know what you're thinking. You think I'm dead. Because you cannot see me with your human eye, cannot feel me with your hands or hold me in your arms, you think I am gone forever.
You recall how I looked when I left this place, and you cannot remotely imagine that I could possibly be alive in another place. You are racked and torn by the pain of our separation and it blinds you to that which is right in front of you... me..............
I'm here to tell you different. You were worthy of my love and undying devotion on earth as I of yours. Do you really believe this love would be snatched from us forever by a loving Creator simply because I wasn't human? Was I not a living, breathing creation with personality? How could I have been so if I didn't possess the energy of soul, spirit and loving light? And if this energy is and always will be, then how can it be that I am dead?
You say that all you have left are memories. Not so. You see, when I took leave of my earthly body I left a little something behind for you. You can't touch it, hold it or examine it for what I left behind is far too uninhibited for confinement. I left behind a piece of my soul. I placed it right next to your own which is quite fitting as we were always side by side in our earthly life together. I love you too much to have left you with nothing but memories, which tend to fade and grow cloudy as the years go by.
I love you too much to have vanished without a trace. How selfish it would be of me to remove love and light from your life.
I understand your tears, each one you shed is testament to your love for me and I am honored and humbled. But don't forget the good things we shared - remember and smile. This is an honor for me as well. And when you need me I will be here. Close your eyes, relax, take slow, deep breaths and picture me in your mind. Shut off the world and your notions of what death is and give me a chance. Look for the subtle signs I send you. Don't stop being proud of me, I am a friend to be proud of, I am still your friend and soul mate.
Don't memorialize the death of my body but instead honor and celebrate my never-ending life for it is eternal and forever as is my love for you.
Until we meet again...
Author Unknown
(Passage from UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN)
So do not grieve for me,
my friend As I am with my kind.♥
My collar is a rainbow's hue
My leash is a shooting star ♥
My boundaries are the milky way
Where I sparkle from afar. ♥
There are no pens or kennels here
For I am not confined ♥
But free to roam God's heavens
Among my shepherd kind.♥
I nap the day on a snowy cloud
And gentle breezes are rocking me ♥
I dream the dreams of earthling
And how it used to be.♥
The trees are full of liver treats
And tennis balls abound ♥
And milk bones line the walking ways
Just waiting to be found. ♥
There even is a ring set up
The grass all lush and green ♥
And everyone who gaits around
Becomes the "Best Of Breed". ♥
For we're all winners in this place
We have no faults you see ♥
And God passes out the ribbons
To each one--even me. ♥
I drink from waters laced with gold
My world a beauty to behold ♥
And wise old dogs do form my pride
To amble at my very side.♥
At night I sleep in an angel's arms
Her wings protecting me ♥
And moonbeams dance about us
As stardust falls on thee. ♥
So when your life on earth is spent
And you reach heaven's gate ♥
Have no fear of loneliness
For here, you know I wait. ♥
Author Unknown
Miss Me But Let Me Go
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no tears in a gloom-filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little – But not for long
And not with your head bowed low,
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me – But let me go.
For this is a journey we all must take,
And each must go alone,
It’s all a part of the Master’s plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to your friends that we know,
And bury your sorrows in doing good works,
Miss me – But let me go.
Perhaps if we could see the splendour of the land
To which our loved ones are called from you and me,
We’d understand
Perhaps if we could hear the welcome they receive
From old familiar voices all so dear
We would not grieve.
Perhaps if we could know the reason why they went
We’d smile and wipe away the tears that flow
We’d wait content
Miss me – But let me go
I'll lend to you for a little time,
A child of mine," God said,
"For you to love while she lives
And mourn for when she's dead."
"It may be six or seven years
Or twenty-two or three,
But will you till I call her back,
Take care of her for me?"
"She'll bring her charms to gladden you
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have these precious memories
To comfort you through grief."
"I cannot promise she will stay
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn."
"I've looked this world over,
In my search for teachers true.
In the crowds of this great land,
I have selected you."
"Now will you give her all your love
Not think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call
To take her back again?"
It seems to me I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joys a child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run."
"We'll shelter her with tenderness,
We'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known
Forever grateful stay."
"And should the angels call for her
Much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand."