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Are we following in the footsteps

08:54 Oct 10 2007
Times Read: 571

There has been a rather disturbing thought going through my head as of late. Are we in fact starting to follow in the footsteps of other ancient civilizations, that because of their advancements doomed themselves. This question came to me when I was watching a program on lost technology of ancient civilizations.

The Greeks for instance had a plumbing for a long time then poof, they were gone and so was the knowledge. It took us decades before we had plumbing again. They also had other vastly superior technology than what was thought by historians. We are just now finding out how much technology they had that we are just now for ourselves re-discovering.

I know will have to study this further before proving my theory, that we are going to be another lost civilization, if we don't figure out how to fix what has been caused. It will have to be figured out if we are to survive, and not become like our ancestors. The Mayans, Grecians, Atlantians, etc., they must have crossed a barrier that we are progressing towards at an even faster rate than they did.

To all who read I would love to get your feed back and thoughts on this matter. Our livelihood may just depend on us to get the message out to others who are not as in tune with the world such as we. On that note what for the signs, they are our only window to what is going to happen to us all and be mindful of your dreams. The message may not be clear but we can figure out the warning before it's too late for us.

The mathematical equations that the ancient Egyptians employed are still being studied by the greatest minds of our day. They are still trying to assess how did such a culture build the pyramids to such a precise degree of mathematical equivalence that they have with stood time it self.

Another thing is the use of herbs for healing, we are learning about herbs that were used in the past to heal through modern day science that they knew for centuries what they could do. Even crude forms pregnancy test were use successfully by the Greeks, Egyptians, and possibly even the Mesopotamians.

But still here lies the root of the thought in the first place, all these civilization have disappeared. There are thousands of theories but no real answers to this enigma. And before I go on and forget the other vastly knowledge great civilizations that inhabited what we now know as Mexico. The Mayans, Inca, etc., they had superior mathematical skills also, and built pyramids almost similar to the ones found in Egypt. Like the other ancient civilizations they just disappeared. Are we in fact heading in the same direction?

With all the new technology being put out into the world, is our civilization next on the list to go? We are heading head first into a death trap of our own making a feel. This is apparent by how fast we are evolving so rapidly in the tech-world. My other thought is that we have in fact been getting warnings from spirits, and other lifeforms that we are in fact in dire trouble due to our own actions.

Now here is another thing of interest why are so many people being "visited?" Like myself others have been getting bombarded by spirits and otherkin. They are not happy with something as of late and are letting the mediums know it. I know most mediums are frazzled by the intensity of the other realmly warnings. My fear is that we are next to go, and that has been what they are trying to warn us about.

Those who are sensitive could feel the audible shift in the energy patterns of this realm. It was like someone had piled bricks on our chest and they are still doing it. The more the energy changes, the worse the conduits for the energy feel the pressure now being exerted by the change of flow.





10:19 Oct 03 2007
Times Read: 578

Today was a day like any other, I took the dog out and sat with a cig and hot tea and wondered what this month would bring. Silently as I sat there I fazed out the world around me, and there before me was nothing. For the first time in my life no thought of the future, no thought of the past just silence.

This did bother me a bit someone like myself who is so use thinking about the future had no ideas of what to do next in life. I contemplated this for a bit and figured out why, I am stuck in a holding pattern. Nothing is going in the right direction anymore I have lost a since of who I am. Even though i know who and what I truly am, I am lost yet again in the sea called life.

Have I put on yet another mask to cover up my true face from the world, or is it myself I am hiding from yet again. As much as I speak of being out in the open with everyone and everything I still am stuck within myself.

I can't bare my gifts anymore at times my mind is so filled with other worldly thoughts it keeps me up to all hours of the night . The paranormal is what it is called when ghost visit you and don't let you rest. Then beings that should not exist do exist only to torment you further, I know some of them do not mean it but they become a bother a times.

So I shut myself off from the spirit world, but didn't understand until now. By shutting off myself to the spirit world I shut myself down to this world, because both are in fact linked in a way that no one really knows are understands.

My blessing, my curse, the reason I lived for so long has worn me thin. When my time comes to lay this soul to rest it will be for good. I think I have done all that was needed to be done this lifetime, and should be let to rest and not called forth again to walk the earth path.

For all those who read this, I have lived countless lives. My past is as long as the beginning of time it self. I am weary, I have much to teach and little time to do so. My death hour I do know, the birth of my second child will ring in the end for me. She/he will take over my duties and finally I can surely rest in peace, until humanity needs me once more to remind them there is more to your species than meets the mind.



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