07:08 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 1,769
: They control the internet, but can they help you lead a better life? Here's their ten top tips
WE ONCE worshipped cats. It is said they have never forgotten this. But have we failed to learn the vital life lessons they have tried to teach us?
With the world awash in self-help books preaching at us on how to find more time for ourself, reduce stress and generally be more satisfied in life, the answer may already be there - purring alongside you.
Animal behaviourists, creativity consultants and even the Dalai Lama are convinced.
Will you be?
Here are 10 lessons that could help lead you to a purrfect lifestyle.
It's not all about the finest furs. It's about being happy in your own skin. Source: Supplied
1) IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE: Have you ever met a cat that isn't quietly confident in its supremacy? But it doesn't need to boast. It knows it can handle everything. Therefore, you do too.
"Everything in life is neutral, it's our attitude that brings the meaning," creativity consultant and behavioural observer Kristina Dryzasaid. "People make their presence known by their attitudes and while invisible as such, they're definitely noticed and commented upon so rock your attitude."
Walk softly. Roar loudly. Source: Supplied
2) IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, SAY IT RIGHT: When it comes to influencing others, it's not what you say - It's how you say it. Cats picked up on this one eons ago. That loud purr - while an outward display of affection - really holds a strong undertone of urgency that is both irritating and appealing at the same time.
According to Karen McComb of the University of Sussex, such "solicitation'' purrs and meows are carefully vocalised at the same sound frequency as a human baby's cry. How can we ignore it? Take care to pitch your messages well.
Focus on one thing at a time. Don't try and do everything at once. Source: Supplied
3) DO SOMETHING, NOT MANY THINGS: Cats, in many ways, are the antithesis of modern life. You never see them rushing down the street with a coffee in one hand, a mobile phone in the other with a dossier case clutched precariously under one arm.
"Cats are masters at regulating their lives. When they rest, they rest. When they play, they play. Whatever they do, they do with single-minded focus and commitment," Ms Dryza said.
Multitasking, therefore, is for the birds...
Find some space for yourself... by yourself. Source: Supplied
4) FIND SPACE TO FOCUS ON YOURSELF: When resting, down, or ill, don't be afraid to go it alone for a time. Cats create space and time around themselves to allow their bodies to heal through rest. `
"When you next have a cold, make sure you rest and let it work its way naturally through your system without using cold and flu tablets, which only disguise the symptoms. Instead of soldiering on, take the time to allow your body's own magic to heal itself,'' Ms Dryza said.
Don't forget me time... without distractions. Source: Supplied
5) FIND TIME FOR YOURSELF: Similar to the above, find time to enjoy yourself - by yourself. Whether it be walking in the sunlight, sitting on a good book or tackling a personal project, doing thing by yourself allows the parts of your mind usually devoted to interacting with others to rest and to wander. It is little wonder that these personal times often become eureka moments.
A Ptolemaic statue depicting Egyptian cat goddess Bastet which was found in the newly discovered remains of an ancient Greek temple dedicated to Bastet in Kom al-Dikka in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria. Source: AFP
6) BE YOUR OWN JUDGE: A cat doesn't focus much energy on wanting to be liked. Nor does it quickly attach itself to new people in a quest for approval.
"Take note from a cat's life: Only when you approve of yourself, will others,'' Ms Dryza said.
Keep your eyes on the goal. Don't get distracted. Source: Supplied
7) FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT, NOT WHAT YOU DON'T WANT: Stalking is a good thing! Well, in most cases. Like your cat, keep your eyes on the prize. Don't waste time with irrelevant impediments. They're an unproductive distraction. Be patient. Be persistent. And conserve your energy to strike when the time is right.
"Don't let indifference rule your life,'' Ms Dryza said. "Give your undivided attention to joy, not your worries and focus on the meaningful, not the meaningless.''
Appearances have as much impact on how you think of yourself as it does for others. Source: Supplied
8) PERSONAL GROOMING IS EVERYTHING: There's a well-known maxim that you adopt the personality of your uniform. Cats live this. Wear daggy trackies, you'll behave daggy. Wear crisp, clean business lines, you'll behave in a businesslike manner. Put on your party dress and you'll soon be purring along the catwalk.
Cats spend up to a third of their life grooming themselves to be perpetually at their best appearance. So dress to impress. At the very least, you'll feel much better in your own skin.
Life's about fun. So don't judge others, and they may not judge you back. Source: Supplied
9) FIND, AND BE, A NON-JUDGEMENTAL FRIEND: Everybody needs friends. But, for cats, it's about companionable silences, activities and compassion, not competition.
"Remember, disagreements are not forever,'' Ms Dryza said. "Transform any frustrations into acceptance and soften your judgments so compassion can prevail."
Reward worthwhile behaviour. But don't over-do it. Source: Supplied
10) GIVE POSITIVE FEEDBACK: There's no better way to motivate others, and to make yourself feel good in the process. Cats have it nailed. Their finely-tuned purr can convey several messages, but chief among them is broadcasting to everyone in the area its contentedness. And contentedness is catching. But don't overdo it. Give them just enough to want more.