant to too keep the grounds safe.

“Well this night was unsuccessful.” Darian stated as he watched Marco stare at the rock that obviously didn’t hold the same amusement for him.

“Not entirely.” Marco stated, still staying focused on the pattern.

“O yes, I suppose your right. I found out that Rian is a traitor, that a bullet hurts when going through your arm and I learned what its like to poofy thing into space, which I might add is not as fun as it looks on TV.”

Marco didn’t seem to pay any attention to Darian. He continued to follow the pattern of the magic of the old ways to unlock the spell to grant them access to the tomb within.

Darian watched as Marco continued in deep thought and waved his hands in the air as some sort of wizard might do, then Marco began a low chant, repeating something in another language that Darian couldn’t quiet understand. Within a few minutes the ground shook and the rock began to split in half revealing a dark tunnel.

“O you have got to be kidding if you think Im going down in there.” Darian said looking at the dark entry way.

“You’re a wolf, your suppose to like deep dark dens.” Marco said.

“Well you see, that is the difference between me and other wolves, I like the comforts of a hotel. A shower, a bed and a pretty lady to share it with me.”

Marco rolled his eyes and shook his head then started off down the rock steps.

“Hey, your not even going to try to talk me into it?” Darian asked.

“Nope.” Marco said and continued walking.

Marco could hearing Darian cursing as he stepped foot inside the cave. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. He figured it served Darian right for all the times he would purposely bring up that dreaded woman he considered his sister.

The ground again shook as the rock in front of the entrance closed, leaving the entire passageway black. Darian was thankful for his great night vision, but still he was only capable of seeing a few feet in front him, then beyond that was pitch black.

“Do you hear that?” Darian asked. “It sounds like running water.” He said

“There is a spring up here.” Marco stated.

“Up where? In case you haven’t noticed we are going down into the belly of the earth, and the further we seem to go the colder it gets.”

“You complain a lot.” Marco said as he continued down the rocky steps.

“Im merely stating facts.” Darian felt uncomfortable, the walls along side him seemed to be closing in on him, they were solid rock and cold to touch. Something powerful illuminated from them, leaving Darian’s senses on full alert. The stairway continued to get steeper barely giving room to take another step forward without losing his footing. “I don’t mean to sound like a kid here but are we there yet?” Darian asked.

Marco took a deep breath, he was running out of patience with the wolf and was reminded quickly why he chose to work alone.

Moments later Marco reached the bottom of the steps and quickly lit the flaming torches throughout the large room with just a flick of his hand. The torches lit up revealing a large rock room.

Darian stopped and looked in total aw at the site. Carvings and inscriptions were engraved inside the grey rock wall. He took another step down and walked over to what appeared to be some kind of sentinel, then looked around the room and noticed that there were several of them, just different shapes and different colors. The sentinels where the only thing that seemed to have any color at all in the room. “You know, if this wasn’t so fascinating this would be some freaky shit.” Darian said still staring up at the beast that seemed to be starring back at him.

Darian didn’t realize it, but he was walking on ancient ground. This tomb held the souls of the men who had fought beside Marco in his army, many friends and warriors protected this place and welded more magic then anyone of the 21st century had ever seen.

Marco walked to the center of the room to a large rock table then carefully placed his hands in the place settings. Nobody else would be able to open the locks without suffering the wrath of the ancient souls. Seconds later locks popped and slowly a black coffin with red velvet lining arose above the ground.

Darian was to busy looking at the beast carved in the wall to notice what Marco was doing in the center of the room. He had a creepy feeling that he was being watched, like the sentinels where some how alive within the wall. The sentinel closest to him had the head of a lion, with eyes of deep dark gold. He had large fangs that hung out of his mouth that promised a painful death. His body was that of a large human with sharp talons protruding from the tips of his fingers that were tinted red, as if it was dried blood from a previous kill. A cold chill ran over him as he thought for sure the beast was staring back at him.

