ladyaurora's Journal


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2 entries this month

August 30th 3:25 am

01:35 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 614

The music was loud, it hurt my ears as soon as I pulled open the door. A thick grey haze of smoke reached out to blanket my body as I walked into the underground club..

I’ve been here several time before, it is a place where wanna be vampires hang out.. Dressed in black from head to toe, fake metal talons, filed down incisors,, yet they have no idea what it is like to truly live in the dark.

I found a stool at the bar and motioned for the bartender to bring me the usual, a virgin Bloody Mary of course.

I turned slowly in my seat to look at all the unsuspecting victims, which one would I chose tonight?

A blonde sitting alone caught my attention.. I willed her to look up and make eye contact with me,, she complied. I could tell right away she was feeling lonely, depressed, lost in an unreasonable state of mind.. Perfect for me..

I grabbed a hold of my drink and walked over to her table. Her sad blue sorrow filled eyes looked up at me almost pleading with me to take her pain away.. That was exactly my intentions.

I sat my drink down on the table and reached down and grabbed a hold of her hand. She followed my lead,, locked hand in hand we walked outside of the smoke filled room. I led her around the side of the building into the dark alleyway..

We reached a place far enough in the dark, away from the public eye. I turned and looked at her. She looked so delicious. I knew I had to taste her.

Her long blonde hair flowed past her shoulders and draped along her tight fitted button down shirt defining her tone figure and emphasizing her round firm breast. The tight fitted latex skirt revealed shapely legs that held tone all the way to her ankles...

“Hmmmm..” I moaned to myself...

I shoved her back against the wall. She let out a small sound of shock then hushed quickly after I started to caress the firm mounds underneath her shirt.. My mouth then covered hers to ensure that no other sound would escape as I had my way with her...

My right hand pinned her left arm above her head and my left hand explored her body.. As I continued to take her tongue into my mouth and suckle lightly.. A moan escaped her lips,, and I knew she wanted more,, more of what I alone could give her..

I ran my hand down her thigh then up under her skirt finding her hot wet entrance. I was glad she didn’t have panties on,, less to get in the way.

My hand gently massaged her clit,, making her body heat more and ache with desire..

My mind was fuzzy,, I was so high on lust and intoxicated with the sound of her blood pumping life into her body that I couldn’t really think straight.. Not that I wanted to..

I ran my mouth down her neck and allowed her arm to fall free.. She quickly grabbed a hold of my hair pushing me closer to her, enjoying my breath upon her skin..

I continued to move down... Licking every exposed piece of velvet skin that I came across.. I reached the area that was my goal then glanced back up at the woman for just a second before I pushed her mini shirt up.. I let my mouth explore,, taking in her liquid heat.. My tongue danced over her clit, then further till it reached the entrance of her hot core. She tasted as good as I knew she would..

I allowed her orgasm to take her,, one like she has never had before.. Her legs quivered and shook with the after shock of the intense emotion..

Then slowly I ran my mouth down her inner thigh, finding the main vain. The artery of life. I couldn’t resist, it was time for me to have my pleasure. I bit down and allowed her blood to enter my mouth. I moaned... Energy raced through my body like lightening.

I almost got carried away, I almost took to much, but I wanted to spare this one. I would use her again.

She was so lost in pleasure she wasn’t even aware of how close she was to death.. I pulled back and held my hand over the puncture wounds willing the blood to stop flowing..

I turned to leave,, implanting the suggestion to go home and straight to bed. When she would awake the next morning she would remember this to be only a dream,, a deep erotic filled fantasy.. Little does she know that she is my pawn now. I can make her come to me at will.. Little does she know,,, I will see her again soon in her dreams.. She also don’t know that she is the one that I had just spoke of and who has now just read this,, and now is wondering,, is she talking about me ......

See you again,, soon ..




August 29th 2007 -- 2 am

03:58 Aug 30 2007
Times Read: 633

His eyes grew wide as realization hit him... You really should have seen his face.

I could clearly hear his heart pumping his life’s source through his vain’s.. And when it hit him that he was going to die his blood pumped faster.

I smiled... I could only envision through my minds eye what I must have looked like... My hair wild in my face from the kinky heavy petting we had just done,, my chest beaded with sweat and my eyes full of play and of course red as the blood I was about to take.. I felt my incisors grow as the hunger over took me.....

“You’re a .. a...”

“A what?” I whispered seductively..


That was all I would allow him to say. I pinned his shoulders down hard into the bed and bent down to take what was rightfully mine. His life, his soul,, his blood.. I tore into his flesh...

He fought me, that only enticed my appetite that much more. His strength was nothing compared to my own, and the more the sweet hot liquid poured into my body, the more powerful I had become.

Soon his body became limp, lifeless, his skin turned pale. His heart silenced and the blood poured no more.

I bent back and stared straight into his cold dead eyes then ran my tongue across the top of my lips to finish off the taste...

“Yes,,,” I said.. “I am a Vampire.. Lady Aurora to you... “

Tomorrow I shall have female blood ......

Welcome to my world ...



23:42 Feb 16 2008

Nice work if I must say so myself...

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