sticks and stone my break my bones but whips and chains excited me.
i will worship my god and never put anything or anyone before him. i will pray to him three times a day. sometimes u have to find the noe thing or person u care about and worship them. make them feel really good and always give thanks to them. so what if people judge u because in their own way the are worshiping something to.
the death has left me alone for now. but he will be back. i quess he feels that i own him for cheating death on more than one time. i quess u can say i have some kind of force on my side. but everything that is good always gose bad in the end. but this time i have a friend on my side and it not god but my own god. one can tell me he will forsake me either. so if some people read this and don't agree with it i don't really care. these are my words and no can take them from me.
death on a white horse has come into my life and won't leave. every time something gose good in my life death comes and takes it away. i can't take it anymore and my mental state isn't helping either. pretty soon i think i might let him take me.
death rides on a white horse bringing chaos and destruction where ever he gose. he only leaves dead bodies for the rest to clean up. no one is safe from he grip. the only ones that stay alive are the ones who plan too serve him. but in the end he will release his chaos and destruction and rage on them. i should know because everynite in my nightmares he come for me. pretty soon i will not be able to escape his chaos and destruction.