I don't really know to be honest; maybe because I have always had this world in my head where I was a full blood vampire, with black and green natural hair, and have friends who are full bloods but also turned my school friends in to vampires as well. The thought of having skin pale as snow, fangs sharp as razor blades, seductive eyes, a personality dark and mysterious it keeps the seeker wanting to find more about me. Being super strong and super fast and having a thirst for blood and being really thin basically all excites me. There would be no turning back and I am ready to give this mortal life up for a eternal one.
Everyday of my life I do the same thing, wake u, get ready for school but only twice a week go to cadets but no matter what or where I or do I always get bullied. People call em names because I like different things and I find the vampire way of life so interesting. My so called friends always make fun of me - even though they say they are joking. My boyfriend says things about me behind my back - I have been told - and I don't if I want to carry on with our relationship. I always have this little world in my mind where I am this vampire, who is skinny, pale, have sharp fangs, blood red lips, colour changing eyes, basically everything a vampire has. The side of me which I never want anyone else to see his built up over the years by my anger. I lose my temper with people a lot - not with my family, friends or boyfriend obviously. Just the other day, I turned around and dropped a bully because I was sick of it and I end up suffering the consequences. I want to be a vampire so I can change, so I can be the girl I have always wanted to be not some pathetic anti social goth kid who everyone despises. I want to be a vampire, someone who everyone finds mysterious and dark but also attractive.