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9 entries this month

Wiccan Rite

22:52 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 690

Wiccan rite=

clearing of the space for the rite

casting a circle

calling the quarters

inviting the presence of the gods

then depending on the rite:

either invocation of the deity/ies

or just the working (magical process - such as raising energy dancing cone of power etc)

whatever at that point

then is the great rite either actual or simulated (ritualized)

then closing

all the above in reverse

in the wiccan rite the invocation of deity is in the wrong location instead of being first or really it should be second on this list

for best results attempt it as usual with my suggestion of rearranging the order and note your results




How To Read The Akashic Records

22:42 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 691

To Read in The Akaskic Records:

while you lie in your bed at night and all is quite

relax (see my TM and Clearing Article)

and mentally travel (allow your consciousness to go) into the blackness of THE VOID (just imagine an empty space bathed in total darkness)

clear your mind of all thoughts and random ramblings

except the blackness of the void

while in this state

ask questions ...

there are RULES that are advisable ...but I leave that to your own descretion

rule #1

the universal lang is of course symbols

the very first thought, feeling, image u receive is the answer to ur question no matter how bizarre it may seem

always remember that in the akasha there is no such thing as time or space

the Akasha is both TIMELESS AND SPACELESS!!!!!!


time is of no consiquence

that is how we can learn about such things as Alantis, Mu, Leng, etc

you will get the answers either by an image, a feeling, or a thought..........or even a combo of these


not the after-thought

Student Question:

"something like Hieroglyphic?"

yes very good that is a great example of the universal lang

rule #2

do not attempt to look at your own past lives

because u will have to suffer the karma again

rule #3

one must be cautious as to how one frames their questions (much thought needs be employed as this is the most critical part in this operation)

By: Ohoil Highadder




TM and Emptying

20:03 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 693

at night before sleep as you lay in your bed

lay flat on your back and take deep breathes (into the abdomen) say about 7

and exhale totally each one

mentally WILL your muscles to relax one by one starting with your feet











face (most impotant)

and don't forget your head

once all your muscules are quite relaxed and you will have to WILL them to do this as they will not want to


after you have accomplished this

allow yourself to sink down into your bed as if you are sinking into the earth

once you get down just drift down as much or as little as seems best to you

you can also change what you are drifting through be it earth, water, fire, air or just darkness its your choice and as you grow in things you will see the value in this

you can also drift down through colors or even combinations of things depending on what your trying to accomplish

anyway back to topic of Anxiety

once you are down where you intuitivaly know you are to be

then begin thinking about the day that has just past and allow these images, feelings, thoughts to just fade away into the blackness of the void

see them dissolve





15:37 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 701

This practice is very ancient and is used as a sacrifice (like fasting and various abstinence practices in order to attract "the spirits") it was practiced by many cultures around the globe such as the Greeks, the Aztecs (a bloody lot indeed), the Cherokee would prior to festivals and prayers go to a cold running stream and with bone combs scrape their flesh until it bled then they would begin their fasting (usually 7 days) with meditating and praying. The practice of blood-letting is still being practiced today but not on the scale it was in former gernerations.




Blood Magic

15:35 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 703

I would first like to explain what it is and why it is so useful, for the proper applications.

Blood magic is any spell or ritual that involves the use of blood in any form. (Even the Christian rite uses blood as the bases of its power, although it is an alchemical process or magical process.)

Why is it so useful? The blood like all mummia is an actual connection with the being that was the source of the blood. Blood correspondes to the Akasha, and is an actual physical manifestion of the Akasha.

[I trust that most will know what the Akasha is and how it relates to all things - if in doubt please ask I'll be happy to clearify it as this is not the proper post for it.]

I have used blood magic for many years and have used it countless times for various purposes. Both fresh and preserved (be it rancid or in concoction). When I have had access to the fem moon blood I have used it as well (remember that this type of bl is not the same thing as the living bl as, if informed you realize what it actually is: the shedding of the wall of the uterus due to the lack of fertilization of the egg, in preparation for the next egg to await fertilization) this therefore gives many ideas as to its proper use.

