killaklown386's Journal

killaklown386's Journal


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15 entries this month



08:13 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 542

September 29, 2008

what u know bout tokin u ain't even holdin

i'm bout 2 show u how we be rollin

everybody know when i'm in town

I always gotta pound of tha best shit around

it's that stick icky bitch don't be picky

one blunt will have u feelin fucked up like wow

but don't worry cuz u know we got plenty more 2 roll

that's all I do is toke and u neva see me choke

or fuckin hold my throat

shit hell no

this tha way we be livin smokin blunts and jus be chillin

I burn so much weed that I don't even bleed

it's fuckin smoke that seeps through my skin

and that's how it's gonna be til tha day my life ends

stay partyin til 6 in tha mornin

lookin 4 tha green but it's almost gone man

we smoked that shit in a min and I aint even ashamed 2 fuckin admit it

gotta call tha mutha fuckin treeman

so we can get tha cheefin





08:11 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 543

October 05, 2008

smokin on that dank all day and all night

there ain't a time when i'm not high

let the THC calm yo mind

so fucked up we can't open r eyes

walkin around like we blind

find tha door and go outside

left it open behind me

runnin into trees I can't see a fuckin thing

tell what is happing...o yea I smoked alot of weed

but that's ok cuz when I find that bong i'ma hit it again

and get high as shit

I love brunin L's and sippin homemade drink

that my homie grew and brewed what u think?

wanna chill w/ me?