Darian continued walking, looking at the markings on the wall. Strange symbols and lettering with picture art ran line for line along down the wall. He followed it running his fingers along the inscriptions until he came to the next sentinel. This sentinel was in the likes of a wolf. His eyes were emerald green with white and grey markings along through his pelt. Again the body was that of a human, but the head was that of the wolf. Darian understood that the wolf was a shifter just like he was, “Man it sucks to be you.” Darian said and started on toward the next set of symbols.

Darian reached up to run his hand across the strange words and symbols that outlined the wall when he heard a low growl coming from behind him. He turned slowly and searched the area, but nothing was there.

The next sentinel held the face of a man with long blonde hair and deep black eyes, he had a sword drawn and appeared to be in a fighting stance, wings outlined his body and muscle sculptured his legs. Great power flowed from this sentinel and held Darian’s attention. He studied the figure on the wall, trying to make out exactly what this creature was. He understood the other shifters, but what was this one exactly?

“Hey Marco.” Darian said, then turned around to find that Marco was gone. “Oh hell no, he did not just leave me in this tomb by myself for the entire day.” Darian said walking towards the rock table in the middle of the room. “Hey Marco, where’d you go?” He asked, feeling a bit of panic set in. “Did I mention that I have a fear of being buried alive?”

Another growling sound came up from behind Darian and made him stop dead in his tracks. Instantly Darian turned already in a fighting stance ready to attack or defend himself from whatever was following him.

The grey and white wolf attacked as soon as Darian was facing him. Instantly the wolf went for the neck. Darian flung the wolf over and quickly shifted into wolf form. Both wolves watched each other as they paced around in a full circle waiting for the other to make its move.

“Well Darian, meet Rogue.” Marco said as he watched from the other side of the rock platform. Neither wolves took their eyes off each other and continued to walk around slowly in a circle, not willing to trust the actions of the other.

Both wolves were strong and would no doubt fight for being the alpha male, taking dominance over the other and clearly earning respect.

Rogue was the first to move, going straight for Darians injured shoulder. Darian winced as the sharp claws reopened the fresh gun shot wound causing blood to spill upon the ground. Darian fought back ripping through flesh as he dug his claws into his opponents side, sending out a deep growl from Rogue.

“Hey!” Marco interrupted. “I would like both of you at full strength at nightfall, we have a lot of work to do. You can rip each other apart another time. Elizabeth is alive and I will need both of your help in rescuing her.”

Both wolves glared at each other, but complied, saving the battle for another time.

Rogue shifted into human form allowing his long brown curly hair to flow around him. The man looked more intimidating then the wolf. He was tall in stature and held power and authority. Rogue’s eyes met Darian and Darian recognized the emerald green stare from the sentinel that was embedded into the wall.

Darian cautiously shifted as well, still not trusting the other wolf. “What is going on Marco?” Darian growled.

Marco walked towards the two men and wondered if this was such a great idea bringing Darian here. Neither one of the weres might not be alive by the time the dawn sets.

Marco glanced over at Rogue then took a deep breath and looked at Darian, “ Rogue is the oldest of your kind. If he took his position in the Lycan nation, he would be your reigning king.”

“You have got to be kidding?” Darian said. “I will not be ruled by anyone.”

“That is good because I have desire to rule.” Rogue said still glaring at Darian.

“He chooses to stay a lone wolf.” Marco said, then turned to go back to his task at hand. “Now if you boys don’t mind, dawn is approaching and I must prepared for the upcoming night.”

“Marco.” Rogue said. “How do you know that Elizabeth is alive?”

Marco thought about that then smiled slightly to himself. “Because she spoke to me.”

Both men exchanged glances, “How is that possible after all this time?” Darian asked. “Don’t you think if she truly was capable of talking to you she would have done it sooner?”

“Something has changed with her situation, she has strength now, whereas before she had none.” Marco said with hope in his voice.

“How can you be sure this isn’t the work of Alec Von?” Rogue asked.

