well i just returned home from my vacation ..which was awsome ..i even met ozzy at a club there. i was all stoked to come home and speak with the love of my life when i find that my ex fiance..had been sneaking into my yahoo and telling my friends and such tales that have led to many yelling matches.
now i think that i must appoligise to many that he is such a jerk and thinks that everything he wants he gets and keeps..for all those who had to deal with his crap i am sorry.
and to my jelly role i am so sorry as i should have told you so much more.
i am nothing but a hypeacrit i know and deserve to die....i know nothing other then u now and want nothing more...though i am now to sit and suffer for my mistakes and coverups..i feel as though i need to hide much of myself as it may offend others. i need nothing more then to rott in my own pit of deseptions and sorrow....i am sure this sounds very emotional to many and to them i say ...too bad...as i am me and for that i make no appoligies....NONE AT ALL !!!
i have had loads of fun with my new job!
i have been permanently put on the guest list...and it only leads to more tired times.
staying up hanging out with producers and dj's is alot of work..lmao...but seriously i have met wonderful people and had many a good time.
my dear friends proteus and monty are always on the decks spinning awsome tracks...my mural artist is always at hand and i am enjoying planning out the vampire rave full moon mascarade....it shall be a large one with lots going on!
it shall be one to talk about for months afterwards.