ladyaurora's Journal


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7 entries this month

September 26 2007

04:55 Sep 27 2007
Times Read: 581

I wanted to write a short note to let anyone who follows this know that I have not gave up on my journals.. Things have been very busy for me.. My dark endless life always requires so much up keep and is often hard to keep that part of me a secret... Who I am,, who I have always been,,, unknown to most, and to the ones that do know, don't understand.... Sound familiar? I am sure that most of you can relate... The Dark Journals will continue..




September 12, 2007

03:26 Sep 13 2007
Times Read: 595

It is so that I haven't written very much in my journal,, for those of you who follow my mysterious intriguing life,, well I just needed a break.. I needed to play a little, to get feedback from the people on the Rave..

Believe it or not I draw energy from that, I draw energy from you,, yes you, the one reading this right now. Am I a psi vampire,,,, maybe,, along with many other things, and some of those things are not so nice...

Are the stories that I tell real? One thing is for certain,, the people that I tell them about are. Draven, Jure, and myself and all those beautiful people that I enjoy feeding off of.. Yes, all are real,, maybe only in my mind,, maybe only in yours..

Can you picture it,, the dark fantasys' that I have spoke of ? Most of us have them,, if you don't then maybe I am not the freak,, but you are.. A lot of people just don't want to admit they have them,, is that the case? Why hide who are? At least on here,, you can pretty much be anyone you want,, can you not?

Would you consider yourself an open or close minded person, and how far would you go to fullfill your wildest dreams? Hmmm,, all good questions..

Maybe it's not the sexual intrigue that drives you,, maybe it the blood lust, the desire to feed, the desire to finally be who you know you are, but the person that nobody undestands.

Think about it ...




September 6th 2007

04:37 Sep 07 2007
Times Read: 605

The softness of his lips mixed with the slight taste of his blood enhanced my desire... I ran my hand slowly up the front of him,, cupping his manhood in my hand,,, massaging ever so gently.. More deeply he kissed me,, holding my head in his hand, pressing my lips up against his.. He nipped my lip, causing a slight sting, mixing out blood together..

The blood must have enticed him more,, he began pulling at my clothes urging me to rid myself of the fabric. I felt the urgency the same,, coxing him to rid himself of his clothes as well.. Wildly we tugged at each others clothes unable to get close enough... I needed him deep inside of me.. Clothes began to fall off,, mostly in shreds as we couldn’t control ourselves from out heated desire..

Together we stood naked,, kissing deeply, touching, rubbing, licking, caressing.. The electricity was more then I could take.. He must have felt the same,, it was time to end the torture.

He turned me around and buried himself deep inside me,, .. The pleasure was intoxicating.. The pressure built as he continued to pound harder and deeper into my core.. He pulled my head back and sucked on my neck,, not enough to take my blood, just enough to turn me on that much more... Heat washed over me and I screamed in pure ecstasy as the orgasm ran through me.. My mind spun out of control along with my body.. It wasn’t long after he fulfilled my desire that Jure let out a deep moan and I felt his seed enter me...

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close,, both our bodies were beaded in sweat,, both of us completely satisfied.. It was always like that,, nobody else could ever take his place.. He is the best lover I have ever had,, and nobody can compete..




September 4th 2007

05:27 Sep 05 2007
Times Read: 618

September 4th 2007

He came to me again..... Whispering my name,, brushing his tender lips over my skin.. The feel of his warmth the touch of his hand,, tender and passionate,, making me wish I was human again.. Although I could not see his face he seemed familiar, someone I had spoke with before..

I have no idea why he has been visiting me, or why I am able to dream of him in my immortal sleep,,,,, his strength must be strong.

I dreamt of us walking in a park,, the wind was slightly blowing,, it was during the day,, the sun did not burn my skin and people did not stare at me as if I was some kind of freak.. Children play in the park, swinging and running, having picnic’s with their families... He held my hand,, and we continued to walk..

He led me to the top of a hill, away from the mortals.. To the top of the hill with a large tree that provided shade and shelter from the Sun... A blanket appeared on the ground.. He brushed back a stray strand of hair that fell down in the middle of my face than pulled me close tenderly placing his lips on mine.. The kiss was deep, with more passion then I can ever remember.. Stealing my breath as his tongue danced with mine.. He slowly ran his hand down the front side of my chest and cupped my breast with his hand,, slowly massaging, bringing my nipples to a peek.. I allowed a moan to escape.. I knew it was dream, but I didn’t want to awake..