“I know my wife.” Marco said sternly. “It was her, I could see through her eyes and even the room that she was in. I could even pick up on memories that she held within and the torment they put her through.” The ground began to shake as anger flowed from Marco as he recalled the memories of Elizabeth being chained to bed as Alec stuck a large needled in her side and injected her with a painful serum.

Both men looked at each other skeptical of Marco’s new findings. Neither one of them could help but think this was a trap. Darian shook his head than looked down at the ground, amazed that the prince of vampires would fall for such thing.

Marco knew that Darian and Rogue doubted that Elizabeth was still alive and more so that she was able to speak to him. But it was true, he knew without a doubt that it was Elizabeth. He would know that soft voice anywhere, even though now something within her seemed very different, it was still the same Elizabeth, his Elizabeth.

Marco took a deep breath and slowly let it out, allowing her memory to be the last thought on his mind before immortal sleep took over.

Alec Von wandered into the dark smoky bar filled with stumbling drunks who could barely hold themselves up on a bar stool. He took a dark corner booth not wanting to draw attention to himself, but wanting to be able to scan the room for his evening company. He felt that the women in such a place didn’t deserve the pleasure of his company, but he knew that it was the safest way to have entertainment. After all he was a man and he certainly had needs.

Alec scanned table after table but nobody caught his eye. Every woman in the room seemed to have noticeable flaws within them. There was only one woman that he wanted right now, and dammit to hell that he couldn’t have her just yet. His mind carelessly wandered to Elizabeth, he thought about what her skin might feel like, what her lips might taste like, how it would feel being deep inside her.

“Damn!” He said out loud not noticing the lady sitting at the table beside him.

“I’m sorry but are you ok?”

Alec glanced to the right of him and was amazed to see a beautiful red head sitting a few feet away from him at a nearby table. Her eyes held the deepest green that even through the dark and smoke filled room he could see. He then glanced down at her legs, long and shapely, covered with net stockings and a tight black leather mini skirt that didn’t leave much to the imagination. He scanned her body further up and was instantly drawn to her low cut top revealing her full breast. His body instantly grew harder and a little moan escaped as he closed his eyes thinking of all the wonderful things he could do to her. She was perfect, at least for the time being.

“Excuse me, I asked if you are ok?” She said to him in a sweet soft tone with a voice that promised a night of hot steamy trash talk. That only made him grow more intense with need.

Alec made sure to make eye contact as he spoke, “You will have to forgive me, my wife just left me for my best friend.” He ducked his head pretending to act as if the story was true and he was terribly tore up about it.

“Aw, I am so sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?” The woman asked.

Alec lifted his head to look back at the woman and seen the flirtatious smile on her face.

“You have a beautiful smile.” Alec said out loud.

“Thank you Mr ahh?”

“Bryant, just call me Bryant.” He offered her a half hearted smile, still trying to play the part of the broken hearted. “And what would your name be?” He asked.

“Cindy.” She said with a smile. “Could you use a little company tonight?” She asked indicating the empty chair at his table.

Alec tried to hide the sheer satisfaction of the way this was playing out. He knew without a doubt he would have the company of this woman. He could already envision her being tied to his bed while he played the games that he so loved to play.

“I wouldn’t mind the company at all, but I have to warn you, I am terribly devastated over my past relationship. I just cannot believe that she would do this to me, and worse yet that my best friend would betray me like this.” Alec dropped his head and stared down at his glass.

Cindy picked up her glass then moved to sit in the chair beside him. She knew without a doubt the man was lying to her, but she was use to that. Men in her field lied to her all the time, but hell so did woman for that matter. “I would love to hear all about it if you feel like talking.” She said to him.

“Really I don’t feel much like talking about her tonight, lets talk about you.” Alec’s eyes again wandered to her cleavage then back up to her deep shining green eyes.

Cindy smiled then ran the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass then slowly stuck her finger in her mouth.

Alec watched the way her finger glided gently around the brim of the glass then watched her lips close around her finger as she slowly sucked off the salt residue. Damn this woman was torturing him.

