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13:41 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,764
You will need the following items for this spell:
Some candles.
The candles you use can be colored in accordance with the following magical uses:
white: spirituality and peace.
red: health, energy strength, courage, sexual potency.
pink: love affection and romance.
yellow: intellectualism, imagination, memory and creativity
green: fertility, abundance, good luck and harmony
blue: inspiration, occult wisdom, protection and devotion
purple: material wealth, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism
silver: clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy and intuition
orange: ambition, career matters and the law.
Casting Instructions for 'Candle magic Spell'
Similar Spells
Witches Ladder
Memorial for Unborn Children
Candle magic
Wisp of Willow
Spell For Clear Skin
Sleep Well
Simple Healing Spell
Salt Power
Remote Healing
Relaxation Ritual
New Beginnings ritual kit
New Beginnings ritual kit
SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index
=>Health Spells
=>Healing Spells
One of the simplest of magical arts which comes under the heading of natural magic is candle burning. It is simple because it employs little ritual and few ceremonial artifacts. The theatrical props of candle magic can be purchased at any department store and its rituals can be practiced in any sitting room or bedroom.
Most of us have performed our first act of candle magic by the time we are two years old. Blowing out the tiny candles on our first birthday cake and making a wish is pure magic. This childhood custom is based on the three magical principals of concentration, will power and visualization. In simple terms, the child who wants his wish to come true has to concentrate (blow out the candles), visualize the end result (make a wish) and hope that it will come true( will power).
The size and shape of the candles you use is unimportant, although highly decorative, extra large, or unusually shaped candles will not be suitable as these may create distractions when the magician wants to concentrate on the important work in hand. Most magicians prefer to use candles of standard or uniform size if possible. Those which are sold in different colors for domestic use are ideal.
The candles you use of any type of magical use should be virgin, that is unused. Under no circumstances use a candle which has already adorned a dinner table or been used as a bedroom candle or night-light. There is a very good occult reason for not using anything but virgin materials in magic. Vibrations picked up by secondhand materials or equipment may disturb your workings and negate their effectiveness.
Some magicians who are artistically inclined prefer to make their own candles for ritual and magical use. This is a very practical exercise because not only does it impregnate the candle with your own personal vibrations, but the mere act of making your own candle is magically potent. Specialist shops sell candle wax and molds together with wicks, perfumes, and other equipment.
The hot wax is heated until liquid and then poured into the mold through which a suitably sized wick has already been threaded. The wax is then left to cool and once is this has occurred the mold is removed , leaving a perfectly formed candle. Special oil-soluble dyes and perfumes can be added to the wax before the cooling process is complete to provide suitable colors and scents for a particular magical ritual. Craft shops which sell candle making supplies can also provide do-it-yourself books explaining the technicalities of the art to the beginner.
Once you have purchased or made your ritual candle it has to be oiled or 'dressed' before burning. The purpose of dressing the candle is to establish a psychic link between it and the magician through a primal sensory experience. By physically touching the candle during the dressing procedure, you are charging it with our own personal vibrations and also concentrating the desire of your magical act into the wax. The candle is becoming an extension of the magician's mental power and life energy.
When you dress a candle for magical use, imagine that it is a psychic magnet with a North and a South pole. Rub the oil into the candle beginning at the top or North end and work downwards to the half-way point. Always brush in the same direction downwards. This process is then repeated by beginning at the bottom or south end and working up to the middle.
The best type of oils to use for dressing candles are natural ones which can be obtained quite easily. Some occult suppliers will provide candle magic oils with exotic names. If the magician does not want to use these, he can select suitable oils or perfumes from his own sources. The oils soluble perfumes sold by craft shops for inclusion in candles can be recommended.
The candles you use can be colored in accordance with the following magical uses:
white: spirituality and peace.
red: health, energy strength, courage, sexual potency.
pink: love affection and romance.
yellow: intellectualism, imagination, memory and creativity
green: fertility, abundance, good luck and harmony
blue: inspiration, occult wisdom, protection and devotion
purple: material wealth, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism
silver: clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy and intuition
orange: ambition, career matters and the law.
