hmm, i have been going through profiles and i wonder why there are people here who are against vampires, goths, etc. i mean don't they have enough fun poking fun at us in our daily lives why must they roam where we call home?
i am not one to put down people for what they believe and everyone has their opinion and they are entitled to it...
although this rather displeases me, i am a rather easy going person so i must sit back and giggle a bit. as they so choose to lead a brainwashed normal life, i am happy here in my open-minded free-thinking little world. they can have their organized religion and normaility...
i much prefer the delights of my twisted little world...~My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others!~ indeed the marquis says it best.
a fellow vr friend has asked me a rather confusing question and i would like to clarify something about myself. Not only for him, but for me as well.
From a young age, around 8 or so, I have been very interested in the supernatural and witchcraft. However, I still believe in God. Some people would say that this is contradicting and in some ways I agree. I believe that there is a God, yes...but I also believe there are many other Gods and Goddesses depending on what religion you follow. I am not a Christian or any other type of organized religion following God because there is too much bickering between what religion is right and wrong. To me, if you believe in one man, or one woman, whichever God may be, why must any religion you choose to follow be right or wrong.
It does not show through my skin, but I still have close ties to Native American beliefs...this probably explains my love for Wicca. From what I have read Wiccans have close ties to nature and all it's beings human or animal, so did the Native Americans.
I know that I have many beliefs in what the main stream calls "superstitious" religions, but I also believe in God. I am not here to push my beliefs on anyone, nor will I change them for anyone unless I see fit to change. I just thought maybe this could help myself, as well as others understand where I am coming from.
I have many different beliefs and many different philosophies on life, it's all of what makes me different from the next person. I am here at Vampire Rave to make new friends and explore a little bit deeper into the world of supernatural I love. And share a little bit of me with the rest of you...
And with that being said, I hope I haven't confused anyone and please if you still have questions or comments feel free to message. All I ask is to keep an open mind and I always have an open mind. After all, everyone here is a misunderstood soul and we all need a little openes after the "normal" realm has tried for centuries to shut us down.
first of all, i am a single mom of a beautiful bratty little girl named emily. she is my world. second of i love animals especially cats and dogs come in at a close second.
my musical tastes are ecletic at best and i really love the doors, nirvana, marilyn manson, lacuna coil, and hinder just to name a few.
my beliefs and philosophies are differ very much from the mainstream. although i believe in God, i still find many religions such as Wicca, Buddha, Pagans, and others very interesting. i believe in karma and reincarnation. i love to have conversations with people that are interesting and inspire alot of thinking...i leave the goofing off and some more serious convos. to my near and dear closet friends.
i don't have many dislikes only these:
never be fake with me or anyone else. you only hurt yourself when you act fake. nobody likes fakers.
2nd, i dislike girls who want to be like paris or britney. granted they must be doing something right to make a lot of money, they whine and blame their problems on everyone else instead of putting blame where blame should be placed...themselves. if you act like a whore expect to be treated like one.
indeed i could go on for hours about what i like and dislike, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask...only if you can carry on a good conversation and don't act fake. then we shall get along fine.
indeed this has been my first day at vr. a special thanks goes to vladimir locke for referring me. without him, i would not have found vampire rave...ok im sure eventually i would have found it, but i wouldn't have been as interested in vampire rave as i am now. i have met some wonderful people so far, and soon i shall become a subscriber for life because vampire rave is where i want to be.
for those of you who have rated me, i thank you and soon with vladimir's help my profile will have more to it. for now, i will leave another journal entry to let you folks know just a little bit more about me.