“What would you like to know?” She asked him in a seductive voice.

“Anything you want to tell me.” Alec said with a sly grin.

“Hmm, are you really up for small talk Bryant? Is that really why you are here?” Cindy asked as she looked up at him.

“What do you have in mind?” Alec could feel his heart start to pound with excitement.

“Well why not take a little walk and we can discuss it.” She said giving him a sexy innocent smile.

Alec was ready to take her up on the offer when his cell phone rang. “Will you excuse me for a minute?” He asked Cindy.

“Of course.” She said with a pleasant smile.

Cindy watched as Alec Von walked away from the table with his cell phone stuck to his ear. Damn she wanted to bust this man. She had been investigating him for months now and she was sure that she had more than enough on him to put him behind bars for a very long time. But her main goal right now was to help find Elizabeth. She hated this kind of undercover work, being so exposed to a pervert like Alec Von turned her stomach, but she also knew in the end he would get what he truly deserved.

Several minutes had passed before Alec came back to the table. “I am sorry Cindy, but it would appear that I have some important business I have to tend to.” He said to her clearly irritated.

“That’s ok Bryant. Let me give you my number and when you have the time give me a call.” Cindy quickly jotted her number down on a napkin then handed it to Alec.

Alec looked down at the number then back over to Cindy. He was so pissed that his incompetent help couldn’t handle such an easy task on their own, now he would be missing out on a great night with such a beautiful woman.

Cindy could clearly see the regret in Alec’s eyes, which was good. That meant that he would be calling her soon, and she would be able to press for more information about her case. She offered him a sexy grin and a slight nod before he turned to leave the table.

Jag sat on the side of a dead tree with blood pouring from his open wound. In the form of the jaguar it didn’t seem to hurt so bad, but now in his human form pain screamed throughout his entire body. This was the second mortal wound Giavoni had give to him, how could he have been so careless not once but twice now?

The air began to thicken and visible mist began to appear then seconds later a tall dark skinned man appeared in front of him.

“Alec isn’t happy with you.” The deep voice said.

“To bad.” Jag said as he tried focusing his attention on stopping the blood flow from his side. “As you can see I’m not really in the mood to care what Alec thinks.”

“He is on his way here.”

“Look Vapor, I’m not sure if you are trying to scare me or what your problem is, but in case you couldn’t tell I’m bleeding all over the ground here. I really don’t give a shit about you or Alec Von or that bitch Rian for that matter. None of you had my back except for the mortal who got killed. So screw you.” Jag pushed himself up off the dead tree branch and tried to force himself to walk off in the other direction. The more he walked the worse he bled. If he wouldn’t have had to run so far to get out of harms way the bleeding wouldn’t have started again. He had already bandaged the wound once, but was forced to shift back into the form of the jaguar and reopen the wound.

Vapor sniffed the air, “Wouldn’t it suck for you if other animals of the wild smelled the fresh blood draining from your pathetic body. That would certainly give you a little bit of a challenge wouldn’t it?” he said in a low deep calm tone.

Jag stopped walking then turned around to face Vapor. He hated that man, every since he had joined the team several months earlier they have never got along. He would love nothing more then to rip his flesh apart right now, but he knew that Vapor wasn’t a mortal. Actually, Jag had no idea how to even kill Vapor, he was just that, vapor, how would you destroy such a thing?

Jag let out a low growl then continued walking. “Tell Alec that I will see him around soon.”

“I think you should wait and speak to him yourself.” Vapor said in a demanding tone.

“I think you should mind your own business.” Jag kept walking pushing himself to get as far as he could away from the assassins. He didn’t trust any of them, and with good reason. They always turned on each other. If it wasn’t for the money he wouldn’t be working for them in the first place. Of course now he had a new mission, he would kill Marco Giavoni.

Vapor appeared in front of Jag. “You need to stay here, Alec wishes to speak to you.”

“Then I guess he better hurry his ass up.” Jag looked down at his wound, he was already feeling the effects of the loss of blood. His head was spinning from being so dizzy and his body was growing weaker by the minute. He needed to get away from these people before they finished him off and left him for the wild animals.