If you wanted to use candle magic for healing, you would select a red candle to burn. To pass an exam, burn a yellow candle, to gain esoteric knowledge burn a blue candle or for material gain, burn a purple one. It is obvious these colors relate to the signs of the zodiac and the planetary forces.
The simplest form of candle magic is to write down the objective of your ritual on a virgin piece of paper. You can use color paper which matches the candle. Write your petition on the paper using a magical alphabet, such as Theban, Enochian, Malachian, etc. As you write down what you want to accomplish through candle magic-- a new job, healing for a friend, a change of residence, a new love affair, etc.-- visualize your dream coming true. Visualize the circumstances under which you might be offered a new job, imagine your employer telling you that your salary has been increased or conjure up a vision of your perfect love partner.
When you have completed writing down your petition, carefully fold up the paper in a deliberately slow fashion. Place the end of the folded paper in the candle flame and set light to it. As you do this concentrate once more on what you want from life.
When you have completed your ritual, allow the candle to have completely burned away. You do not need to stay with the candle after the ritual, but make sure that is safe and that red-hot wax will not cause damage or fire. Never re-use a candle which has been lit in any magical ritual. It should only be used in that ritual and then allowed to burn away or be disposed of afterwards.
If you are conducting a magical ritual which involves two people (e.g. an absent healing for a person some distance away) then the second person can be symbolically represented during the ritual by another candle. All you need to do is find out the subject's birth date and burn the appropriate candle for that zodiacal sign. These are as follows:
13:21 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,766
You will need the following items for this spell:
A blessed Sharpie, pen or marker -- Something permanent and black.
A mirror. -- Any size will work, a pocket mirror, wall mirror, big mirror, small mirror, even a makeup mirror.
A simple craft. Make a magickal, healing mirror to target aches, pains and injuries
Casting Instructions for 'Create A Healing Mirror Spell'
First thing you should do is cleanse the mirror, wash it with pure water mixed with salt and nothing else. Purify it with your mind by meditating and using a object cleansing spell.
Once you've cleansed the mirror and blessed the pen, draw a Pentagram on the mirror, make it as perfect as you can. Then hold the mirror in your hands, closing your eyes and forcing the power of healing and positive energies.
Chant three times:
"Healing at its strongest
lasting for its longest
aches and pains that fall between
the pentagram written on this mirror
shall disappear by the Deities' will."
Use the mirror for pain whenever you need to by lining the pained area up to the mirror so it shows within the relfection, inside the pentagram drawn on it.
As you hold the mirror to the inflicted area, imagine a silver light reaching from the mirror and into the pained skin, healing it completely.
13:11 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,768
13:00 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,769
You will need the following items for this spell:
Your mind.
Similar Spells
Shape Clouds
Warning Spell
Instantly Load a Computer
Ariel Kannie Hastega
Improve Your Telekinesis
Easier Psi Ball
Fast like the wind
spell to get a new power
Don't touch
Blue Rings Protection Chant
Attract Soulmate
Ritual Kit
Attract Soulmate Ritual Kit
SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index
=>Spiritual Spells
=>Force Spells
What to do: Relax. Close your eyes and visualize an intense beautiful pristine white light above your head. Draw this light down, knowing it is the element of spirit. Let it flow through and around you totally covering your energy. As it swirls around you, all negativity and unhealthy energy is transmuted into positive healthy energy. Visualize this well. After that, visualize the element of Spirit swirl around you again but this time if forms a sphere of light around you. This sphere is so bright but it doesn't hurt to look at it. Visualize and know that it will stay with and around you, protecting you and constantly transmuting negative vibration to positive ones. Let it make you stronger through both the good and the bad, as the bad transmutes to good. Visualize this sphere of protection for 5 minutes.
12:58 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,770
"Dust in the Wind"
Creature of fire and creature of air, take this circle into your care. Creature of water and
creature of earth, hold us, protect us, grant us rebirth.
