Who the fuck cares if I'm been drinking a little more than "normal"? Considering all that I've been through that you basically ignore and trun around on my; you should be lucky that I'm not doing anything else.
Look, I'm not out of the house and I'm not driving anywhere. I know my limits; I'm not puking my heart out all over your over-expensive, ugly redecorated living room.
You audicious bitch! How dare you call me an acholic and threaten to call for reinforcemet to hlep you "save me from myself". Am I a walking study in demonology for you to call the reverend to perform an exorcism on me?!
I think that you're just jealous that I can do it and you can't. You're old ass is pissed because you're so sick and you can't do like you used to and waa waa waa. That's no excuse for you to spew your evil toxic horrid vemon on me simply because I'm here and you have no other scapegoat.
I've grown to loathe you.