today i was on youtube looking up michael jackson videos and came across the conspiracy theory bit about him and the links to the illuminati. now i had never heard of the illuminati before and was intrigued by all of it. made me think of how i view this world. made me better understand why i believe what i do. now, no one ever really understands me and to tell you the truth i could not care less. i don't believe what i believe because someone else told me it was right or wrong. i am not a rebel. i am me. i love me and believe what i believe through how i view this world and how i have become to understand it. i do not believe in god or the devil. i believe in the world around me. i believe in myself my family my animals and the earth i walk on. and i love all of them. i take what ever i fell is right and hold it in my heart. with all my reading and studying about religions and cults and all that nonsense i only get stronger in what i believe and hold true to myself. if there really is a god i could honestly not give a shit. all this hype about people worshiping the devil means nothing to me. if someone worships something and it makes them happy i love it. feeling the passion they get from whatever they do and it makes me feel good to. i soke it up like a sponge. now i don't like people but i do love individuals. i understand them better. i can better get inside of their minds and love them for who they are then when i am around people. poeple don't think properly, individuals do. pure, unifluenced by mass thinking. see i believe that everyone can read each others minds and when you are in a group you get contaminated by the people around you. your minds just mold into one thinking and are trapped by it. i know this makes me sound like a hermit and maybe i am but it is who i am not what you think i am. i love me and i love you and i love this earth but i do not love this world. i am not meant to be in this world. i am meant for another, and when i die i will be there. i am not afraid of death i am afraid of peoples contamination. i am a very gentle soul and i dislike those who harm others, even if its just by starting a nasty rumor or saying someone looked fat. everyone is beautiful but everyone can also be ugly. and ugliness is not physical, it's mental, it's cruelty, it's malice. i do not grieve for those who do suck things because i do not care what others do. i will not sit here and say i know why people do the things they do because i don't. and why would i want to? i do not care. people are who they are and that is none of my business. i am who i am and that is none of your business. love me hate me i give no shit. lol