The easiest and least discomforting way to acquire the bl is to use a tool the diabetics use to prick the finger. This can also be used for blood-letting.

As for animal blood this is a slightly different matter, not that it is less powerful but a different energy - but still the Akasha.

The proper procedure for animal sacrifice is:

Take a healthy and whole live animal that you own and mystically place the attributes desired (the purpose of the sacrifice) into the head of the animal. After implanting the attribute into the animal's head and reinforcing it through repeated charging. Bleed the animal by cutting the juggular and chatching the blood in a specially prepared vessel used only for this purpose. This collected blood is then the offering and is desposed of in a manner that correspondes to either the being involved, the type of request, or whatever may be agreed upon between sacrificer and being. This could entail many different avenues of recourse, such as: pouring into running water, burning it in an open fire, buring it in the earth, or even evoporating it an open vessel either through the action of the Sun or through the use of heat. Also, the blood could be used to anoint the sacrificer and/or various tools that have to do with the request.

[Note: the ancient practice of sprinkeling the bl on worshipers and various items, like the altar, etc.; Is a statment of the tie between them and the being involved and is a badge of promise.]

[note: on the specific attributes let me say that animal sacrifice is normally used as an offering to a being. Along the lines of the Nordic Rune Gebo "G" in the form of an "X" and represents the idea of "Gift" and by extension means "Gift-for-a-Gift" as understood by the Germanic Tribes. Therefore, when implanting the attributes/desires in the animal one need keep this in mind - you are exchanging what you own for what the particular being may give you in return.]


When practicing any type of blood magic keep these precepts in mind.

Never cast a spell or any type of working for another person useing your own blood. Unless you are perfectly happy paying the heavy cost karmically for anything they do with your energy. Not advisable!

When casting any spell using the blood of another person be EXTRA careful what you do with it as there is an automatic symapathetic bond between the blood and its owner as this is the physical manifestion of their Akashic Principle. It is possible to cause unwanted harm to them through it which would cause a karmic debt that is undesirable.

Regarding animal sacrifice: this practice can be very dangerous indeed as what you are actually doing is forming a pact with the being in question. That is the reason the ancients did not practice it but a few times a year to any particular being (and in most cases one time a year per being). What happens is this: the sarcificer ends up becoming dependant on said being and this is a bad thing as far as ones spiritual ascent is concerned. It is very good that this is a temporary pact and is a pact for the particular purpose indicated. The sacrifice must match in quality and quantity to the favor requested or there will be a balance due status left over. This is always paid in working for said being. The proper way to proceed is to forgo this proceedure and work on your own ascent. Once you reach the point in your ascent that you have a true ability to unit with deity all beings will perform for you without the use of these crude methods.

There are many things that I could say about all this and I hope it is plain and understandable. If there are any questions please feel free to contact me.




For any magical working

03:21 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 707

I. Mental Body:

A. External Nourishment - through the senses = Proper Surroundings.

B. Internal Nourishment - through thoughts, wishes, imagination and ideas = Creative Visualization.

C. The quantitative (magical) form is the amount.

1. The quantitative form has its effects through its intensity.

D. The qualitative (mystical) form are their attributes.

1. The qualitative (mystical) form has its effects through its purity (clarity).

II. Astral Body:

A. External Nourishment - Through breathing ( the electromagnetic energy is inhaled) = Conscious Breathing.

1. The qualitative (mystical) form is the ability to accumulate all thoughts and ideas

a. Which through constant repetition express themselves through character traits.

B. Internal Nourishment - Through the element-substance of the physical nourishment = Eucharist (Conscious Eating/Drinking).

1. The quantitative (magical) form of the astral matter is the astral-element-substance.

C. The quantitative (magical) form of the astral body and the mental body represents itself in the astral sphere and mental sphere by

1. Expressing itself externally through the intensity of your character.

D. The qualitative (mystical) form of the astral body and the mental body

1. expesses itself externally through your astral and mental aura.