gotta blunt 2 match we don't smoke 4 free

u must be mutha fuckin crazy

stay tha fuck away from my green

b4 u get slapped in tha teeth

rip off ur jaw and then ur mouth'll be bleedin

if u can't hear me then open ur eyes and read my lips

if u got nothin then we ain't givin u shit





08:08 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 546

October 05, 2008

y don't u love me anymore

what did u leave me for

u said no one could stop tha love we had

but u were gone pretty damn fast

it's ok and yea it's cool

but I don't like tha way that guy treated u so cruel

and the one u dated b4 me

let me see him on tha street i'ma strangle that bitch

steal his fuckin tail gate and give it 2 my homie

they neva loved u if they did they wouldn't treat u lika fool

I neva harmed u or even thought bout raisin my hand

for u I did everything I can and gave u everything i had

u were always my bestfriend

now I don't know if i'll eva see u again

everytime we'd hug my heart would start racin

i'm pretty sure love is what i was feelin

and to my heart it was healin

it wouldn't feel that good 4 no reason

please tell me girl u believe it



08:11 Apr 08 2010

this is good

04:27 Apr 17 2010

yea that is wicked cool


crunk gamer

08:06 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 548

October 05, 2008

drinkin keystone light for only 10.95

24 pack bitch that's how I ride

but that ain't even enough so we buy 2 or 3

we can always go baq 2 tha store when we get more thristy

we live right down tha street so I ain't worried bout a thing

cept 4 what time tha treeman gonna show up

so we can get high as fuck

play some dead rising on tha 360

smash some zombies w/ a baseball bat or a tv

infact u can use jus bout ne thing u see

star wars the force unleashed that game is tha shit

enemies tryin 2 fight me

but i'ma shock them mutha fuckas w/ some lightin

i'm tha king of that game...til I get stuck then i'm like damn

atleast til I can buy it or rent it again

on soul caliber 4 i'll beat ur ass into tha fuckin floor

tell u 2 quit and put down tha controller

cryin lika bitch when u need 2 shut up

and take tha ass beatin like tha othas

don't get me started on some ps2

socom: US navy seals 1,2, or 3

i'll shoot yo ass up w/ tha m14

shreddin u into pieces

dog don't fuck w/ me





07:59 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 549

October 06, 2008

jus found out tha girl I love is engaged

and only has a week til she moves away

2 new jersey where she's prob gonna stay

I jus hope he treats her right and makes her happy

cuz if not then i'ma be on a 1 way flight

2 kick his ass that very same night

I don't giva fuck what ya'll say

that girl is my bestfriend and tha reason i'm still here 2day

a true juggalette who i'll neva 4get

I can remember way baq 2 tha 1st day we met

she was always there 4 me

and I feel like I owe her everything

we did anything we could 2getha

no matta if it was bad or good weather

I really don't want her 2 go

I haven't even seen her in a couple months or so




it sux

07:59 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 550

October 07, 2008

smokin on some pine feelin really fuckin high

tryin not 2 think of tha bad news I found out lastnight

grab a keystone light out tha fridge

open that mutha fucka and taka sip

sit baq and reminsen bout tha things in my life

rememberin all tha good times

wishin I could take baq all tha fights

between u and I

girl u deserve so much

wish I could be tha one 2 give u all my love

but instead i'm tha one w/ a broken heart

jus sittin here fallin apart

far from what I use 2 dream

but I want u 2 know everything's cool w/ me

we've been through many things

but I know u can handle anything

ur very strong and also easy 2 blow lika bomb

no matta what tho u were tha greatest bestfriend/girlfriend

we were always down 4 eachother

if we only had a dollar we gave 50 cents 2 tha otha

I would rub ur baq so u could sleep good at night

til u woke up in fright cuz of a nightmare

but u didn't have 2 worry cuz I was always there

held u in my arms til u feel asleep

kissed u on tha cheek and layed u down on tha pillow

they say if u love something 2 let it go

and if it comes baq then u know

that it's urs and meant 2 be

I let it go a long time ago

has it come baq 2 me yet....no

but still got my head up

keepin it from fallin down

and scrapin on tha ground





07:58 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 551

October 08, 2008

even with all tha shit I write

it still don't show all tha pain inside

that's y I be get high all tha time

and try 2 write some rhymes

gotta go get some beer

so I can get my head in tha clear

speakin of clear we should get some yummidy yum rum

yea I like 2 get drunk...wait let me refraise that

I meant crunk cuz I be gettin fucked up

vodka,tequila,whiskey, or gin

it don't matta jus take my cup and pour that shit in

and lets hava party my friend

there's no tellin what time this shit'll end

we can be up til 6 or 7 in tha mutha fuckin mornin

and my ass ain't even yawnin

we got fire ass trees and all tha alcohol u can drink





07:56 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 552

October 08, 2008

i'm so inlove w/ her it's hard 2 express it through my words

I don't know y I gotta feel so much hurt

but i'm gonna keep my shit straight

and try 2 make it through tha aches and pain

no matta what life brings my way

it's not gonna hold me down ok

i'ma always be ready 4 tha worst

so when it comes I can strike 1st

sometimes I feel like i've got no worth

if u try 2 fuck w/ me i'll end ur world

step 2 my face

and i'm that much closer 2 a murder case

now i'm indestructible

so I hope u fuckers r uncomfortable

there ain't shit out here that can stop me from growin and goin on w/ my life

go ahead try it...see if I bite

I guarantee yo ass wont leave alive 2night





07:53 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 553

October 09, 2008

It hurts and kills me inside

2 sit here and watch her w/ anotha guy

knowing that I had really tried hard 2 make things work

I don't know what I gotta do 2 make her see i'm really not like all tha othas

and how much I love her

I wanna hug this girl 4eva

I miss u more than eva

our love use 2 be so strong

now it's almost gone

please tell me what went wrong

tears fall down my face

w/ tha fear of neva being w/ u again

but as long as we can always be friends

I think i'll be able 2 make it til tha end




can’t hold me down

07:52 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 554

October 14, 2008

I'm comin all tha way from tha bottom 2 tha top

and when I do i'ma watch all ya'lls fuckin jaws drop

always tryin 2 doubt me and sayin i'll neva amount 2 anything

but u mutha fuckas r wrong and u gonna see

got my mind on lock and now I can't be stopped

I don't even have 2 run i'ma jus walk

no more knockin me down and fuckin makin me frown

there's no way in hell u gonna stop me now

i'ma keep livin my life and continue 2 climb

workin a job and collecting every dime

savin up for all tha things I wanna buy

like maybe a house and ride

then all i'll need is a chick on my side

maybe one who's down 4 life

but if not it's cool jus know u wont be treated lika fool

I stay true 2 my word yea that's how I do

always take care of ya girl for everything she's worth

be there 4 ur child everyday from his birth




stoned n flowin

07:51 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 555

October 16, 2008

eatin a sausage&egg biscuit

feelin high as shit bitch

yea i'm on that killa green

r u potheads feelin me?

listenin 2 Kurt Cobain

sometimes u can't understand what he sayin

but u gotta love tha music he be playin

Nirvana is raw

don't like it u can suck my balls

all haters fuck off

b4 u get smacked up

and u can't run 4 yo backup

got my 12g pumped

ready 2 blow ya back out

trick look where all that shittalk got u now

told u 2 be careful b4 u started runnin yo mouth

u don't wanna fuck w/ me man i'm from tha south

when night falls that's when i'm on tha prowl 4 ya'll

and u wont know it at all




don’t fuck around

07:50 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 556

October 20, 2008 idk shit jus pops in my head

yo hand me tha mic

so I can speak this right

yea i'm talkin shit cuz i'm high

i don't giva fuck doin it til I die

u can step 2 me and try 2 do somethin

but don't be gettin yo ass beat ova nothin

I don't play i'll punch u in tha fuckin face

breakin yo shit

watch u bleed and cry lika bitch

ah what u don't wanna finish?