“I could fix that for you.” Vapor said looking down at Jag’s wound with a slight grin on his face.

“You know I think I will just take my chances. Thanks anyways.” Jag attempted to go around Vapor but Vapor put a hand on his shoulder holding him in place.

“What’s the hurry Jag?” The voice came from behind him and instantly Jag knew who it belonged to.

Jag tensed up and straightened his body the best he could without falling over from the pain. “I’m injured.” he said to Alec.

“I see that. You let them get away I take it?” Alec’s voice held an irritated tone.

“Not by choice.” Jag said now facing the man.

“Not by choice? How is it that you are still alive when any of my other assassin’s would have gave up their life to kill Marco and his helper.”

“Luck!” Jag said with a bite in his voice.

“I see.” Alec walked closer to Jag and looked him over, “you deserve to die. You are no better then them, a half breed who doesn’t belong anywhere. Why should I keep you alive? You have failed me twice now.”

Jag new what was coming. Alec intended on disposing of him, that was the reason he wanted to talk to him and that was the reason he brought Vapor. ‘Think dammit.’ he said to himself. He knew he would never be able to survive a battle, even at full strength it was likely he wouldn’t be able to beat Alec or Vapor and in the state he was currently in it would be impossible.

“Marco is wounded.” Jag said.

“And you think that is good enough?” Alec asked.

“I can track him. You know that is what you hired me for in the first place. I am the best tracker around. You will never find a better one.” Jag tried to hide the fear in his voice. He was grasping at straws here.

“I did hire you for that and you have failed me there as well.” Alec walked a little closer to Jag and pulled a knife out from the inside pocket of his sport coat then reached over and grabbed a hold of Jag around the back of the neck pulling him closer. He pressed the tip of the blade to the side of his throat. “I am going to be nice here, even though you have so rudely interrupted my evening plans and you didn’t kill Marco and you have failed to track the enemy as you were hired to do. I am going to let you live.” Alec put his mouth close to Jag’s ear and whispered. “But if you fail me one more time, I will kill you and leave you here as food for the wild.” He then pushed Jag backwards almost knocking Jag off balance. “Do you understand?” He asked with a glare.

Jag was fuming. He wanted to rip this man apart. How dare him hold a knife to his throat. “Yes I understand.” He said with a low growl.

“Don’t push me half breed. I will gladly kill you.”

Jag looked up to meet the man eye to eye but Alec had already gone.

Vapor smiled, “Maybe I will get the pleasure of putting the kitty down myself.” Then he to vanished into thin air.

“Shit!” Jag said, then looked back down at his wound. He had to find shelter and get the bleeding to stop. He had already lost to much blood and he knew he would be an easy kill. He had to find shelter. He thought how nice it would be to have the powers to pop in and out of anywhere at anytime, how much easier that would make life. Then he took off through the woods in the direction of a near by cave shifting into the form of the jaguar.

He thought about the things that Alec Von had said to him. The more the thought about it the more he picked up speed. He knew he was a half breed, it was a problem he had suffered with all his life. He knew that he would never fit in anywhere and he would always be alone. He trusted nobody but himself.

He had to find a way to get back at Alec and to kill Marco. Ideas kept running through his head on how he could get even. He would have to kill them both, or maybe he could use one against the other. Maybe he could let Marco kill Alec then he could kill Marco. Hmmm,, now that was an idea.

Jag approached the rock cave and shifted back into human form cringing from the pain as muscle and tissue tried to reshape.

How could he do that though? Wasn’t there something that Maroc was looking for? What was it? A woman. Damn what was her name?

He walked to the back of the cave and found a cool safe place to start the healing process. He would have plenty of time to plot his revenge, if he could only think of that woman’s name.

Then the name came out of nowhere in a woman’s sultry voice, “Elizabeth.” She said.

Jag smile, “Ah yes that’s it,, Elizabeth.”



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