innocentprncss's Journal

innocentprncss's Journal


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6 entries this month

winds of change....

02:43 Sep 26 2007
Times Read: 610

I feel like my uphill journey is finally reaching the summit and that its about to start rolling downhill and getting a little easier. The paperwork for my lease agreement and figuring my rent started today. I am hoping and praying that I will be able to move in this weekend like they were saying. I am pretty much set to go and just waiting for the go ahead. I bought my entertainment center....mike it taking the old couches and I am pretty sure the old entertainment center is going to the trash lol. I have been looking at new couches and trying to find one that I can afford and that I will like. Its not something me and the kids will need right away though. I just cant wait to finally have our own space and freedom finally.




Goodbye Scooter

12:25 Sep 20 2007
Times Read: 626

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To some of you this might sound silly and yet to others it might not. One of the BEST Siamese cats I have EVER had the privilege of knowing passed away last night. I loved this cat more than I can possibly say. My ex called me this morning when he left for work and told me he had found Scooter this morning. I am deeply hurt by this loss and needed to talk because I dont want to tell my kids about this. We gave one of our dogs away yesterday to an elderly gentleman because it was what was best for her so she could have more focused attention and be the only dog as she is a small breed. Needless to say my kids were sad and cried and they could not handle another loss like this back to back.....especially my son. Scooter was my son's cat......HANDS DOWN. After having to say goodbye to Jasmine yesterday with her just leaving to another home and he cried...I cannot imagine what this blow would do to him. With us moving and him going to a new school, change and loss is VERY hard on him....harder than most. I HATE lying but I honestly think in this case it HAS to be done.....for their well being.




I have missed being here....

02:18 Sep 16 2007
Times Read: 642

I have been so busy and tired that its been virtually impossible for me to be on here at all aside from checking my messages and returning some rates when I have gotten them. I am sorry to my friends that have missed me....come here looking for me and not able to talk to me when they need it. With working full time now and taking care of my kids alone and having to drive them 8 miles one way for them to go to their new school...its really taking it out of me. I got a new tattoo today with Adrian or evilgibbs for those of you that know him on here. I really love it and am glad I have gotten back into the swing of it all again and NOW I have a studio that I like lol. I know that I will be going back there again lol. Sadly Adrian had to cut his trip to see me short because of some troubles at home that called him back but he said on his next payday he would be back to see me again and make it up to me lol




Pfffew I want off this RIDE!

23:12 Sep 07 2007
Times Read: 659

I am sure that those closest to me already have noticed that I havent been around all that much recently. I have been in the process of transitioning from one job to another. I put in my 2 weeks at Pizza Hut since I was only getting like 7-8 hrs a week and now I am working at McDonalds and getting 30 or more hrs a week. I know the work isnt spectacular but I am getting more money and THAT is all that matters. I need to be able to take care of me and my kids when I get moved. I also had to start bringing my kids to the town we will be moving to so that they could start the school year there. I have to drive them 8 miles one way to school and then go back and get them after working 2 hrs at mcd's and then 2.5 hrs at pizza hut. I havent had much time to be online because I have been doing nothing but running and driving and it has really been taking it out of me. It also seems that I might be moving before October 1. YAY!! The maintenence guy that cleans and repairs the apts will be done with the one he is working on now by monday he hopes and then he moves on til mine. Mine is nowhere near as bad as the one he is working on now so I cant imagine mine will take all that long and if I am lucky I will be able to start moving next weekend. I will be doing alot of packing done over this weekend. I am really starting to get excited. I already got my entertainment center bought and I have to start looking for a new kitchen table and I am thinking about getting a new couch and leaving the old ones behind.




DAMMIT why does he do this to me?

21:26 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 678

Just when I think I have freed myself of a LOSER that I once loved he comes BACK and starts talking to me again. Last I talked to him he SCREAMED at me to never call him again because he had been talking to me for months about how he was so alone on border patrol in CA because his wife (that he married almost immed after I left him) was leaving him because she didnt like being a military wife. So I talk to him more and more feeling bad about him having to be in the military and feeling so alone. He talks about coming home on leave before coming to WI to Ft McCoy before being shipped overseas and wanting to stop in and see me. Lets just say I bought into his bullshit once again and found out he was TOTALLY lying and when I called his phone when he was home...his wife answered. I hung up and was upset and she called me back saying every nasty thing in the book. she sent me nasty texts and when she found out he HAD indeed been talking to me because I as able to give her facts she freaked out on the phone telling him they werent together anymore and all that. THIS is when he told me to never talk to him again. So 6 months later he starts writing me again. Saying HE is offering ME friendship. lol That he wants someone to talk to because he keeps some details back about his work over there from his wife because she is too stressed out and cant handle it. Anyone seeing how this SHOULD be ME NOT GIVING A SHIT? lol I ask him why he should need someone else and why HE should be protecting HER when its HIS ASS overseas and not hers. SHE should be there for him not him protecting her from halfway across the world so she doesnt have to deal with real life. I told him I dont know which of them is MORE blind and that they are a perfect couple. I basically told him to shove his "friendship" where the sun dont shine because last time I bought into his "friendship" we ended up having feelings again and I was the one that got all the blame.....NEVER AGAIN!




And my quest of freedom continues.....

01:18 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 635

Well I found out that I wont be able to move into my new place until October 1 or a little sooner if they get my place done before then. I also found out that the job I had been waiting to hear about I DIDNT get...damn them! Sooo...I gave my 2 weeks at my current job and took that job offer of 30 hrs a week at 7.50/hr rather than the 14 hrs a week at 8.50/hr. I need more money coming in to make it with me and my kids alone. I also bought myself a new entertainment center since my old one wont be coming with me. Its a new used one lol but its new to me. Its a solid wood Stanley furniture armoire entertainment center. It was used before this at merriotte (sp?) hotels so its good quality and I love it! The people I bought it from are holding it for me til I am ready to move AND they are willing to drop it off at my new house since they will already have it on the trailer anyway. The people are really nice and I will be buying more from her in fact. I want to go looking at kitchen tables next lol. I went to orientation for my new job today and it was pretty fun. So...it looks like I wait another month approx and keep packing for the move lol....I will keep you posted!



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