black hair, brown hair, blond hair, red hair Who gives a fuck the hair color of the person you are with should not matter. people say that people with certain hair colors are freakier then others ummmm ... BULLSHIT!!!! when you hear guys say s**t like that and they have a girl friend and you know all that good stuff it make you kind of question how you are.
i have seen chicks with black or blond hair be freakier then ones with brown or red hair. so guys that are like that keep thinking what you want the hair color don't mean shit k? ok
hmmmm 5 am and not tired wow that really sucks when i got to clean in the morning. i think tomorrow we are celebrating my dads birthday we are going to play circle of death and i can not wait either tomorrow or wed either one well i am not getting any sleep
15:23 May 05 2010
i sorry baby i should keep my mouth shut at times im sorry
04:00 May 29 2010
its ok it just it really hurt me to hear that i mean i don't know how many times i heard red head this and red head that it makes me hate every red head and i don't know it just hurt is all i love you