I wanted more but he stepped back.. He turned me around and held me as we looked out over the normal people having a normal day at the park.. I smiled.. This was heaven,, I finally made it there after all this time....

Hot piercing pain like none that I have ever felt before shot through me as I felt the fangs of the man standing behind me enter my neck.. The once ever so gentle now became violent,, sucking and draining the life from me.. My energy began to fade,, my body became leaden..

He stopped just as I thought I would see my death.. He then placed a hand over the puncture wound on my neck and commanded it to heal.. My body complied... He then ripped at his wrist and forced me to drink.. At first I was reluctant, but then,, the taste,, the sweet taste,,, the copper hitting my lips was to much for me to bare.. I needed blood and he freely offered it to me.. I took from him what he had already took from me..

He pulled away after suppling what was lost and once again whispered to me.. He said ,, “I will come for you bella,,, make no mistake,, you belong to me...” Then he was gone...

How weak of me to write about romance, ,when I have lived hundreds of years without it.. How sappy and human these words appear to me when I read them back to myself,, and yet,, I still feel a pull,, a longing,, a connection that was never there before..

Should I feel guilty for it is my life I spend with Jure,, years and years with a man who has took care of my every need.. But love is something I only read about,, something that vampires cannot experience .. Or can they? Maybe only in their dreams .....

Tomorrow,,, I hunt!!




September 3rd 2007 3 am

03:19 Sep 04 2007
Times Read: 630

Curious people stare at me as I walk down the street.. Uncertain of who or what I am,, but knowing I am different,,,,, unlike them..

I grabbed a hold of the double doors with both hands and pulled them back allowing me entryway to the building.. Security wanted to stop me but they were scared to..

My long black trench coat tailed behind me covering the backside of my tight shapely black dress that split up the side exposing my thighs. Tucked down inside the top part or my garter belt lay hidden a shape jagged edge of my 6 inch throwing knife.

I walked past several people who were holding drinks and gossiping amongst themselves,, they all stopped and stared as I walked by... I couldn’t blame them,, in the hottest month of the year I wore a trench coat,, in the middle of the night I wore sun glasses,, I suppose I stuck out like a sore thumb or a fat lady in a bikini contest...

My skin as pale as soft powder and the sun glasses hiding the red tint of my eyes.. I wore the glasses for them,, not for me.. I know they can’t handle the truth for which that they would see beneath the dark tint of the shades.

As I reached the bottom of the spiral stair case a tall man, muscular built, dressed in an expensive suit approached me.. I stopped for only a brief second then held my hand up to dismiss him.. He continued forward as if to defy me. I ignored him and continued up the stairs taking each step 2 at a time. I reached the top in a matter of seconds...

Down the lengthy hallway towards the back of the estate I reached my goal,, I swung open the blood red door and entered Jure’s descendant office,,,,,, Draven Grando..

Draven nonchalantly looked up from his computer,,, “Aurora, I’ve been expecting you.” His deep voice barely hid the humor beneath the tone..

I walked closer to him, taking notice of all the books piled on the top of his desk.. “You cannot continue to break our code,, You know the rules! You are aware of what will happen if the elders find out.” I spoke softly..

Draven laughed then angrily pushed back his chair and stood up.

“Don’t talk to me about rules......... YOU break many of your own.” He yelled.

A sound then directed my attention to the right. Tied and bound with duck tape over his mouth was the next victim of Draven’s.. He had so many these days,, to many, and it wouldn’t be long before he exposed our world and the hunters would begin to search.. We would no longer be safe.

I started to walk towards the man,,, this was not an evil man, in fact he was holy. Dressed still in the priest uniform. “Oh my God Draven,,, what are you doing?”

Draven using the power of the vampire then appeared in front of me,, he looked down at me holding me in place with only his stare.

Anger boiled in the pit of my stomach and somewhere inside my mind I made a vow to kill him. No man,, human or other will ever control me,, and yet Draven did tonight.. Shame added to the anger ..

I stood frozen unable to move as I watched him approach the priest. The priest began to panic, struggling to get free...

Draven laughed,, “Oh, but where is your faith now father?” He screamed in the mans face..

Tears fell from the terrified eyes of the innocent.. This time the fear didn’t excite me, this time it brought sorrow and regret.

