After meditating 3 different times yesterday, I discovered I have exactly 9 spirit animals; all of which are black with blue eyes, except for 4 of them. These 9 animals are as follows: bat, bear, dragon, horse, panther, phoenix, raven, tiger, and wolf. The bat represents death and rebirth. The bear represents courage and open-mindedness. The dragon represents clarity and strength. The horse represents integrity and perseverance. The panther represents self-reliance and power. The phoenix represents balance and prosperity. The raven represents intelligence and adaptability. The tiger represents willpower and patience, and the wolf represents nobility and freedom.
Today, I was told some of my abilities as a vampire werewolf hybrid. However, I am also a Norse pagan and ordained High Priestess. I don't know how far these abilities will go, nor have I physically shape-shifted yet. I hope to do so as soon as possible, but I hope it doesn't hurt that bad.
16:48 Mar 13 2022