Cast the Circle
The Circle is cast. We
stand between the worlds.
EAST: Guardians of the eastern watchtower, spirits of air, creatures of thought and
communication, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril approaching from the east.
Guardians of the southern watchtower, spirits of fire, creatures of faith and will, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril
approaching from the south.
WEST: Guardians of the western watchtower, spirits of water, creatures of dreams
and emotion, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril approaching from the west.
NORTH: Guardians
of the northern watchtower, spirits of earth, creatures of strength and endurance, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all
peril approaching from the north.
CENTER: Guardians of the central watchtower, spirits above and below, the spirit
of humanity, creatures of identity, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril from within.
Invoke the
Goddess: Great Mother, by your thousand names we call upon you. Persephone, Queen and Mother of the Dead, we ask that you
witness this rite.
Invoke the God: Horned One, by your thousand names we call upon you. Hades, King and Father
of the Dead, we ask that you witness this rite.
Drawing Down the Goddess: We call upon the goddess of perfect
Love, who purifies the seas in which worlds are born, and brings to flood and ebb the rivers flowing beneath all manifest being. Behold
now in her Image, crowned with the deepest glory of the sunset, robed in blue and green and silver. We call upon the Goddess who
sets the stars in motion upon the endless mirror of night. Behold her now, Lady of the silver Wheel, crowned with silver and crystal,
robed in deepest black. As Guardian of the Deepest Mysteries of Death and Birth she opens now the Way, and fills the Circle with her
blessing, her power, and the unseen presence. Listen...listen for her heartbeat. Feel her warm and gentle breath as she enters the
circle. Be still, and listen.
The Goddess speaks: I am the Dark Mother. I am the Blood
Mother. I am the Queen of all Creation, and I am the Guardian of the Graveyard. I have given birth to planets, to stars, to entire
galaxies. All that is may call me Mother. Yet I have also birthed the empty husks of dead worlds, and seen the lightless voids in the
universe where my children did not thrive. I have known the pain of losing a child unborn, or unconcieved, or of watching the dead
body of my child emerge from between my thighs. My heart has stopped suddenly when I realized that my newborn child's cries had
stopped. I, who am the Mother of all - I who am the Great Goddess - have cried bitter tears over the loss of my children. And to you
who have shared in such loss, I say this: YOU DID NOT KILL YOUR CHILD!
Your seed is not poisonous... Your
womb is not a house of death.
Your child's life ended before it was truly begun. But you did not kill your child.
There is no blame. You gave all you could to your child, and now the child is gone. You did nothing wrong. The child did nothing wrong.
There is no blame.
Every parent, even before the birth of the child, has dreams for the child, hopes of how the
child will be treated and how the child will treat others. And each parent has a storehouse of love for each child.
time you may find that your hopes and dreams, dulled by pain and disappointment, will fade. But do not let that love
Do not do as others may tell you, and give this love to your other children. Do not do as others may tell you
and dedicate this love to the creative works of your hands and of your mind. This love is a gift your child has given to you; use it
wisely. Do not waste it where it is not needed. Save and cherish this love as love for yourself. Love your body, your mind, your soul.
Learn to accept yourself. For the sake of your child, love yourself.
Look to the stars at night and know that they
are your brothers and sisters. They know your grief, and will help you bear your anger and fear. Look to the Sun and see the bright
face of the Lord of Light; He will always be there to warm you against the shivering cold of loss. Look to the Moon and see Me; I will
always be there to share your sorrow and to hold you when the pain is too much.
But look, too, within yourself,
to find the God and Goddess within you, and to find the love that makes you whole. Feel the fullness of all the love you have within
you. And know that your child loves you still.
Light Candle
flowers in your hands: These flowers are a representation of my love for you, my child. I give them freely unto the earth, the sun and
the moon in appreciation for this love. I will hold it near to me always.
Bury the flowers in the
Hold the stone in your hand: This stone is a representation of my unborn child. There is no life in this stone,
yet as I surround this child with the warmth of the earth, life is reborn. My child will live on.
