Today I got a bit of shocking news,my 12 year old daughteer is confused about her sexuality. Can a child of 12 really be thinking she's bi or gay, at 12 I was still into horses and games. Maybe I'm just being a mother but I wish my kids would just be happy being kids.
I just got back online after our move. We have made it to South Carolina with out much trouble. Right now I have inner and middle ear infections so I feel alitle off, but all is good outherwise.
I just finised the last of 5 trips to and from South Carolina. Now we are filling up the moving truck. My boys are the best, both of them and a friend of the oldest's are kicking butt moving stuff. I like the new area we will be in and we have a huge yard (after 3 years in a apartment the yard is a great change).
Tuesday of this week I drove through Atlanta by myself,(for me its a big deal) it was my first time driving in 6 lanes of traffic. I get to make the drive again tomarrow with 5 cats, my kids and a few cage pets.
Well I'll be off here till we get the new internet hooked up there. See you then