Killing the silence with music, and screams
I enjoy the silence but can not even in my dreams
Killing the silence with the madness that runs the world
I enjoy the silence but can not found a peacefull place to call my own
Killing the silence with televison, and white noise
I enjoy the silence but it does not exist here
Killing the silence will never happen in my life
I would enjoy the silence if I could find it in this life
Killing the silence is the worlds' favorite thing the people kill the silence with such noise making things
I would enjoy the silence but the only way I can is in the then maybe the silence I want will be at hand
Bow out now I tell you, can't you see that you are done here
No more cheers
No more laughs
The show is over so take a bow
Leave this palce, with out a tear to shed
Leave this place, the crowd has gone dead
Take with you the joy you once had
Bow out now I tell you, for this is the last
No more cries for another round
No more tears shed for the sadness that came from your songs
In the end was it all just a game to play
The show is over my friend
Now life has taken it's place
Ah..ha! I see you have found the truth behind it all
Your entire life was the show that you are about to take a bow from
Now walk with me into the light
Take your final bow now at your funeral site
Bow deeply and with great grace
You are dead now, just a memory to the human race
You bowed out well my friend
Now it time I showed you
What was behind the curtains all along
Do you see it, this hidden theatrical show life is
You see it now how I've always seen it my friend
Was it what you had it never was to begin with
I take my bow now and leave you in peace
Here comes the darkness my friend, the place I came from
There is the light for you
As for me it's not my place
Away with me, I go to my rightfull stage
Eyes open heart dragged out what a twisted thing am I
Shoot me in the back of the head to show that you are a true coward indeed, then kick me to make sure I'm really dead
Reach down and take a closer look to see the blood drench body that is mine
You missed now it's mine turn to take you life
No coward am I, I want to see you screaming not to rip out your heart
You never gave me a chance, so why should I give you the privalege
Wait....I'll give you until the count of
From behind I grab you and turn you about
I want to see you face
The agony and fear as you realized.....
Wake Up!
It was all in your mind
Or was it?
You turn around to face your greatest fear...
Me of course because yes I'm still here
Have you changed your mind about me yet?
Do you still wish for my death?
Oh you pitifull fool, you know me not at all
Your bleeding my love.....
I wasn't dream at all!
I'd take it back a thousand times to have what was taken from me back
The beautiful girl with golden hair and eyes a storm cloud grey
A simple wish made brought me to this pain
A life was nurtured safely in my womb six months did it stay
Wht a fool I was
I know so now
I'd take it back a thousand times if only to give her a mothers embrace for one day
I wished you away to hurt your father from whom your life was made
I'd take it back a thousand times just to see those gorgeous eyes staring up at me
A love so pure I saw in those eyes when you came to me in a dream and asked why mother have you wished me gone?
So cruel was my heart the day I had wished the child in my womb was gone from me
I'd take it back a thousand times to have you with me this very day
No golden locks upon your head to rest upon my breast in a tender embrace
Please forgive me for my horid wish the day I wished you away
My darling daughter you haunt my dreams everynight of everyday
I'd take it back a thousands times to have you here today
My hateful wish that caused me grief the day I felt your spirit leave my womb
Six months you stayed in my womb no harm had you ever done to me
I'd take it back a thousand times and nevr again punish you for your fathers lies or the pain he caused me
The day I lost you I lost my life too the day I wished you away
How I cried the day the doctor told me you were no longer inside
I regret my terrible wish and to you I make this promise
When you come back to me I'll gift you life
It was never your fault
I should have never wished to end your life
I'd take it back a thousand times just to see those storm cloud grey eyes and those golden locks upon your head
I should have never wished you away.
I asked if we are to be friends
I asked will we have a chance again
You say to me I don't know
But you do
You just don't want to own up to the truth
Your affections for me you do hide in words
Your eyes say one thing
Your mouth says another
You asked me if I want you to lie
You say you don't care but I know better
Lying does you no justice with me
I know you to well to fall for such a thing
Your heart
Your mind
Your soul
All of them joined to mine
We feel which out a touch
We know what's in the others thoughts
We speak without words
Our eyes tell all that we can't say
There never has to be a spoken words among us
Your eyes tell me all that you can't say
Lying does you no justice
I know your soul all to well and you know mine
If you could only see the way I love you
Then maybe you can understand
What's in my eyes
My smile
What written on my face
Hidden inside my dreams
All is really as it seems
I can't let go
I must to set myself free
Oh the night sweet darkness cover me
Stars wrap around me and hide me
Moon above beam down upon the earth embrace the shadows
Give me the night a playground to me
Dream of days long gone away when the moon and stars were young and bright
My soul has no ending past
Niether does my life
Oh give me the night such a precious thing
Why can't life just fade away
Just like a dream that I can change
Reality is a realism that I can't take
Turn on the light to guide me to my escape
I can't breathe
I'm tired of fighting the demons that seem to take cheap shots at me
Blind my eyes to this life
Let me escape this tragedy
I'm sinking deeper than I want to be
Survival of the fitest is not for me
Live my life survive me
To many tears have I shed
To many crosses have I to bare for others plus my own
Yet trusting in the light to guide me away from it all
Mother,Father who thou art in heaven why have you let me fall
My descention into the darkness that this world has become
Is burning me alive
I'm so torn up I cried
At the end of my days when my times does come
Will I find the peace I have sought for so long
The curse I bear might not let me rest
My course is to be reborn again
Back into the nightmare, they call the blessed life
Frozen right where I stand
No feelin' I can not bare
I stood the test of time for you
Hoping all that I had to bare would save you
A blinding cold has taken me from behind
It has captured my frozen me with no chance of relife
It's taken me to a never ending frozen waist land
No realease I can not flee
All the while the cold is killing me
You've taken me from all I know
You've bound me up in the frozen zone
Now all I feel is the cold
Deep within my heart
So deep within my soul
Oh no
My darkest desire is to be swallowed up in a furious embrace of one so special to me that I can not breathe
My one true love my heart to surrender to him and him alone
My darkest desire is to feast with him near watching him as I devour the soul of this world in one delightful bite
Ecstasy abound in one eternal kiss my darkest desire nay my darkest wish
When I wisper to the stars it is to you I am calling
When the breeze caresses my skin it is of you I harken to
In my dreams you are there holding my so tightly I can hear your heart beat
Take me, protect me so that I won't have to be so strong
Take me, love me so I can let go of the pain I hold
My darkest desire to be rid of all that ales me and makes me cold inside
My darkest wish, no my darkest desire
Like a knife you cut into me
So deep to find
The heart my body kept inside was still beating hard to keep me alive as I slowly died inside
Kept from loving
This I tried in vain
Destiny held me fast
To a path of hurt and regret
Never to far from love
If love only gave me a chance
Life an endless mystery
Who will ever solve this riddle left to man
I have been through many a river of tears
Only to learn I am truly alive when I hurt
The hurt reminds me that I do live
To never feel the hurt would make me one who is dead
Love has eluded me far to many times when I think I get close to figuring out what it is it slips past me in the vastness of other emotions
As the ocean is deep
So is my mind
Search through it if you wish to find
What mystery I hold inside
But you shall never bare witness
Quiet a second
Now read this aloud
My soul was never my own to give but a piece of it I give
It is given when I love someone
It is given when I hold someone
It is given when I speak to them in a loving way
The cuts and bruises of life can always be erased