Bury the stone in the
Chant (begun slowly): In balance with the moon and the sun and the earth
To my soul and
body I will give rebirth.
Take time now to reflect on your feelings. Let all the pain go and fill your heart with love
and happiness for the rebirth of your child.
Great Goddess and Horned God, I give my child back to you. I will no
longer hold the pain of her loss in my heart as you have taken that from me as well. I hold now joy for her rebirth into your
EAST: Spirits of the east, we thank you for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of thought and
communication with which you have endowed this circle. Go in peace.
SOUTH: Spirits of the south, we thank you
for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of faith and will with which you have endowed this circle. Go in
WEST: Spirits of the west, we thank you for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of love and
compassion with which you have endowed this circle. Go in peace.
NORTH: Spirits of the north, we thank you for
your presence here tonight and for the qualities of patience and strength with which you have endowed this circle. Go in
CENTER: Spirits of the center, bright spark of the self, we thank you for giving us the wisdom, the will, the
love, and the patience to partake of the energy of this circle.
Great Mother, we thank you for your love and
understanding. Be with us always.
Horned One, we thank you for your strength and compassion. Be with us
Take down the circle.
The circle is open, yet unbroken. Go with love in your
Keep the candle as a reminder of this ritual and burn it whenever pain seeps back into your heart for the
loss you have suffered. Place the pot of earth, stone and flowers where the light of the moon and sun may shine upon it, or bury it in
the earth near to your home.
12:23 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,772
12:17 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,773
You will need the following items for this spell:
-lavender in any form
-chamomile tea
Casting Instructions for 'a good night's rest Spell'
Similar Spells
Witches Ladder
Memorial for Unborn Children
Candle magic
Wisp of Willow
Spell For Clear Skin
Sleep Well
Simple Healing Spell
Salt Power
Remote Healing
Relaxation Ritual
New Beginnings ritual kit
New Beginnings ritual kit
SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index
=>Health Spells
=>Healing Spells
-If you have lavender in a liquid form, dab a small amount of it on your pillow
-If your lavender is in a solid form, place a small amount on the inside of your pillow so it is where you place your head.
NOTE: lavender is good for falling asleep and overall quality of sleep
-Set some water on to boil for your chamomile tea. Do not use sugar, even if you are a sweet tooth!
NOTE: chamomile is good for sleeping, stress, and minor pains
-sit on your bed in cross-legged or criss-cross position (yes, these are different)
-criss-cross is how one sits on a rug in kindergarten. Cross-legged is a formal yoga and meditation position, but since it is hard for some people, criss-cross is fine.
-breath in and out, feeling the life flow in to as you breath in, and your muscles relax as you breath out.
-if you having any stress and/or nagging thoughts, imagine them as a black smoke that you breath out as you exhale, and imagine a white, glowing, healing smoke that you breath in.
-As the healing smoke fills your lungs, feel your lungs cleaning what is already pure, making the glow even brighter and warm as it flows through your veins
-think of your self sitting on a large and comfortable tree stump in a warm and sunny woodland area
- see the sunlight pour in through the leaves and needles, breathe in he scent of fresh young ferns and moist rich soil
-hear the song birds singing and flittering about in the trees
-continue to sit in your warm woodland setting until the kettle goes off, in which you should then finish making your sugarless tea(the sugar will just keep you up)
-inhale the warm white steam of the tea as you wait for it to cool down.
-smell the chamomile, and even if the smell wears off on you eventually, it will still be calming you down.
-drink your tea placidly, meditating along the way.
-now you've finished your tea and gone to bed, as your lying there, breathe in and out healing yourself with your breath.
-feel each muscle individually relaxing, slowly until you are completely relaxed and you feel as if you cannot move, nor want to.
-imagine your self on an empty beach, it is dusk out and comfortably warm.
-:you are lying in the sand, you can feel each grain shift to fit your resting form perfectly. you are near the edge of the shore and you can feel the soft, clear, and warm water flowing back and forth over your feet and calves.
-if you find this setting unpleasing, you can change it to whatever you want, remember to enjoy in detail and feel at peace with yourself.
