Mysterious and a scholar, you are a member of the Tremere clan. You are pretty loyal to your clan, well, you sort of have to...especially since you are blood-bonded to most of them. You are the intelligentsia of the Camarilla and are fascinated with the occult. Possessing the ability to use blood for magic, many clans don't like to approach you. However, that is fine with you. You tend not to trust the other clans anyway. What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To? |
To set the background of this dream let me explain what I was doing.
I was interning for my EMT- Intermediate certification.
The night before going to the squad on a ride along.This dream happened.
I dreamed a preety girl was being brutualized to death, I felt the energy of the killer and my own disgust from this act.
The girl told me there was nothing I could do ,I watched her die. Then I saw myself walking throught this room. I saw him/myself in a mirror.
I was ranting wanting some magical event to happen so I could get my vengence on him.
I saw him jump back from the mirror.
The dream ended I awoke crying out, wishing for something to happen to the killer.
Well time went on. The following morning I made it to the squad I was interning with. The squad was out on a call of a murdered girl.
I was shocked because of the dream.
I made a comment about a brunnette getting murdered.
The victim named Sandra Bennet.... The accused killer hung himself 3 years later while in the custody of the police.
This dream .... was it real or something I wanted to see.... fantansy or reality......
I burn a candle/incense for Sandra every now and then...
I past my test for EMT, but has recently lapsed due to not keeping it current.....
Wow dreams.....................................................
I have been told by people to get rid of a dirty flag. I will not get rid of a dirty flag. Reason when Frances Scott Key worte his song the "Star Spangle Banner", The lymric was not about a brand new flag but a flag that had stood through war. The flag was most likely torn, charred, with holes through it. I remember it being through a great battle, not fresh out of the bag.
Of course this caused an arguement to happen. Whether opinion or fact the flag was dirty. I do not get rid of dirty flags but proudly display them.
The under educated seem to forget the flag had/ has been through war.