remeber that friend i lost ghost yeah this guy(justin) won't date me b/c i told him that i can't stop thinking about Ghost he says if you can't think about me than i want nothing to with you. FUCK!!!! why are men such ass holes Ghost was my family he was there when i needed him now i am getting bitched at b/c i care about him, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? watever, as my dad says lifes a bitch and than you marry one.....well now i now why i hate me so very much.
i lost a friend saturday night, his name was ghost or james but we mainly called him ghost. he was a great guy and i loved him as if he were family, i will miss him but i shall never forget him and all he did for me.
omg i found this great guy today and i hope he isn't like the others, i really hope he and i date b/c that would rock out loud. but i'm going to get my hopes up b/c everytime i do i get hurt. and i die inside evertime.
okay so i was a virgin right yeah then this guy acts like he really likes and doesn't want to hurt....well guess what ass hole you did, he never calls me anymore and won't return my emails, so you know wat i have thing to say to him FUCK YOU!!!! so if anyone reads this and wants a gurl who hates life to the fullest look me up!!!!
i am sitting in school right write a fucking paper for nothing. i would rather be outside smoking, then i would be going inside to get online and check my email, i have two different email addresses i have one on gothpassions where the people you email are people who an account with gothpassions.
today i am sittingin school all pissed off because last night my parents came into my romm while i was sleeping and check my room to see if i had any cigs hiding somewhere. lucky for me i woke up before they fond them, we got into an agrument about and now because they can't trust me not smoke around my borther i am "grouded" for a month. man FUCK THEM!!!!