-your mind
11:28 Apr 20 2013
Times Read: 1,774
11:29 Apr 19 2013
Times Read: 1,789
Casting Instructions for 'Blessed Bath and Ridding yourself of Bad/Negative Energies Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Bath Tub
Sea Salt
1 Green Candle (For Healing and Renewing)
Incense (Any that makes you feel relaxed)
Paper (Optional)
Green Marker (Optional)
Runes (Optional)
First thing you do, fill your bathtub with Warm Water.
(Optional): With the Green Marker, Draw a Pentagram on the Paper, and put the Appropriate Runes, Sowilo Rune on Top point for Spirit, Wunjo Rune on Right Point for Water, Fehu Rune on lower right point for Fire, Ehwaz Rune on lower Left point for Earth, and Ansuz Rune on left point for Air.
Place Green candle in the Center of the Pentagram (if being used) otherwise, place it anywhere. Set up your incense stick anywhere in your bathroom.
Next thing you do, Light the insence, and light the Candle. Take the sea salt, give thanks to Mother Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit Chant:
Bless this Sea Salt, Bless this Bath, Cleanse my body of all negative Energies, Heal my spirit and renew it, Blessed Be.
Envision a glowing light around the sea salt, go over to your bathtub and sprinkle the salt all throught your bath water saying: Bless this bath, Bless my spirit, Blessed Be. and while doing so, envision a light all around your bath water.
Step in, relax, medittate if you wish, submerge your entire body in the water and enjoy your bath. Once you have finished, you should feel relaxed, full of energy and cleansed of all negative energy.
11:26 Apr 19 2013
Times Read: 1,790
Casting Instructions for 'fire blast Spell'
Similar Spellsput your hands together in a prayer formation.
close your eyes and take several deep breaths.
picture flames shooting from your hand.
on the last breath instead of breathing out shoot out fire while thrusting your dominate hand out in front of you.
11:18 Apr 19 2013
Times Read: 1,791
Casting Instructions for 'Rite of Transformation: Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Incense (of your choosing)
Fire (a candle even)
Start by purifying the space, using a blend of incense. During this time you could cast a disir circle for protection and warding. Invoke the deity of your choice, and state the intent of the journey. For example With Freyjas help, and the use of smoke and flames, I will step into the fire of transformation and the Volva spirit will be awoken inside of me... Be very clear and specific when stating your intent and goal. If you are asking something of the specific deity, be sure to state what your offering will be in return (which is considered polite in this context).
Use the incense to create a wall of smoke. This can be done by getting a large amount of incense and lining them up on the floor. Be wary of your smoke alarms depending on the amount you use. Some like a dramatic flair. Behind the smoke wall, add flames. This can simply be a candle of your choosing, or if you are outside, a small fire. After this is done, enter an altered state of consciousness. This is trancework, and critical to the process. It is a very personal thing, and can be achieved in a variety of ways, which is up to you. When you have achieved this, step through the smoke wall.
Once through, sit, and examine the flame. The flame is the gateway, and you are to visualize it growing, expanding, until it is large enough that it consumes you. The transformation can occur in a variety of ways. Visualize yourself being burnt and reborn from the fire. Visualize yourself stepping into the fire, and returning with gifts, or whatever your original goal and intent was. Let the deities and wights lead you through this part. When you feel that this is done, use what is known as the call back trigger, or the sound to bring you back to awareness within yourself. Step back through the smoke wall, and thank the deity you called upon. End the rite.
11:08 Apr 19 2013
Times Read: 1,792
14:03 Apr 18 2013
Times Read: 1,793
14:01 Apr 18 2013
Times Read: 1,794
14:10 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 1,799
07:22 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 1,800
07:18 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 1,801
07:15 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 1,802
07:11 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 1,803
09:25 Apr 15 2013
Times Read: 1,807
08:51 Apr 13 2013
Times Read: 1,816
08:38 Apr 13 2013
Times Read: 1,819
08:36 Apr 13 2013
Times Read: 1,820