III. Physical Body:

A. External Nourishment - through nourishment and breathing (at the same time you breathe in the physical electromagnetic fluid) = Eucharist (Conscious Eating/Drinking).

1. The quantitative (magical) form of the physical electromagnetic fluid

a. expresses itself through total health, perfect vitality and a surplus of vital energy.

Proper Surroundings [Set the stage] = Water (magnetic)

Creative Visualization = Fire (Electric)

Conscious Breathing [and Speaking]= Air (Nuetral)

Eucharist (Conscious Eating/Drinking) = Earth (Electromagnetic)

Qualitative (mystical) charge = ONLY when 1 thought, wish, imagination, idea.

When you connect Vital Energy to your thought, wish, imagination, idea it is qualitative and quantitative.




Creation of Elementals/Constructs

02:49 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 708

I. Given a shape which correspondes to the wish

A. Through intensive imagination

II. The shape must be given a name

III. It's task has to be impressed through the will & the power of the imagination

A. The order given must contain the effect it should trigger

1. In the form of an order

2. In the present tense

IV. Contiuous or limited effect

A. Efficacy has to be impressed upon the elemental

Imagine an immense ocean of light

Form this into a sphere

Condense until approximately 12-20cm (like the sun!)

Impregnate with wish & firm conviction that it possesses the particular energy & abilty


Determine time limit "You are effective in the mental sphere of _______

until _________ is completely in possession of __________" or simular

Send to task

Sever thinking of elemental

Recharge = recall renewed by accumulation of light then send again

Dissilution proceedure = dissolve into ocean of light again

Elemental can:

influence the thoughts of another person

weaken/strengthen menal/intellectual powers of a person

protect yourself/others from foreign/negative influences

change friends into enemies

change enemies into friends

create favorable atmosphere while dealing with others

make any human spirit subject to your will

increase your circle of customers

etc. etc.




Other Supplications

01:42 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 711

by: Highadder Ophoil


"Have the Agathodaimones not expanded thee thy breast? And removed from thee thy burden that which did gall thy back? ----- And raised high the esteem in which we are held? So verily, with every difficulty, there is relief: Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Therefore, when thou art free, still labor hard, and to the Gods turn all thy attention.


"I seek refuge with the Gods of the Sun: From the mischief of created things; From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; From the mischief of those who are our enemies; And from the mischief of the envious as they practice envy."


"To thee we have granted the Fountain. Therefore, to the Gods turn in supplication and sacrifice. For they who hate us -- They will be cut down!"


"When comes the help of the Gods, and victory, and thou do see the people enter the Brood in crowds, celebrate the praise of the Gods, and pray for their direction: for they are often returning."

Resurrection of the Sun

"O God, as the returning Sun passes through the quarters, through the Earth, through the multitude of the Waters, and resurrects above as the Risen Sun, over the Earth, so resurrect me by this sign of thy Cross of the Sun (equal armed cross)."

Resurrection of the Sun 2

"O God, as the returning Sun passes through the quarters cutting through to the Aether, so resurrect me, O _________(name of Deity) by this sign of thy Cross (as above)."

There are many more choices here, so if like just ask and we will see about providing you with additional supplications.




Conscious Breathing

19:36 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 714

When you transfer a thought, idea or concept into the air you are about to inhale, the akasha principle of that air accepts the thought and passes in on to the element of Air through the electric and magnetic energies.

When this is inhaled the electromagnetic energy charged with the idea passes through the bloodstream, through the astral matrix (silver cord) to the astral body, which reflects it through the mental matrix (silver cord) to the immortal spirit.

The quantity of air inhaled is not as important as the quality in respect to the idea which you place into it.

Get comfortable, relax your entire body and breathe through your nose. Imagine that with the air you inhale __________, and that it passes through your body.

Imagine so intensively that the air which you inhale is impregnated with your wish that it has already become a reality.

Start with 7 breaths of air 2 times a day. Increase by 1 breath each day.

DO NOT CHANGE WISHES! Keep the same one until you have success.

Do Not exceed 30 minutes at a time. Ten minutes 2 times day is sufficent.



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