me listening to happy ppl,makes me happy^_^*begins rockin out in that muffin style!,snap,snap*this rox,can't wait till it's totallty done!
dudes r stinkin idiots i tell ya.....most guys r pretty stinkin gay these days!!!
i started redaing tokyo mew mew from the school library,pretty good,me confused a little libarary card is probably like super mega over dead since i checked stuff out in august and haven't returned it since(green day-american idiot,cirque du freak)i very bad at stuff like that......i made up a new word also,spedcial,which is someone who's so stupid they're a stinkin slick genius,that's me,and i updated my profile....1 new quiz...bad update i know......well i guess that's all 4 now.....
to start off,i am a major megatokyo addict!!!i luv shirt guy dom as i started sgd dom Revolution Generation xd(long fancy name i made up off the top of my mind)anywho,i started dom 23(started these things in like march '07 and i'm already there)i'm also at the same time writing 24,it's a bit hectic,but with my few fans at mind i'll accomplish this goal!(without losing them-like i have done several times-i hope)
futurama on,saw this episode very proud of myself,i saw an episode of inuyasha more than once!!!!!!!!!!!family guy is on after this,isn't it????????????
hating school again this year.evrey girl in my class is so average.....ecept the 2 friends i have, blondes sre spreading rumors and making friends from last year cry.also i liked this guy and then i got a closer look at him and he's pretty ugly.hate u k.dluca!!! ((((((if any1 on here has a similair name,sorry,not u!))))))))))
hi if any1 is actually reading those stories,i'll be continuing asap,just had to stop 4 a while.if u like those stories drop a line and let me know so there's purpose in me spending time typing those.i was writing haikus one day and decided i would write a story with same pattern (5,7,5) except 4 as long as i felt like going that's all 4 now any possible readers....