2 bad we gonna handle this business

u hear me mutha fucka r u even listenin?

when I throw my fist I don't be missin

all them bitches be landin

on yo mutha fuckin head man

hit u w/ tha uppa cut

and kick yo ass in tha gut what?!

grab u w/ tha muay thai clinch

and put my knee 2 ya chin

u'll be knock out then

but it ain't ova yet

I still got shit 2 do

um lets see...like kill u

yea then i'll be through

shouldn't of fucked around

now u gonna be buried unda tha ground





07:44 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 557

October 21, 2008 this is some true shit

u eva been dissed by jus bout everyone u know

and left u w/ that feelin of bein lonely and cold

eva been kicked out on tha street

without anything 2 eat

jus tha clothes on yo back and shoes on ya feet

no cash or a place 2 crash

now u gotta think real fast

u all on ya own don't know where 2 go

fightin w/ tha X or else

u'd be askin her 4 some help

don't wanna sleep on tha sidewalk

so u decide 2 grow them balls and make tha call

tell her what happend and u don't know what 2 do

she's says 2 come 2 her house after school

she'll talk 2 her mom 4 u

tell me that ain't a bestfriend

then I don't know what is

but I know she was there 4 me

and 4 her i'd do anything

she's basically tha only person u got left

cuz everyone else u know jus cares bout them self

this girl's goin through some shit 2

so u try 2 be there 4 her like she did 4 u

tellin her she'll be able 2 make it through

cuz this bestfriend she'll neva lose

jus gotta keep tryin don't eva give up

always hold ya head above

and not below ya shouldas

always be strong lika true soulja



04:29 Apr 17 2010

wow that is so awesome...i love how you write


fuck him

07:43 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 558

October 21, 2008

I really fuckin hate my dad

if I eva see his face again i'll kick his ass

for neva being apart of my life in tha past

when u did come around u'd always try 2 bribe me w/ gifts and cash

all I wanted was 2 feel ur love and be ur child

man u lived right down tha road not even acouple miles

tha only time a call would come through

was when my grandma and uncle E. hounded this fool

he didn't really care how I was doin in school

or when I tried 2 tell him bout a toy or pet that was new

I know I wasn't planned

but damn

even after u made my feelings hurt

I tried 2 talk 2 u lika grown man at friendly's where I worked

I approached u w/ a handshake/hug

and u opened ur mouth w/ a "what!?"

had me confused and thinkin 4 a sec like "huh?"

right then I kinda knew

my true feelings towards u

1st time I got kicked out my mom's house acouple months later

I asked if I could stay w/ u but u jus acted lika hater

callin me a thief

like i'd eva steal anything

especially from my own family

u make me ashamed 2 be ur seed

even w/ tha bad history between my stepdad and me

he's still a betta father than u'll eva dream 2 be

I don't need u in my life

I don't really care if I eva see u again b4 I die

but if I do I wont think 2wice

or be hesitant 2 pull out my knife




jus thinkin

07:36 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 561

wrote this 4:35am November 09, 2008

I miss yo smile girl

it's what brightens my days which light up my world

wish we could start ova

i'll take u where eva u wanna

I want 2 see u happy everyday

with that smile on yo face

yea I smoke herb

but that don't hurt

i'll treat u right and u know it's true

u've always been there 4 me and i've been there 4 u

i will love u 4 eva

make u feel no one can treat u betta

but there prob is anotha man

i'm jus lettin u know i'm one who can

thoughts of u always in my head

24/7 even when I try 2 go 2 bed

every memory of us 2gether

is remembered like it's embedded in my brain 4 eva

when I close my eyes I see ur lips

on that day of our 1st kiss

I love being ur friend

can't explain how it feels 2 be ur man

hate livin w/out u in my life

always dreamin bout u everynight

u were tha only one I had

when everyone I knew turn they baqs

I loved holdin u in my arms and when u'd hold me

u were my lil wrappee and I was ur hoskie

come on girl I thought I made u happy

If u'd jus give me anotha chance 2 call u my baby

remember I said i'd wait 4 u?

and I didn't lie 2 my boo

what u think i'm doin

i'm not out here choosin

I can't even get ova u

i'm so inlove w/ u

and if I could I wouldn't

w/ out ur love i'd be nothin



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