I hate you!
You lied to me
You treated me like a toy
You played with my mind
I learned all I know from you
You got inside of my mind
Inside of my heart
It was all an act
I want you dead
I want you to suffer the way I have
To see for you’re self what it’s like
To have blood pore from you’re flesh
To know that death will soon come for you
Only you won’t, not this time not ever
I can’t die!!!
You made me what I am
Because of you I can’t live
I can’t die
You used me
And yet
Yet there’s something
Some part of me that’s sick and twisted
The part that screams for you’re blood
The part that wants to see you’re head on the floor
That part that you created
Loves you
What is this; this pain?
It feels like someone is tearing my heart out.
Why now?
It wasn’t there before.
It’s gone when you are near.
When you are next to me I feel happy
At peace
What is this feeling I get just when I hear you’re voice.
When I think of you’re name I miss you
When you are near me I’m nerves but happy
I miss you when you’re gone.
What is this?
Why did you leave me?
Why her? Why not me
I loved you
You promised
I miss you
I miss you’re laugh
I know we are together but you see me as someone else.
You see me but only a shell of what I used to be
My heart pounds when you speak my name
I feel at ease when you smile because I know everything will be ok
But it’s gone
You’re gone
You said you would be here for me
I need you know but you’re gone
You lied to me.
I'm not alive but I'm not dead I see with out seeing
and I hear with out listing I am what I am but I am
nothing because I have never been anything but I know
how to live and I know how to love but I have no heart. Deep in my soul I know this is right but I have no soul so what I feel is a lie.
Round and around we go I am nothing but I feel
something with out blood, with out hope. It's gone.
All of it, but it's there right. IT HAS TO BE!!!
This ache in my chest. This throb in my head. It's not there, but how could I tell you about it if it doesn't exist. I'm so lost. I have nothing feel nothing am
nothing............. I'm nothing
Hidden in a river of blood
My love for you pores
Poor’s from my flesh
So much pain
I scream it in you’re name
So much hurt
So much pain
My pain, you’re pain
Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?
You hurt me I hurt you
I rape you’re soul
The way you raped my heart
I play with you’re mind
The way you played with my emotions
So much blood
It flows from my flesh
It’s almost over
I can feel the peace at last
So much pain hidden in a river of blood……