I did everything I could do to break Draven’s spell, but he, like his father, was much more stronger then myself.

Draven then lifted the man’s head and exposed his throat.. “You better get to praying father,, your end is here..”

He than tore into the priest’s neck,, ripping back flesh.. Blood sprayed the air, covering the couch, the floor and Draven..

Draven did not feed.. He took pleasure in watching the man die,, watching him suffer.. He then turned to me and said ...

“Vampires are the supreme beings who walk this Earth.. Don’t forget your place Aurora.”

The spell was lifted and I was able to move again. I felt weak and drained.. The sight and smell of the blood was such a strong temptation. Every inch of my body wanted to go to the lifeless man and suck the rest of him dry.... But morally I couldn’t.. This was a holy man,, a man who did not deserve to die..

The only thing left for me to do was leave...

I glanced back up to look at Draven again making a silent vow to destroy him... I will do just that,, Know matter what it takes ....





September 1, 2007 2 - something a.m

04:55 Sep 02 2007
Times Read: 657

This rising I awoke with an incredible hunger. The pain nearly driving me to the floor. Acid felt as if it was eating away my stomach.

My legs felt weak beneath me as I headed towards the upper level of my estate. I needed to find Jure.

I reached the door of the master “play” room when I noticed a noise coming from within... I heard Jure laugh, then a woman... I swung the door open to find what I already knew what I would see...

Jure laid naked sprawled out on the top of the king size bed with a young brunette on top of him. I stood there for a moment,, watching as the young human road him slow and easy, taking the full length of him into her body.

I fought off the twinge of jealously that was wanting to boil and replaced it with extreme excitement.

The woman hadn’t noticed me, but Jure had. He looked at me and smiled. The same smile he gave me many years ago that stole my soul and changed my life.

My eyes went back to the woman,, her breast were large and moved with enticement with every move she made. Her waist small and her ass was nicely rounded.

I stepped into the room and allowed the door to close behind me. The noise caught the woman’s attention and she turned to look at me. She wanted to panic but Jure held her in place, placing both his hands on her waist to keep her mounted on top of him. He thrust hard upward burying his unit deep into her sheath. She let out a moan of pleasure.

I continued to walk towards the bed. The smell of her arousal was calling to me,, I couldn’t resist. I crawled up on the bed from behind her and cupped both her breast in my hand. I straddled Jure and moved with her riding an invisible shaft. Her bottom pushed up against me as I massaged her breast.

I then took my hand and ran it down her back then in between her legs.. I felt Jure enter her with slow deep strokes.. I was so excited... I allowed my other hand to escape the young human’s breast and found my own moist entrance to sheer pleasure. I rubbed my clit gently back and forth causing liquid heat to pour down my inner thigh. My own excitement was enhancing Jure’s and he began to pick up his pace, guiding the woman harder and faster..

I slowly stuck 2 fingers inside me and moved with Jure,, imagining it was me riding him while my other hand explored the beautiful body that was in front of me.

The orgasm took me,,, it tighten every muscle in my body and shook me down to the core. I allowed my eyes to close and my head to fall back, just enjoying the wonderful ecstasy..

“Feed!” The command was strong inside my head as Jure was obviously ensuring I would be completely sated.

I lifted my head and allowed the beast inside me to take over.

I reached up and pulled the woman’s head back exposing the juggler and impaled my teeth deep in. Blood squirted in all directions. The woman tried to scream causing more blood to flow from her neck.. I fed,, just as I was told to.. Jure laughed...

It wasn’t until the beast inside of me had calmed before I had realized what I had done.. I killed another human.

Sometimes the human side of me takes over,, sometimes I’m full of regret,, sometimes I wish I was still normal,, most the time I just ignore it..

I looked down at Jure with the pale lifeless body laying beside him,, his body covered in blood,, her blood. Then I looked at the satisfaction on his face.

I took a deep breath and swallowed back any mixed emotion I was having and decided it was good to be me.. Dead, but alive.. Asleep, but awake... Mortal but yet immortal, for my human soul had not yet died and it still survives in the darkness of my life. And even though I am one of the oldest living female vampires, my heart had not grown cold...





August 31 2007

04:54 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 614

My dreams have been very vivid,, dreaming of those that are to be my next victims... I am calling to you, do you feel the pull?

I have no time to write tonight,, but my thoughts are with you .. I will explain everything tomorrow in my next journol posting, I promise you won't be disappointed....




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